Old raids no longer soloable

Let’s clarify here before we cause widespread panic. Legacy raids are fine. It’s non-legacy raids that people are having problems soloing.

Once more with feeling, may be your Orc brain :slight_smile:



Yeah, he’s trolling.


Fun tip if you do two asterix itll make it bold

Him gaining stats means he gained power.
The mob also gained power, but I disagree that it gaining health makes it harder, especially when we are talking about world content.

I don’t know this specific mob though.
Maybe there is something about it that makes it harder?

After reading a lot of the posts above it’s clearly not just about corruptions. Corruptions added an insane amount of power to people depending on what they had. However scaling is a problem and has always been. We can only hope they hammer things out but it’s probably not going to be nearly as bad as it is now at level 60.

Well that is how it is coming across. You think using eyes of the beast is going to impact fighting a mob with 4x comparative HP pool as they had a day ago that also does more comparative damage?


my mage found Velhari to be “literally unkillable”.

i tried a lot of methods, but lacked the burst to get her down before mechanics kicked in and killed me… i eventually had to get someone else in to help.

i’m not stressed about it, because as soon as i get another level or two under my belt, it won’t be a problem… but to be telling people things aren’t “literally unkillable”, is just obnoxious.
(and that’s saying a lot, coming from me!)


I even did screen shots to show the ACTUAL change - from the game.

Double whammy:
My health reduced by a factor of 26
My power reduced by a factor of 21

MOB’s health reduced by ONLY a factor of 7.


pre patch corrected a big error, blizz gave us two expacs worth of ilvl in one expac making most of max lvl content trivial at best. We got spoiled and now we are seeing the difference.

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Do you know what a strawman argument is? You’re wasting everyone’s time. How the hell did you get that status. You Have to have a hook up at blizz. …

Yes the mob is Killable, is it soloable? If not was it soloable yesterday. If yes then there is a problem…
Blizz please check this clowns status.


And this is also true, as this guy has been caping hard for these changes over the past 24 hours. I’ve seen him everywhere.

Sorry, I am talking about spells you use to deal with difficult situations, not flavor stuff like that.

I said that, because I have had a LOT of people who had not prepared for their class changes fall really flat last night.
Its not uncommon.

Especially for ranged DPS.

i’m omnipresent :slight_smile:

Its just the facts.
If you want Blizzard to take you serious, you can not be lying about things.
Demonstrate what is more difficult about the situation and offer a solution.

Idk if I can handle you being level 33 now


How did someone making a comment this trollish become a community mvp? Seriously. This statement is factually and socially wrong. You, sir, are no better than the forum trolls who do so without that green text.


And this type of thing happening is exactly why I was hating to see yesterday come… but I guess all that matters is that my character can stand around and look good with the new customizations, who cares if I can play the game… right? /endsarcasm


Maybe socially, but not factually.
I know everyone is on edge right now, but its the best advice I can give.
No need to blame Blizzard for everything!

Work for the multi-billion $ company for free!