Old raids no longer soloable

Obviously not, sonny. Keep shilling.

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Logged on to an alt to level it to 50 because I had shelved it in BFA.

Got to 50.

Did the Nazjatar quests to purposely get the catch up weapon and then promptly vendored it.

Because my LEGION ARTIFACT weapon had a higher ilvl and stats than current content epics.

My low level alts only have 2 dungeons to queue for and none of them are classic.

Blizzard said we’d be able to do the things we could before the squish and this has turned out to be obliviously false.

The current squishing system has proven itself to leave much to be desired, repeatedly.


I respect your determination to act childish and say nothing of value. If nothing else that is consistent.

However, I have been on the internet far too long to let trolls like you bother me.

I made a demon hunter on a dead rp server for Aoenaxx. He was lv108 before pre-patch. I FINALLY have Aeonaxx spawn in front of me and freak out while flying as fast as I can to him. As soon as I tag this dude, he literally one shots me. I had to form a group with lv50s to kill him, and one of the lv50s were under 10% health, from a cata rare might I add.


I can not even make Kharazan, that’s ridiculous. A +2 being 2k io and 127 (474 on its time) would clearly do the trick, what’s the “accurate escalation”. Some people say “you can’t judge from now, it’s meant to be for shadowlands”, dude, they gave it now, I can judge it now.


Thats ironic coming from you. A person sho refuses to see when his/her point is wrong and is unwilling to believe the devs lied despite painfully obvious evidence. To say nothing of isles taking much longer to do due to mobs dealing more damage and being sturdier, and lets not get started with open world content like 8.3.
Yet you repeatedly dismiss what others says and don’t try to understand the problem and blame others for pointing the issues.

You couldn’t be more childish even if you tried, yet you blame others of being childish because they don’t hesitate to point the flaws in your words and argument. Just go away and stop embarrassing yourself, im done replying to you.

It looks like Blizzard might quietly ignore this until the expansion and people forget/don’t care anymore.

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First two expansions players got stronger during prepatch. I can’t remember how it was going into cata or MOP though. I feel like going into cata kinda sucked.

As a full time collector I’ll be sure to remind everyone :slight_smile:

There probably isn’t much more they can do until Shadowlands launches and we gain a few levels. The same thing happens every time. We are weaker for a little while, then after we level up to the new level cap we are nice and OP in old content again.

i mean technically unless you’re a min max player raids only begin to become soloable when its two expansions ago. Which means you’ll just have to wait till you’re level 60 in dungeon gear for it to be soloable at mythic like the rest of us ^_^.

It’s our fault for expecting much kinda like with BFA.

They don’t care cuz they obviously want people to get to 60 no matter how much we dislike it.

I dislike how stupid it was before where some of my lvl 100s would take some sweet time to farm wotlk stuff on 80 for whatever reason… and by the looks of this thread it feels like it’s the same garbage… levels meaningless I should be able to 1-2 shot and move to the next alt or boss.

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you’re sulking about non-legacy content, which will become legacy content in SL.
you can judge it now, but it’s kind of pointless… isn’t it?

I did M Skorpyron in Nighthold at ilvl 190 which is between LFR(187) and Normal raid (200) gear. I’m sure you can do some of the bosses but it’s going to take forever and if there is a boss that has a “more ouchies the longer you take” you won’t be doing it at all.

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You really are good at lying about things I have said. I conceded that CURRENT content balance is not quite right which probably stems from how the scaling is set up so claiming I did not think that is a lie and there are posts literally in this thread establishing that your claim is a lie.

Onto the other part, I am still waiting for you to prove my argument “wrong”. My argument is simply there is nothing but Legion raids (and honestly just the 2nd tier because I can still solo Guldan easily) right now that cannot be solo’d and 15 years of gameplay says you should not be able to solo last expansions raid content. The only way to prove that argument “wrong” would be to find something that you cannot solo that you could previously could (people tried to say ToT but it was the easiest solo ever as long as you are not afk) or establish some historical precedent for being able to solo Legion raids. Short of doing either of those two things it is impossible to prove my point wrong because my point relies ONLY on those two premises.

So basically you either lied about what I said or you failed to understand my point entirely so you being done replying is no great loss as your posts were either lies or failures of basic reading comprehension

We’ve generally gotten stronger every expansion, and retained our relative power in the pre-patch, until they started all this squash nonsense.

I would accept the state of the game today better if they hadn’t had multiple chances to figure out how to do a squash without screwing up relative power.

I’d also be more inclined to accept the current state if after all the other squashes, they hadn’t gone right back to allowing absurd levels of power creep.

We technically aren’t in Shadowlands yet, he means once we are 60.
50 is not max level now. It has always been this way.

I haven’t bothered to track down every developer comment regarding the squash, so I do not know whether your first assertion is correct or not.

However - it has NOT always been this way with respect to relative power, and those that keep making the ‘it has always been this way’ need to stop.

Generally, we are as strong or stronger in pre-patch relative to existing content than we were before the pre-patch.

It is only in the last few expansions we’ve had these idiotic stat squashes (along with removals of temporary power systems) that left players weaker relative to existing content.

In retrospect you may be right… “It has always been this way” was only when we had power squishes. I should have been clearer on that.