Older fan base is migrating to classic cause difficulty

Yes. Easier class design, easier rotation, easier dungeons, easier raids.

And those greens you keep forever nods

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You don’t need’em when you die…So no.

Yeah people dont wanna treat a video game like a part time job. Like are you trying to make OPs case or what?

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Maybe the design was simpler, less mechanics in dungeons and raids, but I wouldn’t say it was easier to play. Transportation to the Scarlet Monastery was an ordeal for alliance players, at least until they got the flight path at South Shore.

many peoples memories of classic being hard last decade is because people play alot worse back then and lack of knowledge.


Then we have to talk about tedious vs challenging.

I didnt find anything about classic difficult to play. I found it extremely simple and easy. Just more tedious.


At my peak, I play WoW 12 hours a week and get CE and KSH every single season. On the low end, I play WoW 3 hours a week. This has nothing to do with dedicating vast amounts of personal time to the game, rather how well you play, and how efficient you are.

A lot of folks seem to be fundamentally incapable of accepting the fact that they just kinda stink at WoW.

There are people that enjoy the journey and then people that enjoy validation in MMOs. The “Put in the work Bro” crowd are the validation crowd and the spend a month on a HC character just to die and reroll are the enjoy the journey crowd…

It’s just different types. Unfortunately, one of those types also tends to have a compulsion to prove they are right about everything all the time. The other type just wants to chat about current events so the two don’t mix well.

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That is a very good point. I for one had no idea how to play most of guys and probably didn’t get the hang of them until the end of BC. Then again, I was/am an altoholic and didn’t raid much.

I’m sorry you are just wrong in my case. I’m definitely older and Daddy Blizz would have to pay me my full salary to get me to touch Classic. Even the ICC version of wrath classic would be a non-starter. MAYBE MoP classic, but I doubt that even. No way could I go back. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

And I used to play Dota casually and played with the best players in the world? So what who cares? Do you think I laugh at Mythic raiders in WoW and tell them they are not as good as they think they are? Do you think I feel superior to you because you brag about CE in a niche PvE game played by barely anyone? No, because it is a VIDEO GAME, who cares lol.

WoW succeeded because it appealed to casual gamers. It doesnt anymore, and now many of the WoW boomers have quit or are playing Classic. Idc about what ppl ´´should`` do, like gitgud and stick it out. I care about what ppl do.

When the game gets too hard they quit. It has always been this way. Just look at all the dad gamers who quit Wrath Classic when they released raids that were not braindead easy. People who started quitting Cata and Pandaria because the game became too hard.

We now with the most bloated WoW has probably ever been have the lowest WoW numbers, and you are here talking about the issue being ppl being unwilling to accept they are bad? Like what?

We literally know difficulty drives players away. We had both Classic and retail run concurrently proving it. Classic was a massive success until the game got too hard in WTLK. The proof is right there. SL disaster numbers for impossibly difficult raid.

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Classic is a timesink
Retail is hard
You can have a different opinion if you want, but the percentage of players clearing content doesn’t lie.

Yes it does. The vast majority of the content in this game is designed for casual players.

My argument is that there are 4 different difficulty settings designed to appeal to as broad a group of players as possible. You can literally find the version of the game that works for you, and exclusively play that.

When someone like OP says that difficulty is driving away players my question is: which difficulty? At what point is the game too hard that a person can no longer continue to play as they have been?

The real answer, of course, is that there isn’t a difficulty problem in WoW, the actual problem is that “Dad gamers” as you have put it, are really just looking for a game where they can play as bad as they want, put as little time into the game as they want, and still have a chance at the best rewards.

Literally, nothing in life, be it work, relationships or other hobbies works that way, so why should WoW?


I would argue that is true, but if we had some kind of Old School runescape system for classic i feel like it would become popular just because its a different game to retail and some people like that

I have yet to read a guide for how to play a class in WoW. It is not required. You are playing with terrible people.

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that doesnt really explain why they stay over there though something else other then nostalgia has to keep them going on classic.

Just want to remind everyone that classic has a class that auto attacks for the majority of their damage.

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Two things.

  1. I remember when old people used to climb uphill both ways to get to school. And were proud to tell everyone about it.

  2. I also remember the last time players complained about bloat. We got WoD pruning. Then everyone complained about pruning. Are these players so old they can’t remember 2015?

Take my upvote.

The greatest tragedy to happen to Blood Dks came at the end of WoD when Blizz foolishly pruned the spec/class, and in doing so, lowered the skill ceiling to a third of what it was.

BoS was a talent that transformed the way the spec was played. High risk, high reward in that it basically stacked a rythem game on top of your normal tanking duties. BoS was removed from BDK because Ion and his ilk felt that “arcade style twitch” gaming had no place in a MMO.

The spec has not been fun for me to play since that time.

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