Old raids no longer soloable

But now that we lose rental power also, that is another factor.

At Ilvl 132 you cant kill a rare between the 1-2mil range?

At Ilvl 124 I was able to solo any that I came across on my monk. Perhaps its the difference in class abilities or something but thats pretty unfortunate.

Sorry for your loss of corruption

If a mob takes three times longer to kill at a bare minimum because its health isn’t scaled down properly it’ll objectively be harder because it’s spending a longer time alive, and you’re spending a comparatively longer time not using your cooldowns, be they defensive or offensive.

That’s unfortunately the case right now; stuff hasn’t been scaled properly whatsoever.


My point there was that the mobs have more health but they do very little damage already, so they aren’t harder.
Just longer.
That is the case in just about every place I have looked, and I even took undergeared guildies around the world to confirm it.

Its unfortunate that this happened, but I think most of people’s issue is they are having trouble adjusting to the new ways to maximize their class as much as anything.

I agree. I can still kill rares and such as well… Definitely takes longer.

But they don’t do zero damage. A lot of these elites can actually threaten less-geared players, which is the issue at hand.

We’re both well into our 130s ilvl-wise, but the fact of the matter is that most players aren’t even close to that item level. I’m having a hell of a hard time taking down some of these mobs on more undergeared characters even though I know how to play basically all classes at a semi-competitive level rotationally.

I have several characters that were capable of soloing Mythic Gul’dan before the patch that cannot come close to getting through the Demon Within phase nowadays, as well. And we’re not talking undergeared characters, either; we’re talking four different characters in the high-120s to mid-130s range, who were all well above 470 before the pre-patch.

The scaling just isn’t right at the moment.


Mobs are hit or miss - most regular named ‘rares’ or WQ bosses or whatever you want to call them never did much damage in the first place anyways, so yeah they just take longer (which is a failure IMO with respect to maintaining relative power).

However there are rare elites that now hit hard AND take forever to kill, which depending on the gear and class, can make something which was possible solo no longer the case.

Isn’t this exactly the same thing that happened when we did the power squish last time? Think it was for WoD I believe. People were all up in arms about “Reeee my dAmEgE!” type stuff if I remember correctly.

People will complain and cry, adjust and forget about it.

Very similar - and it was mostly the named and especially the elites that went from ‘most anyone can solo them without too much effort’ to ‘holy crap this thing won’t die and it’s taking like 50% of my HP bar every time it hits me’.

must… resist… the urge… :zipper_mouth_face:

yep, but everyone seems to be in complete denial about it.
everyone will hit level cap, and forget about it again.

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It isn’t right for sure, but it isn’t dangerous either.
I took a variety of guildies, ranging from main raiders and alts of various level range, including a fresh 50 to the mobs that have been mentioned here, and it actually appeared easier for the less geared toons some how.

I can tell why said mobs gave people trouble though.
Much of them contained things that were interruptible or dodgeable that probably just went unnoticed for players who were used to them being extremely low difficulty.

Everything I have tested on my main though takes zero damage. Like, doesn’t break my blood shield.

Either way, if you are talking purely about Mythic Guldan, I was unable to kill that before the prepatch if Twilight didn’t proc.
That whole raid is actually easier for me now than it would have been without twilight few weeks ago.

But I haven’t tried Guldan since, as I know I wont be able to do it now and never wanted it killed anyway.

The problem is the latter part.
You would hope this would be the case, but here we are a week later still talking about the same things.

Hopefully most have realized that their own power levels can be heavily adjusted too now with a variety of new imbalances with prepatch, but at least the first week I assume everyone expected nothing to change so all of a sudden they were playing poorly on top of fighting mobs that weren’t squished properly.

I just killed the first boss in N ToS easily. I did about 30k DPS.

Thats false. I tried on my DH alt mythic tomb btw, and because i had a set for around 15% leech, i could outheal the massive damage without issues. Then Mythic Harj came around and at 4 stacks he is hitting for around 18k hp when he hits 100 energy. For some perspective, the hardest hit i saw on 8.3 at eight stacks was around 400k when i didnt use cooldowns, meaning he is hitting that much at 4 stacks. It also means he is hitting for much more damage than any of mythic N’zoth mechanics…on a level 110/45 boss. Makes absolutely no sense and it completely goes against what Ion did said about being able to solo what you could solo at 120, not counting corruption. Also, my DH has 19k hp, and on 8.3 had over 500k, so the values makes absolutely no sense. I can deal with slower bosses as long as im not wiping due to a dps check mechanic when soloing…but cmon, its not just hp, its the damage thats way off and no fix has been applied yet. Its frustrating

Talking about world content mostly. Things that are meant to be soloed easily.

I’m confused, I thought the main purpose of this thread was discussion about old raids as it says in the title?

World content scaling is hosed as well but let’s not deflect from the intent of the topic.

I thought so too, but you can see that wasn’t the case along the way haha.
Those discussions were a while ago though, so sorry for any confusion.

But at least if I lock in now, I get a sick full 3D Fae wings transmog set! Why test when we can design and lock our testers in for 6 months? Especially if they’re choosing to do it!


As of right now, I think Blizz finally fixed the tuning. At the very least, mythic Arch just went down in the same amount of time as he did before prepatch - this kill was 17 seconds, previous was 37 which occurred last week. I’ll have to try out other raids (e.g. Mythic Nighthold) to see.

EDIT: Figured I’d save some time and try LFR Aggramar. Still eating a flame rend so it looks like that perhaps pre-legion raids may be the only ones “fixed”. Maybe.

Stuff is getting cleared about as quickly as it was in 8.3 for me. Main difference is I’m getting hit by more stuff now because the level gap is smaller. This really only matters in Legion, because most of everything else is still down in a few seconds thanks to Breath of the Dying.

I couldn’t solo any mythic Legion stuff in 8.3, so as far as I’m concerned 9.0 hasn’t changed anything for me regarding mythic specifically. But I can still do normal and heroic for everything up through Tomb!