Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

Which is odd because there’s really nothing in classic to get sweaty over


DF has had pretty simple raid fights so far except for a few late bosses on mythic difficulty only.

Im old and im mostly on retail, just for the fact i have 2 kids, and very random playing times, i dont have time to farm everything, i just wanna get in and play… I mostly play bgs, sucks though cause classic right now, was the best time to pvp. I just cant do it cause its takes forever to gear/get gold.

I think it’s one reason why people are playing classic, but not the most important one.

Rasz and Sark would be very doable without addons.

When a fight requires an addon, it’s usually by accident. It’s almost always some stupid debuff on 4-5 people and for whatever reason the developer thinks 3 seconds to move into a precise spot without killing people is appropriate.

Their attempts at private auras show they are trying to move away from mechanics being solved by addons.

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I don’t understand the comparison to csgo, WoW will never be that popular. League is on a downward trend, especially in NA and it still poops on WoW. Copium is real in these parts.


It is frustrating how so few people realize this. HC Classic servers will be barren in a year.


I think it’s a reason to but also know people truly like it better. It’s a win/win for both cause it keeps both going.

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There is no such thing as button bloat. Create macros, use WeakAuras and save separate talent tree presets so you can toggle between different M+ affixes, ST and PvP comps. They will make your life and your rotation so, so, so much easier.

It stinks that the base UI is garbage and it does need an overhaul, but WoW is designed around players using macros and WeakAuras. The answer isn’t whittling down rotations and abilities. The answer is just to use the technology that the game is designed around.

I have multiple abilities on one macro, for example. It casts whichever ability on the macro is currently talented, so it saves me a key bind. You can even combine two abilities in one macro that are instant and off GCD.


I dont get it either that is why I called it out. CS and WoW are not on the same level of popularity and to try to say otherwise was crazy. The whole thing started as an act of desperation to try to make WoW the center of the internet for some goofy reason.


I’m not migrating, and I’m so old But I also don’t want to want to argue data. I didn’t take part int that poll but i own a razor tet something and its great to manage all my spells. I would recommend others to do the same, its way more enjoyable, and you can lay out your spells in the action bars to co-or the effects and stacks. Finally would like to add, nothing wrong with playing classic, it was fun then, and its fun now/

I like the idea of jumping to classic, the sandboxy feeling of it, and I did level and raid back in 2019 classic. But I had an irl person to play with. Playing alone seems fun until you need to spend an evening to do a class quest and it feels like a waste of time rather than an adventure.

Then again, it’s not like retail is more interesting solo. A lot of it feels pointless as well. But at least you can play it like a mobile game to kill time. Without much commitment, just to experience a momentary dopamine rush because of how combat feels.

Maybe because its not all about you.
You are not the only person who reads these posts.
Thanks Kneeshooter for that visual depiction of what an ESO toolbar looks like.
It seems you need to pick carefully which abilities you want to use are.

In games with such a limited toolbar, I assume all the abilities work together? or can some combinations of abilities be really really bad?

Right, its not about the person being replied to, with the explanation of what it has. Your input, was entertaining. Dont reply though because this was not all about you…

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Not really. There are specific build guides you follow and you just use the abilities they use. No reason to deviate.

Yes to this. But I also think for each spec where your rotation is now compared to what it was before… and I’ll add it can be button bloat / complexity that is the issue.

For example, for BM hunter used to have optional zoo build or frenzy stack build back in BFA. Zoo build was easier (and fun-er with all the pets imo) then maintaining stacks of frenzy. Then they took the choice away and forced frenzy.

Another example is DH. For several expansions is was a simple class anyone could play. That was their initial intention. Then come DF momentum / initiative / essence break playstyle which has a much higher skill ceiling was the optimum build. Sure single target no mover was close behind, but try no mover in M+ and it gets dumpstered.

For rogues, completely taking away combat for outlaw…

I think a lot of the people who want simpler specs or less button bloat or however it is phrased aren’t happy cause it very much feels like “their” specs are being taken away and replaced with something they don’t like.


Because its a sucky system. Offering a banquet and limiting you to a spoonfull is a miserable method of gaming. The fact that it does, indeed, “force you to only use a few of them” is ridiculous. If they want to limit abilities, then limit them - then at least you would not be offered the false picture of choice when you have very little choice at all.

At least WoW provides means of using any or all of the abilities you can access on a character and you can then actually choose which ones are best for you in any given situation. And now you can save various versions of your talents/abilities to use as appropriate. Want one for PvP - save that. Want one for world content - save that. Want one or M+ - save that. Etc and so forth. Pruning back only makes the game smaller, not necessarily better.

I jumped over to classic because ive never seen the pre cata world of warcraft.
Ive heard tales of Thousand needles with no water and butte loving cows everywhere and other such things and wanted to see it for myself.
Unfortunately the questing/leveling for me is so dang slow all by myself and my Little Troll is still stuck in Razor Hill and i got bored and went back to retail wow.

Yeah I think my point was that I had already described the system so the reply to me then explaining the system and showing me a photo of it was kind of weird.

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Probably because this requires some attention and isn’t faceroll. As face roll as BM hunter still is…

There it is. Keep practicing the rotation and touch the ceiling…