Old raids no longer soloable

Getting destroyed by Mythic Harj, a boss i could solo before on 8.3. Plus, as many people pointed out, kill times are much longer in WoD raids and even the stuff you CAN solo still takes much longer. Wouldn’t be so surprising if devs did not explicit promise that we could solo what we could before:
"When it’s done, you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to Corruption’s removal (8.3 content tuned around Corruption will be rebalanced, but the rest of the game wasn’t built with that in mind) but otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120"

Far from the truth, it seems. Hard to tell if its apathy or just plain old liar.


This is the road Blizzard chose to take us all down with borrowed power. We’d normally be in new content by now, not noticing how we magically can’t kill stuff that melted a week ago. By the time we became bored enough to solo old raids again, we’d have grinded some of our power back.

The new leveling experience is worth the hassle for me, otherwise I wouldn’t even be playing right now.

First expac ever where I felt weaker at the end of the expansion, and I’m fully geared in mythic raiding level items… HOW!? I’m not renewing my sub for this pre xpac, I have no hype anymore. I’m so mad.


legion and WoD hurt a bit also. I’m waiting to see how it feels at 60.

This is due to corruption and player power creep, and they progressively tuned up the WQ and rares during BfA in light of that. If you talked to fresh 120s from a couple months ago, they weren’t having a good time with fresh 120 gear in Naz or in WQs, either, until they started stacking corruption. This is one of the several reasons why corruption was a dumb mechanic.

However, it’s exceptionally unlikely that Blizzard will “fix” this issue any time soon. It’s truly a temporary issue – that is, one that exists for the next few weeks and that’s it. Once SL comes, no-one is worried about the difficulty of BfA WQs and rares relative to level 50 characters, everyone is leveling in SL. So Blizzard won’t waste one minute of dev time trying to address this, nor should they – the issue is glaring now because we have the delay in SL now, and they made it an issue by doing half of the pre-patch (the part that removes your power from BfA) without doing the content pre-patch, so it’s a problem they created by dividing the pre-patch in light of the delay … but since it’s a temporary issue, they won’t be fixing it. Best just lay off the game until the content part of the pre-patch comes, or find other things to do in the game that don’t involve the content that is overtuned for players who don’t have stacked corruption.

So…you’ll believe people who say that stuff takes longer, but not the ones like me who don’t really notice the difference? Where’s the logic in that?

Same deal with the note about corruption. The quote even states that the removal of corruption is going to affect anything besides 8.3 content, since it wasn’t factored into balance for any of that stuff.

There’s also differences based on class/spec. It’s possible that the class you’re running old content in isn’t struggling as much as others.

Its not about believing, i checked myself and those claims are in fact true. You conveniently forget that we got much weaker and pretend its just a perspective issue, when its not. I checked and im taking in some cases x5 as longer to kill or flat out can’t kill like with mythic Harj in tomb of sargeras. Please don’t be delusional


Just did a normal island expedition and a single mob was chewing through my health and armor like it was paper. But it was corruptions amirite?

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To be honest it’s going to be much worse at level 60.


:skull_and_crossbones: Prepare yourself to be finger-banged by level 45 mobs at level 60 in Legacy Raids. :skull_and_crossbones:
Tentacle Jokes aside, they really need to fix this!


I could say the same to you. I’m telling you my experience is exactly the opposite of yours essentially. As far as legacy content goes, I’m still doing everything I was doing in 8.3 and not really noticing a difference in clear speed. Certainly nothing taking ‘5x longer’ than it used to.

So are you telling me that what you’re experiencing in-game is right, and what I’m experiencing in-game is wrong? Because it really sounds like a corruption thing to me, which is exactly what Blizz said would be where most of the 9.0 changes were felt when it comes to pre-8.3 content. I didn’t really do much with corruptions at all, perhaps that’s why I’m not really seeing a difference here?

Honestly, that looks like beta isn’t even attempting to scale things for legacy content. Level 50s on live aren’t getting one-shot, which is what that screenshot looks like.

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I just tested LFR aggramar and it took 4 seconds longer to kill him this time than it did a few days ago. I also ate a flame rend before phase 2 this time around.

If a legacy content buff was added, then a debuff somewhere must’ve been added as well or something, because I experienced the opposite effect.

Kill time was tracked by DBM.

Things were out of whack when they did the ilvl squish, what was it, end of Legion? My max-level hunter suddenly couldn’t get through heroic Mogushan Vaults, getting flattened by 3rd boss, whereas the week prior to the squish, the boss would keel over if you sneezed on him. And if I remember correctly, the chess event in Kara became completely unsoloable for a while. So I’m not going to freak out about this, there will be bugs, they will either be fixed, or you’ll balance out the power nerf once you start getting SL gear (and more levels).

I think you’re missing the point…Ion himself straight-up promised that we could continue to solo Legion content, the same stuff we could solo at 120, and that has not panned out at all, even with all of the feedback they received on PTR and Beta. That’s my main beef - if he stated that we would be messed up, then fine, but he stated the complete opposite of what actually happened. That’s my real beef.

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They really should learn not to promise these things. When they did the HQ character models, they promised that our characters would be the same but just look better. But then they changed so much, animations changed, faces changed, my tauren is unrecognizable. We tried and tried to get them fixed, but other than the occasional blatant bone being thrown to us (fixing the blue tauren female dk skin, fixing the female night elf falling animation), it’s mostly exact same as it was and lot of people have just moved on.

I don’t hold my breath when they say “We promise xyz” anymore. They rarely deliver and mostly just hope things will work themselves out one way or another eventually. Eventually, when we’re all level 60 in epics, we’ll be able to solo this stuff again. Until then they probably won’t bother touching it.

I said the max leveling scaling is messed up but I guess reading the ENTIRE post ruins your point so you decided not to do it. This thread is OLD content and OLD content is easily soloable (I have been doing it pretty consistently since the patch hit because of the scaling mistakes).

Basically you either have Nyalotha gear or you have basically the same gear as you did at 40 and that is the core of the screwup.

Alright, so the legacy buff is definitely there on the legion content based upon hitting Aggy for 15k on rampages.

However, his HP is now 1155 instead of 816k. So our damage was boosted, but so was their health.

Which meant my kill times were still almost the same and I was still eating Flame Rends.


You gotta keep in mind that, in that same ‘promise’, it was also noted that the removal of corruption would not be something that was factored into the scaling for any content outside of 8.3, as it was never a factor in the first place. In other words, if your character was getting a lot of power from corruption, you’re going to feel the loss when it comes to legacy content, but that doesn’t mean that they got the scaling wrong. They just scaled it without accounting for corruption, as they did when all of this content originally released. It was only designed as a gradual ‘nerf’ to 8.3 content; it was a bonus as far as everything else was concerned.

Except they did, as some imgur proof shows from another topic:


How do you explain a situation where the toon in question has no corruption yet got weaker after prepatch release?


recently tried to go tomb of sargeras mythic. 100% doable up until avatar which requires a team of people who know what to do.

now, the first boss utterly destroys us in a matter of seconds. its become impossible. sad.