Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

Lol there what is? This is literally the issue in the title of the post.

And it’s about what people find fun… which for a lot of people isn’t fine tuning their wow skills through studying guides / discords and practice.

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Some of us like faceroll BM hunters and have stuck with them for 18 years :dracthyr_shrug:

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It has a high skill ceiling. Thats a good thing. Jeez.

No, it’s about activisions product that people can either participate in or leave.

Then don’t play wow. There are plenty of other options. Roblox for example.

I am sorry, but i can’t talk to you. You are from moonguard. There are weirdos on that server that actually think they are their character. Hunters don’t get to discuss rotational difficulty either. Good day.

I get it, you’re worried people saying what they do and do not like on the forums may (or maybe not) get blizzard to change the game in a way you don’t like. So you get defensive and tell them to go elsewhere. Unfortunately for you, that’s not really an effective strategy.


Not quite. It’s more entertaining challenging the echo chamber. Yall really invested in this game.

I mean if defensiveness is honesty. Sure. I genuinely would love for the casuals that have a problem with the game state to go play another MMO that already offers them the things that they’d like.

Sure it is. I am entertained.

Ah, well at least your admitting to troll posting.


No, i am being sincere and having genuine discourse. No trolling here. =D

What’s your beef with roleplaying? You know that RP is pretty mainstream right now, don’t you?

At no point did I suggest that hunter rotations have any kind of difficulty.

Ya know, not that it’s spilling over into real life or anything. Lol. Thats a good start. And it’s weird.

Atleast we are in agreement here.

The echo chamber are actually your party, not ours.

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Woah, but the casuals claim they are the majority! That would make them the principle echo chamber. Not the raiders…

Most echo chambers are small groups who talk the loudest when they find likeminded individuals. The majority tend to speak up only when pressured to do so because the majority usually don’t have any complaints they feel are bothersome enough to share.

I don’t mean raiders. I was attacked by certain groups below.

I mean the following groups:

Pro Repair Bill
Anti Flying/Pro Pathfinder (Legit sick of Pathfinders.)
Anti Queue/Pro Manual as the only way
Toxic forum regulars who think getting a forum vacation means the victims of said vacations should get more.
Pro Bobby/Ion’s decisions. Good thing Bobby’s getting the boot next year.

Most of the reps of those opinions are the echo chamber, and anyone in opposition of such gets flamed and vacated.

My rebuttals toward these parties was met with “Account Temporarily on Hold”.

Disagree. Hate repair bills.

Gimme my regular flying back!!!

Ques are convenient. I complained about the lack of rdf in wotlk classic.

Vacation sounds nice. Aruba?

It’s their game, and they are running it how activision prescribes. They wouldn’t be doing what they are doing if analytics said it weren’t profitable. If you think Bobby/Ion actually have any power to make unilateral decisions that aren’t analytically backed up, you are part of the problem.

Except yall are the ones that false report and try to silence the rebuttal. Ya know, the literal definition of an echo chamber. I entertain all views for discussion.

Wheres my like minded individuals? I get attacked for my views on these forums lmao.

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It isn’t just the older player base.

What do you think a teenager is going to be more attracted to?

Quick session-based games you can knock out solo or a game that requires a schedule, 19 other players and takes hours?
There’s a reason games like Fortnite and League are a lot more popular with the younger crowds.

That’s why M+ was so popular. But even that has become too time-consuming and difficult.


After reading your replies, we agree on basically everything.

I legit thought you were an alt of Akston’s or something.

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