Old School Role Call, Take Two

Looking forward to seeing some of you guys in Classic.

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Love seeing all these old school names popping up.

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Today’s the day! Excited to see all of you in game.

Hi Peri! <3

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Waves to all, and boards the pirate ship. :slight_smile:

Yep, came back for classic.

Welcome back!

It’s been about 5 years! Finally coming back not for classic mind you and wow, I’ve missed it!


I am still kicking around in one form or another…popped on the other day and it as pretty dead.

Worse than normal I imagine. Everyone I know from Earthen Ring is currently hanging out on Bloodsail Buccaneers in Classic.

also still kickin (though been gone for awhile until the past month due to IRL stuff).

tried classic. hate it as much as i did when it was live.

agree that yea, ER is pretty dead now. i looked at FTA a day or so ago just to see who all was on it and i was the ONLY one there (this is at 8 or 9 PM EST). thats pretty bad O_o;

dunno what can be done bout it though. most went to Wyr Acc to my knowledge, or other games outright.

Stamp a real one. Much love.

Still around and roleplaying fulltime. Good to see you too, Jarrick!

Esperscchius was my warrior back in thr day.

Ermahgerd a wild Xeekee appeared. I remember you, I could never get you off me

I left to play with my roommate’s guild sometime ago, but all of my Alliance alts are still on ER.

It’s really cool to see some of the names in here that I recognize. I hope life’s been treating you all well :slight_smile:

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This realm is in a sad state, but it’s where it all began for me. Hang in there fellow ER players, all 5 of you :rofl:

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Some of you might remember me. I have seen a lot of names that just brings back really awesome memories. But to recap…

Peppito, Rhinno, Spag, Kaitiff, Hunataka, Otippep (my dirty Ally Shaman) and a slew of other alts.

Long were the days of the week long AV matches, PvP nights with my Succession folks, and the drama with Ptes, which I don’t even know all of that jazz. Having Timmid come to Org or UC for a visit, TM/SS raids and the multiple Alliance leader raids, Longarms in any BG, traveling with Lushin into Ally cities to play and meeting some ER folks in the outernet (aka our Matrix simulation or “real life” as some people call it lol)

Safe to say I’ve come back after leaving right near the end of MoP, but now I’ve got some catching up to do apparently lol

I love you all. <3

Except you…you know who you are.


Welcome back! Always great to see old players return to the fold.

waves Im still kicking around just off of ER since it’s a ghost town

It’s definitely quieter than days past. Keeping my fingers crossed that we see our name pop up on the server connection thread soon :crossed_fingers:

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