Old raids no longer soloable

No.it.does.not. If the comparable damage is less then he lost power.

All player damage does is impact time to kill. If it takes longer to kill then you have lost power. Since some class are in a race to kill mobs before they kill you then taking long does make it flat out harder. That is ignoring that they are comparatively stronger doing more comparative damage.

If before squish it took 20 seconds to kill a mob and now it takes a minute did you gain or lose power? Again this is not a hard concept. Since all damage, hp, ect. Have been tuned nothing about the raw numbers can be used as a base. The only effective measurement is time to kill in comparing pre and post squish power.


They do it for free! FOR FREE!!!

Before : I could AB/AM the thing down in under 30 seconds

Now : PoM/Touch of Magi/Arcane Power/Azerite Essence/AB/AB/AB/AB… + Heroism, + Mechagnome racial mirror images + Mage mirror images + using Alter time to restore health + Mechagnome sudden death protection … ALL together and I die before he gets to 50%.

As I said - this is not a subtle difference, this isn’t the BfA prepatch where it took twice as long to kill a mob… this is a change from TRIVIAL … to IMPOSSIBLE

This is open world current content only at this point, so far pre Legion legacy is fine, and instanced BfA content (the few mythics I’ve done) are fine.


and i’m stating, that i’m not lying about being unable to kill Velhari… when yesterday, i could ice-lance her to death.
…but today, no amount of anything could get her below 10% before the damage insta-gimped me.

i’ll have to decide if there’s a better number… but 33 looks kinda sw33t!


Nah brah. Use eyes of the beast, it will make you a better player!


Looks like I will need to log in later tonight and test this out. It certainly doesn’t sound promising.

Dude, if you want to be taken seriously maybe cut your tone down some. Out of all the greens here you are probably the only one who I see people actively disagree with on a regular basis.


It is about as troll-esque as you can get. Apparently being green means you get away with that sort of thing based on his other responses which are little better.


Alright, well this has gotten way out of control so going to bow out of it.
Sorry you are having trouble. I didn’t mean to insult you, but others have indicated that I have, so sorry about that too.

We have significantly derailed this thread from the topic of old raids and I apologize for that too, because that is something that is important and an intended element of balance that they might have missed.


So you’re just here to be needlessly pedantic? Like, are green text people allowed to troll like this?


I am not someone most people agree with anywhere.
A lot of times it is because I bluntly state the facts as I see them.
I am often wrong, but that’s life.

I don’t really worry about this sort of thing.
All I wanted to do was help players realize that these sort of inconsistencies happen, are to be expected, and do not impact the game as much as they expect.

If there are outliers, discuss them using facts and they may be addressed.
Otherwise, work harder to complete your goals. The game is too easy to blame Blizzard for everything. IMO.

I genuinely loled at this, thank you!

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I’m almost always accused of being a Blizzard shill when I post - because (and you can check my post history here and on MMO-C) - I almost never criticise Blizzard for a damn thing.

When however, the MATHS itself shows an explicit and undeniable problem - I post about it.

Now I’m a Blizzard hater all of a sudden.



See, since I knew this coming, I took care of all my solo Legion Mythic transmog business before the pre-patch. Now I just have a couple of runs of normal ToS to pick up a couple of pieces and then I’m done until SL comes out. Well that and I need my Felslinger shoulders to drop.


It is factually incorrect as multiple players here have pointed out specific situations that were tenable Monday but which are not tenable now. Another player even took the time to break down a very informative response to your presumptions of game power. As for blame, unless you know of some person or entity other than Blizzard who implemented game changes, it actually is Blizzards fault.


i’m fine with people disagreeing… it’s HOW he chooses to disagree which irks me.

calling me a liar isn’t exactly appreciated… i’ve got absolutely nothing to gain by stating that i can no longer down a legacy boss which i could absolutely flatten previously.

i also have no idea what this is meant to mean… so i’m just going to assume the alcohol has kicked in…?

i’m not sure what i’m meant to demonstrate.
nothing is “more difficult”… there is no chance for anything to get difficult… i just… explode when she gets to about 10%, even with mirrors, even with hero, even with my orb thrown out, even with extra buffs… i simply lack the burst to make her die.
everything else within the raid behaved mostly as expected, and none of the other bosses were problematic in any way.


And I saw it coming as well, which is why I removed my corruptions before the patch did some before and after comparisons, and also finished off my Visions (to get the bag and mount).

All this does is stop my paragon chest farming - which to be honest is probably a good thing :slight_smile:

This always happens when Blizzards Meganumerophobia crops up and the table of balance gets flipped over.

Sure, they try to set things back up, but they always, always miss something. Even if you agree with the thinking behind it, the chaos of the results are a matter of observation, not opinion.

This is also a side effect from their perpetual use of goldfish systems that die at the end of each expansion, tearing out what they decided will be this iterations foundation and watching the walls collapse in. It’s less pronounced, but even if we were still 120 going on 130, the loss of Corruption would still be a nerf.

Probably one most would be okay with, as it was for many the Shark Jumping of such systems, but the point remains - close an expansion, throw out major portions of character effectiveness, and players will universally feel weaker.

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and no, i haven’t had a chance to test it on any other classes, so i’m not willing to start screaming that it’s a bug, when it could just be an issue with me or my playstyle.

i’ll probably test it on some other classes tomorrow, but have a bit of a full day.
…so if anyone else wants to check her out, be my guest… feel free to tell me i’m just a baddie, it won’t hurt my feelings, at least i’ll know where the problem is :stuck_out_tongue:

I was basically passing most of my time solo farming old raids for mogs including some Legion raids. I will do some testing tonight to see how things are, but right now this makes me concerned.

You guys can thank the good people at wow devs for messing all this up huh. Waiting til you get to shadowlands your going to die alot !