Old raids no longer soloable

I’ve had no issues at all on pre Legion legacy raids so far, because before and after for them is a difference between x5 over kill and x2 over kill :slight_smile:

There are some concerns with Legion raids, and my concerns are only currently with open world content.

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Facts like the literal, actual data he provided you?

Cmon, dude.


They always want me to demonstrate I actually need more character slots. There is no way to demonstrate anything really.

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My priest had much the same problem in the Heart of Fear with the Amber Shaper after the last squish. Impossible to burn him down fast enough before his insta-kill fired off, got turned into goo, died, fight ended, retry. It sucked.

The planning for insta-kill mechanics and level squishes doesn’t seem to have improved much in the intervening years.

ah yes!
i remember this one too… blergh… i’ll add him? her? to my testing for tomorrow to see if it went wonky in the same way again


talking about a combat log.
Those things are nice, but it doesn’t show anything about the difficulty of the encounter, and the character has actually increases in power with respect to their previous form.

this sucks i cant farm my old raids for the mounts i need anymore

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  1. The scaling of my health and power vs the target boss health is in the numbers (x26 lower for me only x7 lower for target)
  2. I’ve already told you that it went from trivial to impossible - I’m not talking about a marginal change here.

Even if I try 20 or 30 times on a given mob and eventually find a strat to kill it … IT USED TO BE TRIVIAL TO KILL.


like what?

at least give some specifics so people can test them…


Is bloodmaw the problem mob? What mob are you finding impossible to kill, cause I’d like to test it as well.

I find it hard to believe someone who’s in what looks to be full 475ish gear prior to the patch is having trouble killing bloodmaw. Heck I was testing glacial spike on a target dummy and it was critting between 20-30k. I’m fairly confident I could get 8ish glacials off before that mob killed me.

I actually fought Bloodmaw yesterday evening on my blood DK and MM hunter. It took MUCH much longer to kill than it used to. The scaling of mobs in BFA is off.

On beta I went after Broodmother Razora as a test on both my 50 rogue and a 60 rogue. Her health scaled UP by like 30% to the level 60 character, which it shouldn’t do as that’s over the cap for that expansion.

BFA scaling is broken right now. Hopefully they’ll address that before SL actual release.

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Just tested Adhara White. Killed him without using any CDs. Definitely took a bit longer, but was in no way close to impossible. Didn’t use frozen orb, rune of power, trinket, lust, or icy veins. Just frostbolt, ice lance, glacial spike, ebonbolt, and counterspell. At no point was I in danger of dying.

It did take longer than expected (as my GS would literally 1 shot him previously) but the vast majority of the power loss was due to corruption being lost. What mob are you finding literally impossible?

Edit: I could solo the release raid bosses previously, will try now and let you know.

Just might be because how it works. Most likely balanced for lvl 60. Granted that’s not a excuse

It sounds like you have to actually, group up with people to play the game. Scary I know.

I warned y’all months ago what would happen.

Time to pay up.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Retroy plays more than just weekends.

Oh, you mean Blizzard employees? I think they fired that guy.

Because level 30 is the new cap for Classic, TBC and WotLK. All are now equivalent. Why would a level 30 be able to solo a 40 man level 30 raid ?

You think old raids are bad try BFA raids i did a lfr last night in
the grand reception and the merlock trash pack was hitting for more HP than what the tanks had wiped us in 2sec

You have to be trolling.
Bosses NO LONGER BEING SOLOABLE is my problem…
I don’t want to roll against 3 people for a mount.
I want to be the only one killing the boss so I have the highest chance… Like I’ve been doing for months


Where in mmo is the words group, raids etc. Massively multiplayer online. That means multiple people online at one time. Finally,. There is nothing massive about groups of people between 5 and 20.