Old raids no longer soloable

I’m sorry, but no matter how you spin it, Ion was specifically referring to Legion content when he said we could still solo now what we could at 120. I don’t care if he mentioned 8.3 content and corruption - he was straight up responding to a concern about Legion content facerolling people.

You’re also forgetting that these bosses were going down too quickly for corruption procs to even be a factor. But that’s beside the point.


Just checked again, and MC/BWL/AQ20 and 40 are still impossible at the appropriate level, it was increased to a Wrath difficulty raid, and yet still drops gear that requires level 24-25 to equip.

I can still no longer solo it on my formerly 80 Herald warrior like I used to be able to prior to prepatch. The mobs in the raid are a solid 7 levels higher than they should be, or two expansions worth of inflation.


That has to do with the level gap shrinking. Before, we were 120 doing 110 content. Now, we’re level 50 doing level 45 content. That goes a long way as far as dodging and reducing damage from enemy attacks. Stuff in Legion now hurts more, not so much because things are overtuned, but because the level gap is smaller. That’s always been the case though, right? Mobs closer to your level are generally more threatening? I think this phenomenon is more a side effect of the squish than it is them getting any scaling wrong. Level plays a big part in a lot of combat calculations.

Side note, once folks are able to level to 60, the level gap will be wider than it was pre-squish so you can only imagine how trivial it’ll be at that point!

That’s the thing though. He said ‘you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to the removal of corruption’, with specific mention of the rest of the game not being built with it in mind. Now, we can certainly call into question how much ‘a bit’ actually is, but it was clearly pointed out that legacy content wasn’t going to receive any extra rebalancing to account for corruption’s removal. Pretty much a YMMV thing depending on how much corruption your character(s) had.

Also, not every corruption was a proc! Any spec that used/stacked stat corruptions was definitely feeling those effects at all times, regardless of how long an encounter was.

pointing this out from Ion’s own words:


"When it’s done, you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to Corruption’s removal (8.3 content tuned around Corruption will be rebalanced, but the rest of the game wasn’t built with that in mind) but otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120"

If its true and no more changes to older content tuning is done, then he is a liar and you are defending a liar. How sad honestly.

The proof above showed a toon with zero corruptions now struggling to get a solo he could get done, so no. Its a lie and you can’t defend a lie. Your corruption argument rings hollow because of that fact alone, uncorrupted toons got much weaker. Emphasis on this part of the quote you conveniently skipped:

"otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120"

Still not the case at all. I dont give a crap about corruption, at least keep us on same power level as we were uncorrupted at 8.3 ny’alotha gear, because we are so below that its not even funny.


Sure, he said we’ll likely feel a bit weaker, but again, his last words were “you should be able to solo what you could at 120”. Clearly, that hasn’t panned out after months of feedback.

Again, “you should be able to solo what you could at 120”.

As it stands, on my warrior which only got a dps boost with stars, my kill times have doubled on everything (using DBM kill times). going from 45 seconds to 91 seconds doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when I’m talking about Aggramar in that respect (which I am), it’s a big deal.

There’s also a mountain of evidence posted throughout by others who never used corrupted gear on their toons, showing how they are now getting clobbered. Personally, none of my alts used corrupted gear and were getting wiped on Throne of Four Winds, which was a complete non-issue before.

This has nothing to do with corruption, or “feeling a bit weaker” and everything to do with “you should be able to solo what you could at 120” being entirely untrue and still not properly addressed.


In order to fix this, they should adjust old expansion scaling so that 5 levels now = 10 levels before in terms of hit chance, reduced damage and the rest.


Corruption was a shiny toy to distract the children from the fact that BFA sucks.

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Tell Chromie to take you back to the regular timeline. If your in the past timeline you will not be able too. I have 0 problems soloing old raids so long as I am in the correct time period.

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Who are you responding to? Level 50s can’t use chromie time to begin with.


blame the people who are scared of big numbers.

You…didn’t really read much of what I said as you were quoting it, did you? I’m not really defending anything, so much as I’m explaining it. Apparently unlike you, I didn’t go into a raid, wipe on a boss, and immediately come to the forums to start calling people liars. I took a look at what was happening in-game and tried to figure out what changed, what was going on. My posts include what I observed. Damage output relatively unchanged, based on my kill times. Incoming damage went up, because of the smaller level gap. This doesn’t always matter, in cases where the boss dies faster than I do. I will repeat that this only applies to heroic at most, as I was never able to solo Legion mythics anyway, even in 8.3.

But to sum it up, your whole issue sounds like it’s stemming from the fact that we’re taking more damage now, particularly in Legion (mythic) instances. Again, this is because of the level gap shrinking. We are still at the same power level we were at before. The thing that’s changed is that the mobs ‘caught up’ to us a bit because of how level factors into combat mechanics.

We’re basically referring to two halves of one quote. My bit comes before yours, and the whole thing combines to mean that, aside from the loss of power from corruption’s removal, the squish should not really affect anyone’s ability to solo legacy content.

As far as damage output goes, I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told the guy I responded to before: My kill times haven’t really changed to any degree where I’d call it anything other than proc/crit variance. I don’t know how you suddenly doubled your kill times in 9.0, but that’s absolutely not been the case for me. Am I just logging in to a different version of WoW or something?

The other side of the issue, damage taken, is most likely something nobody was thinking about when the squish was being implemented and I haven’t seen anyone other than myself make the connection that the damage increase is due to the level gap shrinking rather than Blizz messing up the scaling. Based on their recent track record (like…for all of BfA), Blizz probably weren’t even thinking about it themselves. But that’s why this ‘clobbering’ is happening. We’re getting hit by more stuff because we don’t overlevel the enemies by as much, and these combat calculations were obviously not adjusted to compensate for the huge reduction in levels. Will it ever be? Probably not, because SL has kept the 10-level range despite the huge level squish, and eventually folks will be able to level to 60, which will make Legion even more trivial than it is/was now/in 8.3 (to say nothing of the other expansions).

it’s definitely affected me beyond corruption.

I don’t understand, there’s a saying “pick and choose your battles”, right?

so, people are complaining, even I am, and there are 611 responses of people fighting on this topic. Why?

In what world are some people not going to be upset? I don’t care about level squish, number squish, never have, never complained, getting upset over that is illogical, but people don’t want to feel like they are ever getting weaker, for any reason. Seems pretty straight forward and reasonable to me. What logic is there to trying to argue with people about this? You’re not going to “win”. It’s also completely asinine to say the only difference is corruptions.

If it doesn’t bother you, cool, good for you. But you want to tell other people they can’t be upset?

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Because…he is? He explicit said he would be able to still solo what we could at 120, and its not the case. If there is something a RPG or MMO should NEVER do, is to make players much weaker because of a patch. Previous squishes at least, once it was more or less sorted, kept us sort of close to the former way we were and just reduced numbers. This squish borked player power so much its not even funny.

That might be true from a very weird stand point, because mobs hp got buffed much more. Its not a “damage output relatively unchanged” if im taking longer to kill most stuff compared to before, Isles being a particulary bad offender, but almost everything touched by squish suffers from this. Hell, a poster above said his former level 80 warrior cannot solo level 60 stuff as they scaled it to be on par with level 80, meaning he got weaker and mobs got stronger. Thats the whole damn point of the topic.

In other words, my above point is still true then, good we can agree on something. We cannot solo anymore stuff as Ion promised because Legion raid bosses are hitting as hard as BFA ones in some particulary bad cases, with Mythic ursoc,Nighthold, Tomb and even Antorus being mentioned a lot(Hell, i could only solo goroth after i equipped a pair of leech enchants, but afterwards Harj was so overscaled he was 1shotting me really quick and it wasn’t even funny). But “damage output relatively unchanged” is not the case if mobs are made much beefier either, i noticed my kill times are much slower in some cases(like the Island expeditions mentioned above, and others like 8.3 rares). The squish completely increased mob power in both hp and damage while decreased ours, but while legion case is the LESS egregious(around x2 hp they should have), some others are particulary bad. Hell, there is even a BIZARRE scaling in some cases where legion artifacts can be ilvl 80-90 with some artifact traits which allows it to be almost on par with BFA Mythic 0 dungeon loot, while also allowing it to overshadow almost every loot piece from raids before Ny’alotha.

I understand changes to combat and stuff were done, but it still doesn’t justify doing it that way. They need to stick to their word, if we are promised it would be soloable if we could solo at 120 uncorrupted, there is zero reason to lie and not deliver at all. Thats where one of the bigger annoyances of this prepatch lies for a lot of us.

Against almost anything i’ve done, its not the same. Unless you are somehow using stuff that didnt get scaled or got actually increased in power after prepatch, I don’t get how is the case. A guy even posted in mythic antorus dogs solo on another topic via logs how not only his kill times were longer, but his pet actually died and he almost died too, which was never the issue before .

EDIT: Here, i found it

My guess is that you are somehow using stuff not scaled correctly. If i recall right, a item now fixed on nazjatar summoned massively overscaled level 50 elementals that were dealing unsquished damage and 1shotting players even. I can imagine something similar on your side if you are being serious.

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Then its messing up scaling. Since if the level gap shrinks, they need to considere it into account for pre-Shadowlands content scaling as to not affect the soloing power of players, but they OBVIOUSLY didnt and thus its a big part of the reason is so messed up. By not accounting the level shrink, they basically botched the scaling big time and failed to keep what was promised to deliver.

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I’m hoping there’s still some sorting to be done :+1:

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Then there should be no issues because I have not had any issues soloing old raids. Either that or its a bug.

I want to report that agro radius has changed as well and along with the 5 AOE cap this is a joke. In AQ40 I could run past trash to bosses. Now I agro every mother and its dog in the raid and I can’t burn it down. This is frustrating as heck.
And I support everyone saying the patch made raids unsoloable. Could solo with toons without corruption before, now I can’t.
IE are a joke and far too overtuned.
Please blizz fix this.


How’s Aggramar working out for you? Even on LFR?

He literally said his kill times doubled. What does that have to do with incoming damage?

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They want you to have to buy Shadowlands and level to the new max in order to do what you already could do easily before the squish.

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