Old raids no longer soloable

That’s cause we’re technically not max level. Imagine trying to solo a WoD Mythic Archimonde with a 110 level character in a BFA prepatch.

This has always been the case - we just have to wait for Shadowlands, level and gear up and they’ll be soloable once again. In the meantime we’ll have to group with 3 other players, 4 maximum, you don’t need more than that and there are usually many players interested in those mounts/tmog. :wink:

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You are not max level nor do you have the borrowed power we will get in SL. Chill.


Hey it’s Nigel Thornberry!

Yea the hp scaling borked some heavy burst mechanics like Mythic Nighthold Spellblade, that were barely survivable with certain ilvls.

You don’t get legacy loot mode if you group with players, you get way less loot. Even grouping with one other person, it’s not worth doing in many cases.

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It’s not old raids in general, it’s just mythic from the prior xpac, which isn’t typically soloable, except maybe for a while with power creep at the end of the expansion. This was the case for a patch approximately, but that doesn’t mean there is any actual problem at the moment.

We just aren’t quite as OP as we were. Mythic Legion will be easily soloed in the next xpac, which is typical for those raids (one xpac pf space between them).

Maybe they could add the legacy raid buff to Legion during this transition period. Last I checked that wasn’t active in the Legion raids, only legacy loot. But, outside of that, the range of what can be soloed right now is pretty standard.

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You never really know anymore with blizzard.

Stockholm syndrome

Yup. I said the same thing repeatedly and was told I was wrong, I was just trying to start trouble, I was trolling, etc…

They couldn’t squish item levels without breaking a bunch of stuff, yet people thought they could do the WHOLE GAME without issue. :woman_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

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nope still kept on and even grouped with someone to show them

Figures. The “MVP” program needs to go because a bulk of the “MVP” posts I see are people using their green text to try to throw some sort of weight behind their ignorance of the facts or boosting their trolling.

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How many days have you spent in this thread now?

Haven’t tested any raids but didn’t they say we could still solo them or was this another one of their half empty lies.

I think calling it “half-empty” is being very generous.


I just wanted to add that not only are old raids much more difficult to solo now because of the ratio of player dps to boss health shifting so much in the bosses favor, but the aggro / sight / vision radius of both mobs and bosses has increased.

I noticed this immediately in The Emerald Nightmare. Right after you teleport to Moonglade to fight Cenarius there are a few mobs between you and the boss. Previously you could run right between them and they would not aggro. After the prepatch they now aggro. This doesn’t just effect newer raids either. Even in MC, the oldest raid in the game, mobs that would never aggro because I ran too close are now aggroing.

This next bit I’m not certain about but to me it also feels like mobs abilities are hitting much more frequently. In Firelands I’d often gather up all the trash and aoe it down with a few buttons. It was definitely possible to get stunned / disoriented while doing this before the pre-patch, but now it seems to occur far more frequently.

I suspect that because of this massive level squish we are treated as being much closer to the mobs in level and now no longer get nearly as big of a reduction in both aggro radius and the chance for mobs abilities to actually effect us.


That seems to be the point. Force everyone to re-grind levels and gear at the new cap to be able to clear obsolete and legacy content they used to be able to do yesterday. This is the third or fourth time?

I just did a normal dungeon in BFA and it is quite obvious players got scaled down and lost a lot more power than mobs and it had absolutely nothing to do with corruptions.


Last week I finished an old AQ40 quest that had been in my quest log for ten years. Glad I did.

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Clearly as many as you kiddo.

The missing the mark on BFA scaling is weird to me. I get that my character with corruptions should feel weaker, but my character without them should not. Previous expansion content or not it is pretty easy to hit the mark with current expansion content.

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If memory serves Going from Vanilla to BC we got stronger and going from BC to WOTLK I know we got stronger. Not sure after that.

We definitely got stronger going from MoP to WoD, because I remember going back to the Jade Forest, buying a set of low-level MoP gear to test, and being SHOCKED at how easily mobs still died.

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Yup, noticed all of this, too. Drives me nuts, to say nothing of the gold loss in running these things. It’s weird given that they made a point of talking about how they intended to make old raids easier to run (or so I thought).

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