Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

League isn’t an mmo, nor is it just 3-4 buttons, its skill ceiling is much higher than WoWs. You’re just going to send people to the wolves.


Hmm… if classic was easy to gear for PvP and BGs were like 1-2 minute queues all the time, any level, and world PvP was hoppin’ I’d for sure consider it.

there isnt that many buttons but i hate pushing some “do damage” button every .7 seconds

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Most players don’t use macros, or they don’t even know about them.

If one has to use macros to save bar space, then perhaps the OP has a point here.


Do not really agree with the button bloat issue anymore with all the updates/reworks so far. The issue is more to do with sometimes boss fights just have too many mechanics. A debatable statement to be sure, but it’s the stance I have with retail.

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This is the first expansion where macro’s felt necessary, not just nice-to-haves.

Definitely more button bloat since the implementation of this horrible new talent system. Considering it was the selling point for the expansion and it’s made most of the specs I play (all ranged) feel horrible to play (cause smooth uncomplicated rotations are apparently a BAD thing now), Dragonflight has been a huge fail for me. Least enjoyable expansion since I started playing the game 8 years ago.

Yes, I’m one of the “older fan base.”


Ehh. First line, fight design in Classic is easier than Retail. That is true, at the bare bones, you push fewer buttons but the APM is very much the same until you look at casters who are just slapping their slower-cast abilities until something else becomes available.

Second line lost me, I haven’t seen a 10 minute fight in Dragonflight since Raszageth and most of the time doing well requires far less than 60 APM.

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I played Warcraft since Orcs and Humans first came out for the RTS games and Vanilla for WoW…. I have no interest in replaying classic again. So since I’m not migrating over that must mean I’m not old. Yippie! I’m considered part of the younger fan base!

Now if only my lower back and knees would listen and believe I’m young

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is mythic really difficult tho when u do everything right but a healer or some dps gets it wrong every pull and the amount of effort to find a mythic group to just have to swap thru em to find a decent one that will take you without experience its just annoying and not worth it at all if your trying to have fun, if your trying to prove something to somebody I guess but idk who , anyone I know who enjoys mythic raiding has a solid group already but for just having fun which the game is about its not worth it u have to solely focus on mythic raiding and spending hours and hours just doing the same rotation and same stuff perfect just to wipe anyway , difficult content for a 25 player group is really just meant for the very few top players, people have hard time organizing 5 people in real life and if you have a option for mythic nobody’s gonna feel like they actually experienced the raid legit its always there that you couldnt do the actual difficulty

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The guy’s premise is very … off. Just because he did doesn’t mean everyone else did

Basically cant play most healers without macros. That is terrible game design, there is no defending it.

WoW made its name as the MMORPG that catered to the majority of players, who on earth is the game catering to when the game almost requires creating harm / heal macros to play healers?

I had to make keybindings I have never even used before in the 19/20 years I have played WoW now.

Did it make the game more fun? Definitely not. I also dread playing all my healer alts, because after following some Wowhead guide to pick the talents (which is so much fun) I have to spend hours upon hours making WAs, keybinds and macros. That is not why I play WoW.


I’ve played every healer this season, most in very low content (<+10s, LFR), but a few I’ve gone higher (20+) and it depends on the spec. Because you no longer have to macro mouseovers, I personally only have 1-3 macros per healing spec, and even those aren’t absolutely necessary, just convenient. Maybe the macros are just personal preference.

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Agreed. I think the UI could be a lot better out-of-the-box. E.g.

  • combining some skills into a single button
  • taking favorite macros and making them official Blizzard macros/buttons
  • having 24 (or 36) buttons showing by default
  • having a default button layout per class and spec (that can be changed) rather than new skills just appearing in the first available button spot
  • allowing larger macros
  • less reliance on addons

I tinker a bit with macros and moving the UI around, but I bet a lot of people don’t (for whatever reasons). Not needing to do any of those things so much would be great.

When I see people complaining about being overwhelmed by buttons or skills in a game or a program, I always think it’s a failure of the UI. The game out-of-the-box, with no UI edits, macros, or addons, is pretty poorly designed. I can totally see how people could be frustrated and/or overwhelmed by it.

You’re making it seem like this one example is the only thing the OP is complaining about so that you can dismiss it as nothing. This isn’t the only example the OP has mentioned, and you have to take the totality of all the little button redundancies, not just a case in isolation.

Honestly, I didn’t understand most of your post (my fault, not yours), but I love that you’re thinking creatively about it and contributing positively.

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exactly it is a multitude of buttons, not just 2 buttons becoming gray slots.

These buttons are bloat, spells should be exciting to press, not every spell but when i go in to pull and have to cast this or that once for the entire pull it isn’t fun, it is bland and boring.

Isn’t that funny, people thinking the game was difficult eventually got live, which was easier, now people think live is hard and are going to classic.
Dang it, I can’t think of any good “cycle” references from movies… Hit my head!


When you bring up the most simple possible button combo as an example, expect that example to be discussed.

Most specs have a perfectly reasonable rotation and if you dont like one, there are always 1) the ability to take less talents as the tree is modular or 2) play another one. You wont be top performance, but the more complexity SHOULD do more throughput.

There are 36 specs to choose from, every single one has a simple set of talents you can take if that is what you need/want.

No, it’s just a fact. Eso has a 10 damage skill rotation where you press 2 skill buttons every 0.8 second gcd. Most wow classes dont even use 10 buttons in their main damage rotations and have are very slow-paced cadence in comparison.

I don’t take wow seriously, but… the games pretty damn easy unless you are raiding mythic. I’m very casual these days but still easily clear heroic 9/9 and push 20+ keys on numerous characters with little effort.


I have never disliked class design as much as I do now.