Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

No. Buttons are a you problem. Can’t handle all the abilities, then don’t grab them.

These are anecdotals do you have citations or anything besides your opinion? I get that you do the content, but you’re trying to speak for the majority of raiders. Now you admit people use them, atleast we’re going somewhere.

Whether I do them or not has nothing to do with the argument.

No, I’m asking you to name a mechanic that can’t be done without addons.

That’s all I’ve been asking for.

You still can’t name one.

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You’re trying to catch me in a gotcha, the frame behind the question is ridiculous, ofc it can be done without addons but that isn’t reality, they are done with addons. I don’t know what else to tell you.

You’re doing acrobatics because you got caught saying something stupid and false.

Then they aren’t designed around addons and therefore the encounters haven’t gotten harder because of addons.

Therefore, back to your post that started this sub-topic:

This is false.

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Uh sure whatever you say Chad.

Yet they are, I showed two examples to your “opinion”. Might be a good raider, but a debater, LFR status.

Because you say so. Yeah we’re done here.

So you finally figured out he is a troll? If you have to point out the same thing more than twice and they keep ignoring and bringing up distractions, it becomes clear.


Weekly reminder that anyone who uses the “but addons lmao” as a rebuttal is wildly uninformed and should have their opinion immediately dismissed.


Oh I apologize for my misdemeanor I didn’t mean to expose you guys.

Your opinions are invalid because you don’t actually play the game, so it’s literally impossible for you to have informed and insightful thoughts about it.

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Something something fallacy here

Addons, specifically BW/DBM are definitely there to assist the player.

But saying they’re designed around them is incorrect, and I think their inclusion of private auras specifically made to dodge addons and weakauras are proof that they aren’t making these fights based around said addons.

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Also this is completely anecdotal but was my experience - classic seems far more right leaning, politically. When people in chat in retail talk, and when people in chat on classic talk, the things they say give strong indications of which way they lean politically.

inb4 no one cares. I care. I thought it was interesting.

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Saying they aren’t and them designing in practice are two different things they are definitely mindful of addons. Developers aren’t stupid, they take into consideration the player’s ability to circumvent their design philosophies.

I hate to use FFXIV as an example, the reason why they ban it so fast is because it’ll effect the integrity of the raiding scene, hence they would have to make the fights even more difficult than they are and send the PS4-5 community into oblivion for not having the addons. There was a world first group that cleared a raid and they were caught using addons, Square Enix immediately removed all their accolades and gear acquired from that raid. As they viewed it, as cheating.

To be clear, they don’t ban you for using plug-ins, they ban you for talking about or showing publically that you are using plug-ins.

Had that video of the Japanese team doing TOP not been released, they would never have been banned, because SE doesn’t have the tools to determine who is and isn’t using plug-ins.

Also, nearly everyone who is raiding in the Ultimate scene, and even most of the savage raiders I know are using plug-ins.

you mean… MeTa!!!

They are mindful of addons yeah, hence the private auras - which I already said are designed to completely dodge those programs.

Additional mechanics and such are a side effect of the lack of modern technical limitations as well as the heightened skill floor of the average player, etc. The idea that the fights are designed specifically around the addons is just wrong though.

If that was the case I’d imagine blizzard would be offering full API support including new endpoints for fights and dungeons, which would make it so DBM/BW (for example) would never need to be updated as all the info is coming straight from blizz on the backend, rather than though player testing.

Also really not concerned what FFXIzzzz is doing as it’s, well, not WoW.

Meh, impact of private auras so far has been weak. The only real effect was on Nelth and you could still see the people with the debuff using… well, using a weakaura.

WoW did literally work that way for a long time though. So thats just incorrect lol.

WoW only started getting ´´hard`` (lol) at the end of Wrath, which coincides with the time subs started falling.

It doesnt matter what people ´´ought´´ to do, what matters is what people do. They quit, they dont just go do LFR with only passive talents. No matter how much we make fun of them.

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Looks at pre-nerf Lady Vashj / Kaelthas.