Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, had wotlk classic not removed queueable dungeons, I’d be playing it right now. Am I “lazy”? Or do I just value my time?

Its coming back. Enjoy!

Probably Lazy. You most likely think that button bloat exists. I don’t really care about RDF. I am all for convenience of time. But mind numbing rotations? No thanks.

They’re not wrong, WOW combat is far better than any other mmo’s out there. the animations, button response etc.

The rest feel clunky, played a rogue in GW2 it felt awful

Why? They should have had it from the beginning? Comeback and do what? gear up just to see nothing but gdkp runs lol

Can I think bloat exists AND that 2 button rotations are mind numbing, or no?

Blizz has made stuff more complicated over the years because the player base has gotten better. Things that seemed crazy hard in WOTLK would be instantly farmable now. The button bloat is a problem for some specs though. With the new talent system blizz ruined some of my favorite specs by forcing in new spells and maintenance buffs. I like the new talent system, but there are a lot of areas where it’s worse than what we had in SL.

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League is hardly high APM content. Clicking the same map location 3 times instead of once doesn’t mean APM in the same way as:


“Know your combos” is less about high APM as much as a specific APM density to properly execute. In League (barring high CDR shenanigans), cooldowns prevent an actual high APM you find in other games reliably like RTS (where you can fracture squad to a deep combinatorial micro).

Combo density in league is mostly approachable.

In WoW, combo density looks like this:

  1. Pull Sequence
  2. Precast Arcane Blast
  3. Cast Arcane Orb
  4. Use power pot
  5. Cast Time Warp twice, it stacks
  6. Cast Arcane Missiles if Clearcasting
  7. Cast Nether Tempest
  8. While above half mana and Siphon Storm has more than 16 seconds, cast Arcane Blast and prioritize Clearcasting Arcane Missiles

If I were to assign League-like buttons to each ability, this is how that on-pull combo would look in League-speak:

WoW: Q->Z->1->R,R->E?->W->Q/E?+

It’s worth noting, this is a basic pull combo and is comparable to the basic league initiation combo:

LoL: Q->E->F

There are gaping problems with Blizzard leadership and stewardship over Warcraft. I think they know it. My words here won’t change anything about it. The short and sweet is this:

Hardcore Classic is fun. Wrath and Retail just aren’t.

For me, it’s closer to a boredom from never being threatened by a hostile world. Pulling two mobs can equal death in the original game. In the later games, those same mobs are consistently dead within seconds. Thats the “fast” that sucks – Retail and Wrath? Are boringly easy. And they attack difficulty from the wrong end.

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No. More buttons, more impressive to play optimally.

So the better musician is whoever plays at the highest overall tempo?

Guitar hero killed a generation of thinkers.

They added RDF now, go play if you want.

Not necessarily speed. Look at Stevie Ray Vaughn. Utilizes augmented blues scales to increase depth and complexity. Effectively, more frets. More buttons.

Bro, I looked at your profile you say all this because you don’t actually push hard content. You haven’t even timed a 20? Like I appreciate you saying what you want and all that, but it’s easy to say I don’t want a simple rotation when you haven’t pushed mythic raid hard, pvp hard, or mythic + hard.

I could stay on 18 keys and do rogue rotations fine, try doing a proper rogue utility at a 23, it becomes a damn clown fiesta. I’m sorry but you are speaking from a very limited place.

I raid mythic. But your opinion matters none to me.

Mythic plus is for the bads that can’t raid with a group.

Post your main and lets see your prog.

You shouldn’t be speaking at all.

Oh man you are one of those sad trolls aren’t you.

Ok little man, go and have fun back in the hole you climbed out of on this forum. When you can actually stand on one’s feet in an argument regarding this and stick to the topic instead of saying cringe things like “you shouldn’t be speaking at all” which clearly shows either you are a man child, or a very angry teenager. Either way, I don’t care, enjoy whatever miserable life you cling to.

Call me whatever you’d like.

Yup. Itty bitty.

Actually, i just logged in. Theres a button on the top right of the page.

Only thing cringe, is saying cringe.

I could be. Very good possibility.

Cool! Me either!

I will. I hope you don’t. =P good talk.

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Thank you for proving my point, you are bitter about something in your life. Maybe one day you will look at it. Have fun.

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I could be. Or i could just loathe lazy players… Probably just something in my life.

Ehh, prolly not.

I will!

You don’t!

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Blizzard tried to pull towards a more hostile world twice: The Maw, and making mobs scale with your ilvl much harder than they do now.

The great majority of GD was very unhappy with it. No idea what the general population felt since Blizzard doesn’t poll or anything.


I’d also toss northeastern Suramar into that basket.


Wow! I totally missed that news! Thanks for mentioning it!

Probably Lazy. You most likely think that button bloat exists. I don’t really care about RDF. I am all for convenience of time. But mind numbing rotations? No thanks.

I’m not sure enjoying more simplistic play is the same as being “lazy”. I enjoyed WoW most from vanilla through wrath. Cata was when it began to go down hill for me, and MoP was when I gave up being a “real” raider. But it’s not just complex rotations, but also more complex encounters.

I enjoyed playing arcane back in OG TBC/WotLK. When the original mastery was introduced, I enjoyed it far less. When the mastery was changed to what we essentially have now, I enjoyed it more. Legion was a decent time for me as arcane though since RoP was optional. When Rune of Power was essentially forced upon us in SL, I enjoyed it far far less. I was ecstatic to see it go the way of the dodo.

I’m still not a fan of being forced to take Arcane Orb and Touch of the Magi. I much preferred when it was the talent Charged Up in BfA, and OG Touch was a passive. The current iteration of TotM makes it vital (and thus stressful imo) to pump as much damage as you can during those windows.

I don’t think it’s fair to categorize my likes and dislikes in gameplay as “lazy”.

The game isnt difficult though, LFR is extremely easy, normal dungeons are extremely easy… there are modes in this game that are very simple and specs that are very simple as well. It would be stupid to dumb down every spec in the game because of bad players.