Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

Fun’s Subjective.

As DOOM’s Twitter account as put it … “You control the buttons you press”.

agree that bored devs can’t think of anything else to entertain players other than more mechanics and convoluted systems

Its lazy.

Then its just not for you and thats okay. Other games are easier with less complexity.

So being able to determine a burst window instead of the ramp up ramp down incanters flow playstyle was a bad thing? I have always preferred RoP over IF. It gives us more control of our throughput.

Thats exactly what they are. The ability for you to put out quality damage is there. You simply want to press less buttons to do more damage. Thats lazy in my book.

100% agree. Hit the nail on the head.

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Listen, most players don’t wanna play tea time and house in a game. We wanna log in, kill stuff, log off. Mainly so we can carry on about our real lives. Its not that they can’t think of other things, they are moving away from this game being a second life, and it seems as though some of you cannot accept that fact.

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Was an awesome idea until they tried to figure out how to timegate engagement in it. If you were in a progressive zone that you gained additional zone-local power that helped you progress through it (but was as brutal as it was), it was not bad. By the time you could mount in it, Blizzard had all but abandoned the idea of making it fun.

As someone who plays enhance… they all have different functions.

Frost shock is mainly used for slows. Ice strike buffs it to make it cleave and useable for actual damage. So you can actually use it vs it just being on your bar just in case you needed to kite something.

If you are using lightning bolt every minute, you are doing it wrong lol. Primordial wave just buffs it, as well as makes it cleave with your frost shock. Again different functions.

Flameshock, totem dropping have been a thing on pull for what? 15 years? Before windfury, you had a fire totem you dropped. Flash back to how many totems ele used to have to drop every pull lol.

It’s one global. Why does it matter that much? And if you don’t want to use it, don’t.
Tbh I’d rather have “bloat” vs whatever classic is with the auto attack simulator and 1 button rotation.

From what I’ve read, that is what this post is screaming. Laziness =/= a good reason to remove abilities. And with how the current talents work. You can literally go 100% passive build if you really wanted to lol.

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Classic is at most 6 buttons for rotations the rest is bloat for meaningless flavor

What you find meaningless, others do not thus it is not bloat, its options and the entire game is not whatever it is you are doing the exact same way every single time.

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Eso is awesome, rotation takes more skill than my retail toons.

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Is this you admitting you have no skill or you saying you pay to play WoW, a game you like less than ESO?!? lol…

Retail dead

Link please. We need to see how exactly the question was worded, what options were allowed as responses and how they were worded, and of course the official results.

This isn’t helpful. Someone disagreeing with you isn’t trolling. You sound like those people who cry gaslighting all the time.

I think the plot and feel of classic is a lot better. I’m liking Dragonflight actually, but a lot (most?) of the plot from Cataclysm onwards had major They-can’t-be-for-real moments. I just finished playing Legion for the first time. Everything in Suramar was amazing. Then suddenly they’re dragging Illidan back from the dead and the rest of the expansion is really, really bad.

I’m in my 30’s and have been here since BC and I prefer the ease and comfort of retail, personally. Way more QoL updates tumbling around these parts than there ever was classic era.

I do miss not having a bajillion tiers of content though and a collection that could swallow me whole.

Yeah, knee -jerk responses. I love the posts that think the op was complaining about classic. Reading is fundamental.

I don’t know if I agree with the OP. I don’t think my rotation is overwhelming or difficult. Maybe it is, because I do f it up sometimes. Maybe I just consider that part of gaming.

What I dislike is that I don’t really see what’s going on. I’m spending so much time babysitting cool downs and looking at my characters feet! Often I’ll get done an encounter and realize I don’t really know what just happened. That’s not a button problem, though.

Nor is the weekly button bloat troll thread in a 20 year old game that has always had a large amount of skill combat options.

They kind of go hand -in-hand. I think the default UI should be more friendly to folks out of the box. If classes need more than 12 buttons, a brand new installation should have more than 12 buttons. Not everyone likes researching add-ons and/or tinkering with the UI. I do, but I understand where folks just want to play the game with the time they have and not spend it futzing with it.

Even for me, I get it sometimes. I ran out of buttons recently, and rather than enlarge some of my smaller action bars, I just pruned some unnecessary buttons (like fun stuff and convenience stuff) rather than retinker.