Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

You completely missed the point. 8k achievment points can be managed very quickly… It was a bad measure of clout on your part. If you want me to dig through every persons profile that comments on my posts then I’m here to tell you, your expectations of how much I care about time played and achievements is not accurate.

I played A NE Rogue in Beta, I played A Tauren Shaman at Vanilla launch, I don’t play with anyone that asks me to do anything I don’t want to do. You made the assumption that I would only represent a position that I am in personally, and thats not the case.

So once again here is the deal… It’s widely accepted that what I have written is not only common practice but an expectation of the community at large. If you happen to be an exception to the idea thats fine but it doesnt change the wider reality.

You commented on my post so if you have issues with leaving this alone thats on you.

This is why I couldn’t get into it again. I’m not a huge fan of how mindless leveling is now, but Classic is the opposite extreme and its design is severely outdated. It was a great game for its year, but it wouldn’t do remotely as well if it released as a new game today.

Looking at the current Wrath Enhance shaman guide on wowhead, I count 16 damage spell…

The extra fun you’re having in wrath could very well be related to that extra spell.

While I agree with your side, literally who gives a a damn about achievement points? It’s all about kills and parses lad

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I just turned 53 and still get Cutting Edge every tier.

As a Brewmaster who does the solo portion of the fight, I have 40 keybinds I use on Mythic Sark. It’s a lot, but nothing a good custom-built UI won’t help with.

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Raiding for the best gear should be able to be accomplished by drunk boomers barely paying attention. As soon as they moved away from that model and only giving top tier loot to the high end players, the player base started to decline.

They should get rid of raid difficulties and go back to easier raids. Bring back 40 mans. Vanilla had a winning model.

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What some people never seem to grasp is that the fights have gotten harder because MOST PEOPLE have gotten better at the game over the last 20 years, just as MOST PEOPLE get better at anything they keep practicing for 20 years.

There’s zero reason to change things for the dregs who are unwilling to improve as everyone else has done.


There’s definitely a large part of classic, ususally people who weren’t old enough to play the original game, who get extra spicey if you even mention you play retail.

I’ve had full blown arguments with people who disagreed with me enjoying retail when I was asked if I play both.

Yeah if I were going to raid in classic I’d want to just chill. The way people were taking world buffs and stuff seriously and trying to squeeze the absolute most out of everyone for entry level tank and spank bosses was super off-putting.

ESO has a huge selection of abilities that can be learned, but it limits how many of those you can use at any one time. So naturally you end up with your typical ‘most preferred’ options and that huge selection is pretty well wasted. This is what an ESO spell bar looks like:


Imagine if you had that few available abilities at any one time in WoW.

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Eh, im 40 and the dungeons are just so dann boring these days. Sprint. AoE. Repeat. Its not fun. Theres nuance in the old dungeons. The trash CCs you. You can’t brainlessly pull. Class identity matters and group comp makes a difference.

Theyre different games. You can’t just say its age.

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I find it more simple, less cluttered. The professions are less confusing, there’s not different colored things on the minimap.

I do miss achievements and dungeon maps, but that’s about it.


I mean … It’s a Facebook group for wow it’s probably exclusively old wow players.

It’s clear especially with DF and even the updated Horseman fight. Blizz wants people to move their characters every second and have non stop crap to move out of. Hard? No. It’s tedious.

I just find classic more fun at this point.


I mean that’s really what this has always come down to. The absolute lowest common denominator of player is able to do basically everything from MC - Naxx 25. The minute that the game required them to keep track of more than 2 things they all gave up.

But as I mentioned above, you can still be basically AFK and clear the raids in retail, you just don’t get to have the best loot, which is all that this has ever been about. It’s always been about people wanting to be able to drool on their keyboards and walk away with the best stuff.


Here’s my opinion for what it’s worth.

Retail actually has far more buttons to press per class than classic. The difference is Retail doesn’t allow you to press those buttons, because they get magically hidden away when we change spec.

The rotations in classic are generally much, much easier, but you have a lot of abilities which do things that you like or need. But a combat rotation might only really be 2-4 buttons.

Also, I have zero doubt that a lot of people have migrated to Wrath Classic and Classic HC. That’s the nature of the game. Classic is a superior version of WoW, people will want to play that and for various other reasons like downtime, boredom etc.

Yeah, this is all fair. The flow of the game is completely different.

Starting with Wrath and Cata but especially Mists, Blizzard thought they had to speed everything up to keep people interested. Now, the dungeon and leveling process is so incredibly boring because you’re literally just trying to get through it as fast as possible because there’s no risk and no rewards. You never have to worry about dying, and the game will just throw gear at you eventually. And when you do a dungeon, no one talks, they just try to speed through it because it’s so incredibly boring.

Retail is a very, very flawed game. Retail is a warped version of a very good game which is classic.

Apparently there are addons for both, but I haven’t tested either of them.

Yeah, I think Blizzard designed themselves into a corner. They’ve warped the game so much over the years that their past solutions are now their current problems.

Classic game design was a semi-strict house of cards and balancing act. Blizzard started taking cards out and now we’ve got a flimsy game that not many people really enjoy.

To be clear, if you enjoy retail or classic I am very happy for you. I want everyone to be happy and I want WoW to be successful, but I still have substantial criticisms of retail.

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But didn’t people say classic was harder? Also, that’s probably a Facebook page dedicated to Classic WoW, a page I would never join because I am not dedicated to Classic WoW and I have been here 19 years.

Ah no, the fights scaled because of addons not really because people got better, there were good players in the classic era. Addons made it possible to be even better because of information gathering.

Its like someone with iron scopes vs someone that has an acog, both have the same shooting skill but the one with acog has superior sights and can see farther therefor can land a better shot.

Dregs really dude? Must be fun at parties.


It depends.

In classic non HC the leveling is harder and the raiding is easier, save for Naxx.

In retail the leveling is mindlessly easy, the dungeons are mindlessly easy and the raiding and M+ are where the game gets difficult.

But that changes with HC, because now you have difficult leveling that’s ramped up and you have difficult raiding which is ramped up, which makes HC arguably more difficult even if all the fights have been solved.

Oh, sorry Cheatdeath I answered for you, my bad. That was a bit rude of me.

Its not harder just more time consuming, HC is definitely harder because of the permanent death mechanic and laziness.