Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

Agreed. I may be older, but I’m still a lot better than I was in days of yore. The increase in apm doesn’t feel bad at all.


Well, 300k people like it, so that isn’t too shabby for an online game.

This comment here is pure gold.

I love these straw man rebuttals here, keep em coming!

OMG this is the same poster as this guy

Same achievements, same guild.

Have a Snickers man, you’re getting way too angry here.


I don’t think difficulty has anything to do with it at all. Classic just has more to do outside raiding because a lot of its “content” is community driven.

That’s why more people play classic, and why classic has more viewership outside the game. Tell me what would you rather watch, a large community hosted event in the open world, or some silent streamer mindlessly going through their Mythic key.

Retail outside of RP servers doesn’t have the same community driven gameplay that Classic does.

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But the slow from frost shock isn’t why you cast it.

I’m 43 and am playing retail. Classic has also had to merge servers when it already didn’t have as many servers due to population loss.

The whole “button bloat” thing I feel is highly spec dependent.

We got back a bunch of spells… the whole “I’m a mage, not just a fire mage”, which I thought was good. A lot of those spells do not end up on your rotations though, it is mostly a flavor thing.

We have quite a few situational abilities (you oh “s” buttons). Then others of middling use (disengage for example - I have bound, but usually don’t need if paying attention and moving out appropriately).

So I guess I’m not sure how many classes/specs truly have a ton of bloat as part of their core rotations.

That is definitely apart of the 60apm and complex mechanics are the actual encounter mechanics

It is neither complex nor high apm. It is also completely optional.

How is your back doing? You keep moving the goalposts and I am really interested in how you are managing it. I guess were discussing encounter design for the first time in an almost 100 post thread now?

60 apm is high apm

Also my point is having a bunch of mediocre buttons isn’t as fun as having a small amount of buttons that are actually fun to press

Who’s trolling now?
All I’ve seen you do in this entire thread is shoot down people’s ideas and talk trash. It’s 100% antagonistic, attention seeking behavior. Troll.


The person is posting on multiple characters, as well as liking their posts with their alts.

This is hilarious to watch.

Edit: It is funny watching them try to dunk on ESO and GW2, 2 games that both have decent populations.


Let them?

You went back to Retail because Classic was tedious and lacked QoL improvements, not because Classic was actually harder.

I say that as someone currently enjoying WOTLK Classic.

I like both games, but Classic is fun to mess around in for a few weeks then come back to retail.

These threads are all carbon copies of each other. Thread with the same complaint from someone with low achievements, no guild and a lot of posts fully supported by a couple of other characters with more posts than achievements all making the exact same arguments with troll arguments against anyone that disagrees. And they always have the most replies.

Its just on repeat and has been for 2 months now.


Personally I find classic extremely boring so I don’t play it, but out of my friend group I’m the only one left still playing retail while all my friends play classic. I’ve seen for myself through them how much more popular it is and anyone pretending classic doesn’t have more players than retail is fooling themselves.

And as this thread eluded to it all comes down to difficulty. Go on WoWs section on Twitch and just look at the difference between group content streams for classic and retail, classic is super simple and easy to see and understand what’s going on, compared to a retail mythic+ stream for example which all usually have custom UIs, tons of add-ons and then so much unnecessary animation bloat from spells to mechanics that you can’t even see what’s happening on the screen half the time.

This is the challenge retail faces and I don’t understand why people are choosing to pretend this isn’t an issue for attracting new players.





the examples you gave are ~14 apm -

prim wave → lightning bolt ~45s
ice fury → frostshock x4

x2.5 every 2 minutes?

Nothing to do with button bloat, difficulty, or classic vs retail. Classic has far fewer, far less interesting rotations across the board. I know pressing stormstrike over and over and over and over while keeping a totem up is not even in the realm of engaging gameplay.

So you just dropped the encounter design thing? Not one of your arguments had anything to do with that? Hows the back holding up?


Who hurt you?


Bro im not on my alts