Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

When those kobolds say ‘you no take candle’. They mean it.

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There’s a wide range of difficulties on retail, though, whereas on classic it’s only easy. :dracthyr_heart:

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oooh are “facebook opinions” taking over from “youtube/streamer influencers” now?

what was the age range of the people surveyed?
i didn’t see that mentioned.

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Well, us old people do use The Facebook these days. I’m pretty hip to it myself. I share all my racist memes with my homies.

Actually, I don’t touch it with a ten foot pole, I just wanted to say “The Facebook”.


Well, that wasn’t my reason. It is not difficult to roll my face on the keyboard as fast as I can in every aspect of the game, it just isn’t fun.

My Retail feral druid can roll into a village and just aoe the entire place down as fast as possible. No strategy required, no real fear of death, just smash buttons and it all dies. Same in the heroics and lower keys, it just isn’t fun.

Classic is a slower pace, you have to use a bit of scouting and strategy before rolling into a village. It makes you think, not just mindlessly smash buttons. Thats what makes the game fun, a real possibility of death with a LONG walk back if you do.

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Reads like a desperate recruitment post to get people to classic.

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I mean.

If you avoid difficult content in retail you are right?

I guess?

It doesnt matter what people say, its a troll thread. Using facebook as evidence, tagging button bloat on as the reason in place of difficulty which has many aspects to it.


I had enough classic in classic lol. I’ll stick top retail, myself /shrug


Can’t a guy just troll the troll anymore…

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This is why I FDK

Howling, DS, chains, RW, obliterate

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

As someone who played Enh Shaman back in Wrath, it was incredible.

I’m sure current enhancement feels nowhere as amazing as Wrath enhancement did.

That’s true for a lot of classes and specs, though. They were better in the past. Looking at you, Monks.

I play Hunter as my main. In Retail, Hunter is pretty braindead and doesn’t have to think much.

In Classic, Hunters have to think a lot. Traps aren’t placeable in combat, and you have a dead zone so kiting is a must unless you want to melee. Oh yeah, and melee weapons and abilities are an option, instead of just one spec. Also pet happiness and loyalty, pets weren’t just enslaved minions but you actually had to feed them and earn their trust.

Feed Pet is a 100% useless ability in retail for Hunters.

Just saying, retail has been watered down quite a bit, from a class perspective.

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Not entirely true. It’s not because of difficulty, it’s because of working harder for no additional gain. Same dopamine hits with less buttons = more attractive.

Button bloat is truly a thing.


So you playing enhancement incorrectly contributes to why you dislike it. Because you definitely don’t only press lightning bolt when primordial wave is up. I urge you to try playing the spec the correct way.

I check my mail on retail and can’t find anything compelling to do.

the first time I do something new its fun, then Ion tells me to do it a thousand times before I can continue.

I check my mail on classic, then after awhile i realize I’ve been playing for hours without realizing it…

go figure…


And how many people were part of this poll?

As part of the “older crowd,” I can’t stand 2 button boring rotations. I like all my buttons. ALL OF THEM. BRING IT ON.


yeah classic hardcore is not hard ,if you have a pulse the biggest enemy is actually your internet provider or the blizzard servers lol

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Pretty sure if Mist Classic is ever a thing I’ll be leaving Retail for good. I like new places and stories but I’m so, so tired of constant new systems. They can’t even keep things the same from patch to patch anymore. Everything so convoluted and overcomplicated for overcomplication sake.


Ice strike and Frost Shock being separate buttons are fine given they both generate Malstrom with hailstorm talented AND you press frost shock with hailstorm stacks on CD regardless if you used Ice Strike or not in single target since it gives you more malstrom gen across the whole of the fight. It shifts in AoE ofc to favoring a 10 Stack empowered Frost Shock.

As for the lightning bolt thing, there are times in which you want to pool your Elemental Blasts for you Wolves windows instead of just firing on CD but you need to spend malstrom in order to not overcap and generate hailstorm stacks for Frost Shock so will intentionally opt to use lightning bolt on single target outside of P-Wave. M+ ele build you’re gonna have Lava Burst on CD in single target bosses so how else are you going to spend your resources?

Sound like you just don’t know how Enhance works properly.

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I wont lie WoW retail has become a chore to maintain… Classic is pretty basic and feels good to play in general you don’t need 3 days of youtube research and another day of Addoin DL’s just to understand/keep track of how your class functions.

Raids and dungeons are straight forward, you learn a few mechanics and profit… You can do raids and dungeons with zero addons and be absolutely fine.