Old raids won't be fixed

or…and hear me out on this one…how about WE play what we ENJOY playing in the game?
Yeah…I know…alien concept.


I LOVE the tea party quests in Revendreth. I can see hardcore raiders maybe rolling their eyes, though.
The game needs more role playing content not as much pew pew pew content.

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The price of those? What? They are BoP (the vast majority with minor exception), not sure what you’re talking about. Are you promoting the selling of runs now?

Challenge? There are current challenges in current content. Any player can find challenging content. If I wanted to be challenged, I could do torghast 8 as blood. I could try to run a dungeon with no weapon.

So, no, sorry, challenges are rampant through out the game and can be created at the player’s whim.

Unless you have the data to show a significant enough portion of the community is on the ‘doing something for no reward just challenge’ boat, not sure how meaningful that is – given how much there is to do for a challenge.


oh dear god. I was actually joking about his entire rant revolving around his precious rare mounts.
I guess I should have read his entire post.
How pathetic that people are putting so much personal value and ‘prestige’ in a video game.


Now its making sense. I get it.
The one is worried sick his precious mounts will lose ‘prestige’ points and his alt is worried sick he wont be able to sell runs…or would prefer if we had to pay his sort in order to farm old content.

Wow…I hope these kinds of players quit soon.


I think we level because they dont want to be able to just do engame stuff at level 40

I think that leveling in wow shouldn’t be importart. Afterall engame is what matters and being able to advance on it since day 1 could be amazing

And from my experience its maybe ONE additional player…kinda like when my WIFE is sitting here playing and we help each other with crap like that.
FAR different than having to gather up 10 or 25 players for an old raid that no one wants to play AT LEVEL anymore just to get gear drops they dont need.

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I did notice a change in ToS normal a few weeks ago after they supposedly tuned some of it.
I was having a horrible time with the first boss…after being able to trash it before prepatch dropped.
After they apparently did their thing, it didnt get as easy as it had been before prepatch, but it was nearly acceptable (in that I dont figure they’ll ever do the intelligent thing and just let us basically one shot all old content since the challenge is no longer the point).

edit…need to point out that I NEVER used corruptions, literally at all I cleansed everything because I hated the system.

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Again, that’s the byproduct of a system where the zone needs to stay relevant for the whole expansion (or at least until the next zone is released). Imagine if all of Dragon Warrior existed in the area around the first town fighting slimes. How do you make that last long term while still having player progression/leveling in that zone? The alternative is keep the mobs at Level 50, and we’d just steamroll them a week into the expansion. Unfortunately, this is how the release of an expansion works until the next zone is released. By the time the expansion is over, you have a series of zones that can maintain a progressive feel of difficulty, but it’s hard when the staring zones are all you have at first.

This is a different story. Like I said earlier, I wouldn’t attribute this to anything malicious, but rather I think it’s a byproduct of trying to make SL experience work in a scaled manner. It has a trickle down effect, sometimes with unexpected consequences, and I can imagine it’s a lot harder to fix that when the goal is to keep SL stable.

Remember when the white knights came out and said the level squish was a good thing and it would only change numbers and not have any effect on player power whatsoever?

Its actually worse than I imagined it would be. I feel if we had went to 130 we would be soloing the old content still.


Lmfao they baited you all during bfa with the carrot “you’ll be able to farm this legion content solo next xpac and get tons of loot drops instead of personal loot!”

next expansion comes out

blizzard changes the deal

darth Vader quote to lando


Legion was made legacy loot during BFA (March), so that part is invalid for sure.

They say a lot of things but that doesn’t mean nothing will change

I guess now we know what stance to take for future squishes then don’t we :slight_smile:


Not surprising. Ion and his dev team seem to enjoy lying to the community just to sell the game.


They will backpedal when they start seeing sub numbers drop, just like they did with flying. Eventually the casual players who do old raids for mog and mounts start seeing it’s not possible anymore they will say to themselves, why am I sticking around, leave, and Blizz will pull a 180.

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Could solo kill Gul’dan on mythic by the end of BfA on two characters, now I can’t on any.

Was looking forward to being able to farm him on all my characters for the infernal mount.


That’s how it works now. That hasn’t been how it always worked. It changed when you could pick your own adventure path (WoD?). Before that, it was a linear experience (like SL). You started out in the “starting zone” of a new expansion and worked your way up through each zone to the last zones that were the ones that were intended to be top level.

You’re missing the overall point that this game is 16 years old. The traditional, level-banded zones no longer work at a certain point when the game is this old and continually layers new content over old (which is why they implemented scaling). Particularly, no one would return to play this game, or start it in the first place, if they were expected to invest the same cumulative amount of time a veteran player had to put in when each expansion was current.

There is a reasonable amount of time any player would be willing to invest to get current, whether new, veteran, or otherwise. And, inevitably, you continually add more and more content into that same reasonable amount of time. I know it’s hyperbolic, but it was getting to the point where you’d barely get past “Welcome to Westfall!” before being told you need to move on to another level appropriate zone.

I don’t know, scaling to me is a necessary evil in a 16 year old MMO more than anything. If it takes 1 hour of play time per level, and it always stayed that way, a veteran player might not mind having to go from 50-60, but a new player having to go from 1-60 would balk. So you try to fit in what you can for the core experience, make that a “reset” of sorts on the linear RPG feel, and then try to fix the details around it.

Yeah, we knew that wasn’t going to happen.


In current content i agree. It makes all current content relevant through the entire expansion. Old content i’m not so sure on. This is why we have Chromie and Time-Walking, so new players and existing players leveling alts can play through old content at the scale of their current level.