Old raids won't be fixed

they will do something. they have the metrics that show the popularity of old content.

what they are waiting for is the first big content drought of the expansion, when the try hards quit until next tiers, they will enable the legacy buff for legion because , lets be honest. mount and transmog collectors keep paying during content droughts.


Ummm you mean like how it has been after every expansion? So how exactly did they bait us? You do realize that in BfA I could solo all WoD mythic raids. In Legion I could solo all Mythic MoP etc. Sooo yeahhhh. Good effort though.

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Another sad yet true statement as I am one those kinds of people that stayed subbed through droughts because i can farm old content. I’ll be honest though and sunk cost is the only reason I have played this game for so long and if this is the precedent going forward it may finally be the release I need to run and never come back.


It looks like some changes went through last night that will at least affect WoD and earlier content. Here’s my post about it from another thread on the topic.



This is ridiculous. Just fix the damn scaling.


just add the legacy debuff.

x10,000 or x20,000 damage


I could skate by without the damage buff. It’s the damage taken buff that is non-existent. Bosses and mobs in legion raids can hit you consecutively for 4-6k damage in a few seconds (Looking at you, Spellblade Aluriel). If we can’t one shot bosses, we should at least have the ability to survive them.


fix this sh1t blizzard, ffs

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LOL, he’s wrong about this though. Soulbinds hardly do anything, and the scaling is so far off that item level won’t hardly help most classes.

This is rather dissapointing as I had Gul’dans mount fairly high on my to do list. This also means BfA will most likely not be soloable next xpac and I have everything high on my list from that xpac.

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Issue with level squish is scaling. So say example Legion which is technically level 45 raid. So at level 45 if in top ilevel and how mobs scale we are really over tuned and probably 5 man a raid, someone should test it. However as we level and scale so are raid mobs till 50 and these old raids due to scaling become more punishing. I have found level 50 BFA and legion mobs hit harder that Shadowlands level 51-52 mobs. Some of the standard elites hit harder than the rare elites that need groups to take down in Shadowlands. This is in open world.

So the issue is not with raids its all around older content mobs are stronger that shadowlands mobs. I was on my DK which was Ilevel 119 prior to squish and had no problems soloing most standard rares or elite. After level squish I had to kite a Faceless elite for like 3-4 mins. I haven’t gone back on any 60s to see how fast I can kill stuff but I am guessing I would not destroy the mobs as I expect I should.

I am sure this was an unintended consequence of the level squish. However, they new right away and probably figured there is a base in the community that would enjoy older content being challenging again.

agreed its not a raid specific issue its a scaling issue in general.

Incredibly disappointing what else can you say? Laziness I guess.


The whole thing just feels seedy to me.

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Had we just gone to level 130…121 would have been 11 levels which was the old way.
I don’t get why they can’t add buff once you enter any Legion content, seems like such a simple fix.


Legion content came out f o u r years ago. There’s no reason why a blanket nerf to enemy damage/health for level 60 players shouldn’t have been implemented. It doesn’t make sense, since Blizzard relies solely on whales to stay afloat. The kind of people who will pay for multiple month subs and farm old content to collect mogs, mounts, pets, and achievements.

We shouldn’t have to wait until patch 9.3 to start soloing old, deprecated content.


This policy of maintaining relevancy or whatever they call it only serves to keep me from logging into the game when I finish with the gated end game content.

A big part of the game is running solo for tmogs, mounts and such.



old dungeon/raid content SHOULD TAKE A GROUP TO DO IT! this is an mmo open up group finder and ask for ppl to join or ask in guild chat. guess what you get to be social and meet new ppl and get nice stuff for working together.

This Ain’t it Chief…
It’s gonna be a straw that breaks that camels back.


Well people will just unsub. And they’re not fixing cause they CAN’T they have no idea how too.