Old raids no longer soloable

Dude just stop, so many are saying that it is still difficult, which it should not be for old content.


That guy is showing up in every thread about this deliberately trying to gaslight people, “denying” evidence that is posted, and saying he can easily solo everything while conveniently never posting on the toon that can supposed do it. No idea what his agenda is.


That’s what happens when people are chasing the green (text).

It never works out for them that way…that’s not how you get green text lol.

Which raid?

Are you trying to do mythic nzoth??

I see Devilspartne ejected himself out of the topic. Either that or it’s cause his post was deleted and he’s suspended like he should be.

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Ok. I’m curious. What happened to Chromie time?

Chromie time ends you hit level 50, about 50 seconds after dinging you will be ported to capital city unless you’re in BfA zones.

Sadly doesn’t apply if you’re running an old raid for mogs.

That Ion guy from blizz seems to make it look like this is all intended /shrug he says

" * Old raid tuning had a bug in the first week of Shadowlands for Legion content that made it harder as you leveled.

  • Old raids might be a little harder at max level now, but part of that is from your stats going down as you level. Things should get better as you get more gear and Soulbinds. Eventually your player power will exceed what it was at the end of the last expansion."

So basically we aren’t getting a fix any time soon because they think we will “eventually” be as strong as we were at lvl 50, am i the crazy one here thinking how stupid that sounds ? We are now 10 levels higher with much higher item lvl yet we are meant to be weaker and it will take raid gear and extra conduits to get the same power as lvl 50. So its going to be months before we can do old content as well as we could before not even exceed it , just be equal to it lol.


Ion is that worst thing that has happened to this game. Change my mind.



Just tested now:

Fastest kill time on LFR Goroth is 24 seconds, and was achieved as a 120. Last week it was 33 seconds. Today it’s 28 seconds. There’s also a marked difference in that I took next to no damage this time around.

Same with LFR Harjatan. Last week - 34 seconds, today - 28 with next to no damage taken. fastest as a 120 was also 24 seconds.

Sassz’ine took longer - 39 seconds vs 37 seconds, with fastest kill (as 120) being 28 seconds. No damage taken though.

The nice test - LFR Aggy, which has been a major sore spot - 45 seconds as a 120, a couple days ago was 78 seconds, today was 59 seconds, with almost no damage taken.

Is anyone else seeing improvements in Legion raids? I still don’t see the same attack power levels as 120 (roughly 20% less) but this is much, much more pleasant than it’s been since the start of prepatch as bosses are going down before wipe mechanics and I’m not getting my face wrecked by damage.

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It’s mega-clear that something was done today. I’ve posted numerous runs from tonight in When will the Level scaling issues be resolved for older dungeons & raids? - #73 by Humanbeak-drenden

How were you able to get down Aggy? Even if he’s dealing no damage, doesn’t that slam mechanic insta kill you by knocking you off?

Still, the fact that your times are even comparable is kinda ridiculous. You should be curb stomping these things with ten extra levels relative to pre-SL. As with every expansion in the past.

I would like to try old raids but pre-patch really killed the old raid farms I guess.
People told us that it’ll be all fixed at 60 when we’re geared up and stuff…guess that was false lol.


I dont’ disagree with this. I posted a mini rant in the other thread about this as well. I hear you loud and clear.

Oh for sure, appreciate you taking the time to give concrete numbers. Just frustrated with Blizz on this one.

am i glad i never bought shadowlands then lol.

Something to do…sadly its the busy night so not much time and DT will cut into the play before bed.

Must remember to park the druid in rest area since leveling. This could be a bit.

Did you do WoD raids during BFA? Remember how fast they were to kill? If Legion raids aren’t that then :-1:


so … just spitballing here, but is it possible that the legacy debuff was never applied to legion content?

they activated legacy loot early, but that was just loot.

was there ever any patch notes announcing that the debuff had been applied? :thinking: