Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

I forgive you friend.

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I edited my original reply to you to reflect the actual intent.

My opinions are:

Anti Repair Bill
Pro Flying (Both ways)
Pro Queue/Anti Manual as the only way
I have choice words to say about elitists who sponsor the bad opinions, but I’m not saying them.

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For clearification.

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“Enhancement has a complicated rotstion therefore retail is too hard for old folks” is quite the leap


Classic is fun imo if you hate yourself

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OP is correct. Too may combat steps at the start of every single pull for some classes. Call it button bloat, call it it bad skill design, call it just a PITA. Take your pick.


Personally, I am fine with “some” specs being crazy button bloat. The problem I have is historically the easy specs are becoming more complicated. BM hunter now a dot management in 10.2? Frost mage having glacial, and ray of frost, plus a bunch of other stuff, rogue is just a hot mess of buttons.

Ya I wouldn’t recommend anyone to play WoW for a while, if they simplify and cut buttons back by a bit I might come back when my sub runs out in a week but pretty unlikely I will come back at this rate.

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EverQuest has entered chat:

I only play classic wrath because its Blizzard who lost the plot. I know who the big bad is, the big bad has an actual personality, motive and direction. Not because of buttons, keys and bloats. Theres not ten thousand story threads going on, most of which are moot and the half of the actual story is told through books that like $29.95 at your local book store, go buy them today while supplies last and all that.

I call it people be lazy.

Good. Bout time they hit something other than kill command.

My main. Don’t disrespect it. Rogue should be complicated. It’s not for everyone.

Thats fine.

It isnt some goofy reason. It is the PReachgaming Mythic raider story of why WoW currently has low numbers.

The story relies on this crazy idea that WoW was the only thing to exist, and that it was the only way to play with other people and was its own social media or something (roflmao). Even though steam already existed for Counter strike 1.6 (before WoW).

Another important part of the story is that WoW players only play one game WoW, and that this only changed with the release of Shadowlands.

The entire point of this absurdly crazy and out of touch with reality story, is that it is used to describe the massive decline of WoW as inevitable. No matter what Blizzard had done, the game would still have the same amount of players WoW has now. Another part of it, was the Shadowlands, by being so bad, introduced WoW players to other games, and now, therefore the game can never recover (because apparently most WoW players had simply never really tried other games!!).

Because the alternative is to accept that Dragonflight is just ultimately a super boring expansion that does not manage to offer anything to the majority of the playerbase, thus the lowest numbers of all time.

That being said, yeah of course WoWs decline was inevitable, but at this rate? No, that was never inevitable, but a natural consequence of the game just being bad and pandering to a vocal but loud minority.

As someone who unlike PReachgaming actually played WoW since the original Beta, and played lots of other games the entire time (including vanilla), I can say the story is just very very sad, but I get it. The vocal minority of raid loggers asked for Dragonflight, and now, can not accept that people dont want what they want. So they need to make up all these stories, instead of just accepting that their demands were selfish and didnt take into account the majority of the playerbase.

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Nah all of this was started by some popular streamer who made a series about it and all his brainless fans started to troll the forums about button bloat, all using that same term, the same term he used and its not a normal term for PC gamers to use.

We dont use buttons, we use keys or skills.

Anyway, that is what kicked off the series of troll threads on this topic.

That IS the goofy reason. No one other than his fans cared and they only cared enough to make continual troll threads about it. We could go months between a thread with someone complaining about there being too many skills before this nonsense, now its near a daily thing.

And back then, the terms used were varied. Skills, keys, hotkeys, shortcuts, hotbar and so on. Now it is always 100% of the time “button bloat”. Thats the sign its a troll thread.

I know some older players who have really enjoyed Dragonflight, but I’ve been kind of “meh” about it. I really didn’t care for the art direction on the “dragon” race, and the story felt uninteresting and uninspired.

I do like dragon riding, but I hate the models for the mounts. They feel less epic, and more Disney toy like.

I like Classic, especially classic Wrath, and spend most of my time there now with friends when I play.

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Classic isn’t completely trivial. There are some challenges, especially in leveling. Classic also doesn’t have any difficulty levels except from heroics in tbc and heroic 25m in wrath. Retail has heroic and mythic. But classic is a lot easier to understand and still leaves room to master.


This is what Classic does well. It is kinda like Dark Souls. It gives the illusion of challenge.

The problem is that modern WoW (retail) is an actual challenge and players dont really wanna be challenged. It is also why Sekiro (my personal favourite) is the least successful Soulsbourne game FromSoft has made. There is only gitgud, and thus ppl mostly just leave and give up.


I would agree and disagree. I think there is room for challenge. Everyone loved the mage tower. In retail, I have done very challenging things but I just don’t feel any satisfaction afterwards. I cannot really articulate but a lot more is missing in retail than just challenge and no challenge.

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Thats because Mage Tower was absolute genius design. It was Dark Souls all over.

When it released it was a challenge. Then Blizzard added a new tier, which let people get even more ilvl. They added more borrowed power (which enabled players to do even more damage / get survivability).

This way, it enabled even the average WoW gamer who is bad at the game to have something to work towards. Sure maybe when it released you couldnt do it, because it was too hard. However, now in the Antorus patch, no longer were you just chasing gear for the sake of gear. You were chasing gear so as a bad WoW player you could outpower the Mage Tower and unlock something like the Druid skin. There were also certain legendaries you could chase like the Druid one, to make it a lot easier.

In Dark Souls its the same. If you hit a wall, you can get more / better estus. Better gear. More levels for more hp / dmg. That lets you essentially easily outpower a boss.

It was the same in vanilla. Quest too hard? No problem, you can group up (like summoning in dark souls). Or you can level / dungeon to get gear and come back later and do it.

Now with most WoW content, there is simply gitgud (except with all non-endgame content where it is so trivial as to feel boring and pointless).


This is just goofy reasoning, and wow is nothing like dark souls. Comparing the two is just laughable. There is alot more to just git gud in wow.

In souls games, there are no barriers to entry, no one telling you, you need this certain amount of ilvl to get through. I’ve beaten Elden Ring with my fists, there is no one gatekeeping you from end game content, there is in WoW. There are also bosses where your gear does not matter and that you just have to beat it with skill, like Gael or that disgusting abyss dragon with horrible hitboxes. No one knew the mist strat on release.

Retail now is nothing more than a call of duty lobby with horrid story telling. Spamming apply button for keys and afk waiting for a group to fill is not interactive gameplay or spamming arena hoping you’ll get a competitive match but then get dumpster by someone carrying someone else for titles, and there is nothing Git Gud about it, its simply about how much do you wish you want to waste your time on tedious things.

Were they “lazy” back in vanilla/tbc/wrath when things were simpler? Or is it possible that the game changed a lot over the years and not everyone was happy with those changes?


Nah, they were lazy then too. You have an option to play classic if you don’t like retail.