Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

It’s an example, not the totality of the problem.

What does this addon actually do? I purposely didn’t take it, because I kind of like needing to learn and pay attention myself. Does it like tell you what buttons to push based on cool downs and buffs?

FF14 has less buttons than DF WoW, and even those devs are acknowledging the game’s button bloat problem and constantly doing their best to merge/trim abilities.

You can agree or disagree if 30+ binds is too many, but DF has the most buttons for many specs than any previous expansion.


Haha that’s hysterical.

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I saw “older fan base” in the subject bar, and figured someone was trying to message me.

If I’m reading the OP accurately, the basic message is, “Man, Enhancement was MUCH more fun in Wrath.”

I agree. I started in Cataclysm, and I fell in love with the feel of Enhancement.

Regardless, I’m not going back to Classic. Thanks, but no.

Weakauras isn’t really an addon itself that can be easily defined, moreso it’s a sandbox / in game way to write addons without needing to know how the coding language works. Most weakauras are used to take information the game gives you already and move it to be more visible on your screen.

That’s the thing: Whey do people care if I want to move info around on my UI?

Mythic keys would be so boring. I barely have the desire to rerun a dungeon after my quests for it are complete. But to run them over and over ad nauseum just to beat a timer, where I cant use the bathroom during it or get a snack or just stand and stretch… Naw, that doesn’t sound like fun to me. But I do understand: it’s kind of like sports.

If those dungeons could be dynamically created, then that might be fun. Being speedy without knowing what is coming so you have to balance speed and caution. That could be interesting.

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Yeah, I never hit any fire or frost spells as arcane outside of PvP where I use blastwave, Dragon’s Breath, and sometimes my CoC. I was kind of surprised at that. Give us access to more spells but never make them usable. Not even fireblast.

It’s mostly about the game offering an environment where you can be pushed to / need to play well. For me M+ is not so much about enjoying the dungeon it’s about enjoying playing my class / with my friends within the context of the dungeon. I don’t find WoW’s gameplay fun unless there’s an element of risk / difficulty to push me to play well.


But it pretty easy to combine buttons or use abilities without them being on the action bar at all.

I find it important to zero in on the specific issue when looking at possible solutions. If the issue is specifically about real estate in the screen there are ways to alleviate that.

Wouldn’t just be having fewer buttons to press just be a better solution?

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For some people that may be. But it’s not a universal desire.

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Its not even an example. If 3 buttons every 45 seconds is what someone considers button bloat, they should go play GW or LoL

A pretty universal desire was the return of more off-GCD skills to increase the speed of gameplay. Blizzard responded by adding unwanted interactions on skills to “justify” the GCD.

For example, Blade Flurry on Outlaw was one of the most engaging and interactive skills off GCD, toggle or otherwise. Using pre-combat in stealth to cleave an Ambush is something that is completely gone from the game now, despite being a fun game-like event.

Even Slice and Dice and Roll the Bones are examples of indirect effect skills that could speed up gameplay without negatively being impacted by bringing them off GCD. Since SND has a CP cost, it’s not like it’s worthwhile to macro it together with other skill presses. Likewise, RTB being macroed into another common CD isn’t terribly upsetting when its done specifically to smooth transition of indirect effects.

The whole reason for that change initially was macros that were 5 lines deep of indirect activations–major cooldowns, minor cooldowns, trinkets, and whatever other off-GCD could be added together. It made sense to add things to the GCD at the time, but instead of design space being created for a class of Separate GCD (which couldn’t be activated together, such as cooldown stacking) and On GCD, they just threw it all back at the same single-threaded GCD wheel.

A good example still in game is Fire Blast. There’s a cooldown on itself. There’s no reason that same type of instance can’t be extended to prevent cooldown stacking, but keep cooldowns separate from direct effect abilities, thus increasing the APM without overloading the button bar across several 1.5s staggered multipliers.

No idea why I went on the tangent, just thinking about “universal” solutions being thrown at Blizzard and Blizzard deciding they were not doing that. They were doing something else anyways.

Really? Because I definitely see people complaining that with the current GCD lay out the speed of gameplay is too fast.

I am fine with more skills off GCD. But I dont think that, specifically, increased gameplay speed is what most want. Most will just macro the ability to something else to give them fewer things to pressed.

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I don’t hear that skill use is too fast though–I hear that the GAME is too fast.

The game comes at you at a much faster pace. If you miss one of those 12 different particle layers dictating your movement, it’s not a “oh that’s fire and I shouldn’t stand in it”, it’s “which one was the bad one and which was the soak and which was the unavoidable?”

There’s “more stuff” coming in the same time space. That’s the faster issue that I hear more often. When you talk with people who are slapping their keyboards and buttons, they often don’t mind the ability use pacing until now they have to deal with movement, tanks hauling off on their own, and mechanics pushing them off stationary (while RDPS rotations were reverted to no longer be mobile).

The only ability use issue that really comes up is needing to spread your activation space across 20 different skill squares instead of a comfortable 6-9 skill squares. And that’s where people are seeing “bloat” and “pace” with ability use colliding. You can’t press your activations together to clear that pacing overhead, which requires you to balance in some kind of fugue with three separate tempos; movement, GCD, and rotation priorities.


Retail Fury: Rampage > Execute > Raging Blow > Bloodthirst > Whirlwind (super filler)

WotLK Fury: HS perma-queued → Bloodrage, Bloodthirst, Whirlwind OCD.


For the record, I played Protection and Fury up to heroic LK25 during WotLK. lol It’s just way too boring to go back to hitting so few buttons, and effectively never using more than a couple brain cells for the 2-3 mechanics you see at a time.

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For me it has more to do with avoiding those that use the word “cause” in place of because. I don’t know what the difficulty of content I’ve never played. Meanwhile, there are new difficulty settings in Classic.

That and every person my age no longer uses Facebook.

Probably an influencer