Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

That’s a tall tale that the developers use to say “it’s not my fault!”

Yet nobody can provide a single example of a mechanic that was apparently made harder “because of addons”.

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Youtube is the final boss of HC. I’ve almost died so many times while watching a stupid vid on Youtube. :sweat_smile:

They absolutely design encounters around addons, this isn’t rocket science dude. There are literal memes about it. Why do you think bosses have alot more mechanics than they did in classic? All of a suhhhhhden we got a generation of fakers? No, the player has a lot more information at hand. They know where to stand, they know timers, they know when to blow their cooldowns, they can statistically look at their stats and improve. Thanks to addons and logs.

You play with DBM and bigwhigs, and these addons have been updated constantly and better enhanced for years. Its not fair to say the classic player is worse when people had dial up internet and a lack of information. The developers of wow even say so, they have to design around addons, that is the advantage the modern player has over classic era players from 2004.

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Bro my cat has killed me so many times because i would get distracted, and my character would get bullhorn charged by a boar.

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Because people have gotten better at the game, not only did I already state that, you replied to it.

Name a mechanic that requires an addon.

I think another reason older people tend to migrate to classic is because of the autism-inducing level of stimuli present on-screen during retail. Have you seen some people’s add-on layout to play proficiently? Holy crap, its like the people are starved for dopamine. Numbers and colors and everything else is legit flying everywhere on-screen. It’s almost overloading at times.

Most of the bad UI’s are just packages people download wholesale and don’t customize.

First thing I do at the start of every raid tier is turn off 90% of the stuff.

And when you declare that you speak for everyone, you significantly impair your argument. Well, if you had an argument.

To the OP, in my personal opinion, while the class trees were poorly thought out and even more poorly implemented, that is not the biggest problem with this expansion. Poorly designed classes/specs have come and gone and I endured and had fun. Besides, a complex rotation is only required at the high end. I have 53 tunes across all classes and they are all set to Starter Build. I don’t care to learn that many specs, my play style doesn’t require it, and so I ignore them.

The diabloesque UI is replaceable via Bartender, as is the programming 101 class project that they call a UI editor.

The ugly UI and convoluted processes that they implemented for crafting killed the professions for me, which left one less thing for me to do in the game. They are now as bad as Wildstar’s professions.

The real killer for me was dragonriding. First, I simply can’t control them given my current condition. What condition, none of your business. Second, even if I could use it, it doesn’t meet my needs. Its intrusive and is much more like ram racing than any other form of in-game transportation.

“Dragonride or walk” was the reason I quit after Jan 1 this year and putting true flight behind pathfinding is the reason why I just unsubbed again. Will finish out sub doing holidays and running alts through old content. This expansion is dead to me.

But I will also not continue to pay Blizzard in order to play Classic/Wraith. Was there when it was new and do not really see the need to go back full time.

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I will accept the fact you keep ignoring the part where you are continually told you are just playing with bad players demanding you read to play at their level and are willing to remain totally ignorant of that so you cling to your argument, one that few ever make.

Ignorance is bliss afterall.

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You literally can’t be serious lol.

I remember in castle nathria, there were timers for all boss abilities, even a timer for when someone had to do the anima mechanic. There were addons that marked people to do geometry in the fight against Lady Inerva.

You don’t think healers get an advantage when they know exactly when damage is going out?

You can just go to any mythic raid video on youtube and you can see the addons on the screen. 95% of players were using them, even world first raiders.

Name a mechanic that requires an addon.

Go ahead.

I clear cutting edge mythic every tier. I can name ONE mechanic that I ever felt actually required an addon, and it was years ago.

Can you name any?

Do you have any videos of you doing mythic raids without addons?

I didn’t say I don’t use addons, of course I use addons, because the game’s default UI is horse crap and I use things like bartender just to be able to enjoy playing my characters, in or out of raids.

I’m talking about mechanics. Name a mechanic that requires an addon to play. You can’t.

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And has…just a few buttons. Which is what I said. I said nothing about total abilities. It literally forces you to only use a few of them. I have no idea why you felt the need to post a photo to show me what I already said as if I did not know it.

Some people have very limited MMO experience and get sucked into raid guilds and know no better or are such bad players they need guides.

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This means nothing, its a stupid question. I literally said, people got timers, got alerts, got symbols on their head, and you want me to do the work for you? You’re cutting edge you should know and never once did I state, that someone is required to have them, some guilds force their players to have them for prog.

The main argument is whether a modern player is that much better than a classic era player, the difference between the two is addons and information.

Blizzard designs encounters around addons, fullstop.

Here is an example of raiders developing an addon around this encounter:

a new addon was developed by the top raiders at the time that could actually draw lines on the minimap, making the mechanic easier to deal with. As Morgan Day explains:


" I didn’t even know that people could do that [at the time]. That’s so clever. It’s just something that is core to WoW functionality, but they had learned how to apply it in a way that really might make their raid encounter or dungeon a little bit easier."


You said fights are harder because of addons.

They aren’t.

No, they claim they do because Blizzard is staffed by a bunch of people who dodge responsibility.

Consider these scenarios:

  1. “This encounter was badly designed because we screwed up.”
  2. “This encounter was badly designed because of… um… we have to try and design around addons! Yeah, that’s it.”

Blizzard goes with #2 because they have no courage and lie to their players.

Yet everyone uses them? Are we arguing the sky is blue? Know anything about game design? I’m sorry if that bruises your ego?

This is just conjecture? I just showed you an example of them blaming an addon for a fight that got easier, and then I showed you their balance steps to reduce the effectiveness of addons?

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On average, yeah no doubt.


And they often do more harm than good. People download a boss mod or elvUI profile without customizing it, and then complain about all the useless clutter they aren’t turning off.

Something like the BDGG volcanic hearts map weakaura people use on Mythic Neltharion does more harm than good, but people use it and it actually sets them back on progress.

But you have no idea what I’m even talking about because you don’t even do this content, yet here you are trying to argue with me about it because this is the internet.

The current encounter developers are something you would wipe off the bottom of your shoe upon going indoors. The circus that was Mythic Aberrus showed that.