Old raids won't be fixed

a lot of what i do in game is just run old raids for mounts, pets, mog, etc It’s good to know how little blizzard actually cares about our enjoyment of the game.


no its how you should be playing an mmo

This is a bs statement.

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Bullcrap sorry, people like to do their own things in this game at their own PACE. Blizzard have basically screwed up on these squish stats. GL to those that like to raid but alot of us DON’T.

agreed it’s not that they don’t know how to, it’s that it would be too much work to manually go back and tune mobs so they just shrug and say sorry our new automated scaling system screwed it up and we don’t care enough to fix it.

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No its not I said long before this Xpac came out squishing stats was a huge job and they failed miserably at it. Hence people can’t go back farm mounts transmog and do what they want to do at THEIR PACE. BLIZZARD SCREWED UP BIG TIME AND ITS GOING TO COST THEM BIG TIME AS WELL. The sackings we know about! other budget cuts we have no idea. Considering they paid their new CFO 15MIL to sign on the dotted line and 999pa and he was the one doing all the sacking.


Well it’s going to cost them subs heaps of subs.


Come on Blizzard! Quit playing games with us players. we were able to do legacy raid content and not be affected by scaling. from previous release in the the past of newer expansion you did scale back and fixed the problem. Now you are ignoring the problem and not doing it. Whats really going on? This is really upsetting !!!

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :roll_eyes: :rage:


The problem is exponential stat scaling throughout the xpac. That’s what leads to well geared 50s possibly having a better time soloing some old content than a fresh level 60, esp. in the early patches of the current xpac. I don’t think that makes sense tbh, level 60s should be more powerful, but that’s why this problem happens.

A fundamental question is if it’s better to minimize power gains between tiers and difficulties within each tier to limit exponential power gains per xpac or if it’s better to have the possibility of previous tiers or difficulties within each tier in the same xpac be BiS for some specs later in the xpac. The devs seem to think that’s a bad thing, but I don’t think it is.

Limiting how much power you gain throughout the xpac would allow player characters to start with better stats that don’t feel as bad as they do at the beginning of the xpac and I do like that idea. It might also lead to fewer stat squishes. It would be interesting to see the impact of drastically reduced gear scaling to players that are focused on various aspects of end game content (rated PvP, raids, and M+).

I think drastically slower stat scaling would be healthier for the game in the long term. A larger amount of PvE content would probably remain relevant throughout the xpac because old tiers wouldn’t be invalidated by significant exponential gear scaling.

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I’m 100% certain that the level squish messed up legacy raid scaling, and rather than taking the time+energy to fix it, they’re just going to keep it as is.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!


I agree. I really hope they do fix it. I mean we have been able to face-roll old content in the past. It was always a stress relief from current content to take a break and do something fun. :sob:

I thought people were just exaggerating, since you know, it’s the forums.

I went into mythic Nighthold with 174 ilvl. It felt EXACTLY like when I was trying to solo it at the end of BfA.

I really do hope Blizzard decides to put in the time to fix legacy raid scaling after the holidays, but I’m prepared to be disappointed.


They are abandoning and killing WoW slowly…

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To what end?

farming old content creates unintended wealth. I think the practice should be reviewed further.

They’ve reduced the amount of gold legacy bosses dropped several times in the past though, so that can’t be it.

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I think one-shotting an old god is problematic immersion-wise.

I think raids should have permanent autoscaling to keep a hunter and his 3 wolves from being strong than a titan.

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Immersion ALWAYS takes a backseat to gameplay. This is how we have playable Forsaken Priests and Alliance/Horde Warlocks.

If RP means that much to you, by all means avoid legacy content. The rest of us would like to continue farming for transmogs/mounts like we have for the last several expansions.


It’s also not something you really do unless you specifically go out of your way to do it. If it’s immersion breaking for somebody, they can not do it.

It would be stupid gameplay wise if I had to form a raid group to go do AQ40 for transmog gear.

you bypass immersion in a roleplaying game?