Old raids no longer soloable

when they gon fix this? asap pls.

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How am I trolling? Is this a single player game or an MMO? Welcome to WoW.

Ok mate… I’m sorry, but I just soloed the release world boss (full disclosure, a prot warrior joined me at 40%, but seeing as I just repeatedly ripped aggro off him… he wasn’t doing much).

Exactly which mob is literally impossible with every single one of your CDs? The only ones I couldn’t solo prior to the patch were the 25M HP rares in Uldum that could even kill tanks. I’m not that much better geared than you. This sounds like a L2P issue at the moment though…

As for the OP, yes we lost a lot of strength with the loss of corruption. The game is likely balanced for SL at 60. This has happened each time they do a squish. And M Gul’dan was not soloable at the start of BfA due to the perma-stun that occurs from the parasites. You have to have enough burst to kill Illidan before that happens. With enough burst, you can kill him. We weren’t doing it when ST damage was 15kish…

Long story short. Yes we lost some power, but thus far nothing unreasonable. I’m more concerned about Nobully’s post as Velhari is well and truly trivial content being from WoD, not Legion. That sounds like an actual scaling issue.

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have you just played blood dk since wrath? only way i can see why you’re in this echochamber xD

this issue has been known for montthhhhsss

If you’ve been playing the lottery solo for 10 years. Would you be upset if suddenly a rule says you have to split your prize with 5 people? And you have no choice.

And they have to submit everything in handwriting, triplicate, and send it via registered and insured mail. :smiley:

I don’t take issue with people disagreeing. It’s when they come off as overly blunt when the problems arise. You often do that, and admit to it as well. Personally I’d hope someone in your position wouldn’t behave in such a manner as it does no one any good. I’m not saying you should be walked all over but nothing the OP said seemed problematic. They even provided proof, which you dismissed.

Maybe you kinda sorta should. :smiley:

Maybe say it a bit nicer and less blunt. lol

It’s easy to blame the game when there’s such a drastic change. Who else are they to blame? If on one day the OP had no issue killing something and the very next day can’t do it, logic would deem there’s a problem with the game.

I do appreciate your apology for derailing the discussion you posted above. It does allow me to look at you in a different light and hopefully reminds everyone there’s a human behind the avatar.

Same. I don’t have an issue with disagreements. How a person comes off can totally change the tone and that’s what bothered me and pushed me to say something. Disagreeing probably wasn’t the word I should have used.

No one wants to be called a liar. Especially when they feel they are right. People in the position of a green should be able to get to the bottom of a situation without rilling things up. If that’s not possible then it’s probably best to simply stay out of. It’s not as if we get responses from Greens and Blues on a regular basis, so them saying nothing wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.

Wish I were home and able to consume alcohol. lol


I usually disagree with Metrohaha on a number of issues. In this case, he may have been blunt, but I’m honestly at a loss for words at what the person he’s responding is claiming. The person he’s responding to is stating they literally cannot kill a mob and die before the mob hits 50% in BfA. A mob they could previously 2 shot.

Just to check, I went out and straight up (almost explained above, but really did) solo’d a release world boss. As in one of those 40 man raid bosses released at the start of BfA. The example they gave was bloodmaw. A release elite that is a fraction of the strength of the release world bosses.

As such… I’m just a little doubtful of the poster as well. I’ve now asked multiple times for the specific mob in question and have yet to receive an answer so I can go test the darn thing itself.

At most I can say that killing the world boss and the elite (that’s of similar strength and arguably harder than Bloodmaw) took longer. But “literally unkillable” … Metrohaha is right in this regard. Stop the hyperbole. We’ve lost power… but we haven’t become completely powerless in current content.

Scaling is off in beta as well but they can fix that given time. But on live yes scaling is off as well.

Not doubting that scaling is off but I had zero issues doing mythic Kara last night on this subpar Hunter.

Earlier today I was in a group for H EP. The trash on Behemoth one shotted everyone with one chain lightning.

The scaling is definitely a plan that did not survive first contact.

My toons had very little corruption, and I’m seeing wide swings in power.

I fully expect a big tuning sweep in the next week or so.

Until then, I’ll level a new toon.

The topic is old raids. You should not have to get a raid together to run non relevant content for gear that only serves a cosmetic purpose. In short, the “MMO” applies to current content and other group activities. Transmog and mount runs absolutely do not count.

I don’t believe you. I don’t think there is a single tester. There are quests still borked in lower level zones that if they were tested at all, it was by a max level player. You shouldn’t have to be 110 to solo a non-elite level 70 quest that used to be easily soloable. But there they are. And that’s what wowhead recommends.

You can just use the custom group finder and put together a… oh, right.

Can’t use custom group finder until you’re 50.



To be fair, there was one guy, but he left when he first heard about Covid last winter…

Maybe you should state legion raids. I can solo everything else fine

Nice response. :roll_eyes:

Not the first time I’ve seen this “mvp” talking out its rear very confidently.


The WORST part? I tested this on PTR several times over the past weeks and noticed scaling as off. I was taking much more damage but also noticed faster kill speed, so someone EXTREMELY delusional in the wow dev team LITERALLY LAST MINUTE pushed updates on monday that further weakened player power on older raids. I remember how goroth was a pain to solo on mythic on PTR but once he was dead, Harj was a joke. Now on live BOTH of them are painful and nigh impossible to solo instead. This is by far one of the worst stat squishes they have done, and it feels almost on purpose that they screwed player power this bad. I only got to down goroth and harj after like 10 attemps on my dk once i started to use my tank stuff and even then it was VERY RGN, wiped 3% on harj once even.

WHAT? I get that it’s probably to stop spam but damn Blizz what about the leveling process?