Old raids no longer soloable

But… ToT isn’t previous expansion so you just played yourself…

Except you can EASILY solo ToT. I did it just to prove a concept. The only way to die is on Animus if you afk the fight then you will get blown up. If you actually dare to play your character you win easily.

So um I just played you by having you recite that failed example again.

But the post you were quoting specifically said they were getting owned by dark animus… and nowhere did it say there was afk involved.

I could solo mythic gul’dan with no corruption before prepatch, now i can’t get past illidan phase. In a RPG you are always meant to become stronger as you gear, also ION HIMSELF SAID BEFORE:

When it’s done, you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to Corruption’s removal (8.3 content tuned around Corruption will be rebalanced, but the rest of the game wasn’t built with that in mind) but otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120
So not only going against your own word is being a liar, but the fact you have people get weaker in a RPG where you are meant to get stronger as time goes on is nothing short of terrible and nonsensical game design.
And you are defending that, shame on you.

What’s worse is that Ion’s tweet is two months old and yet they still decided to drop this turd onto everyone. I guess it makes more economical sense to have people pay you $15/month to alpha test.

Yes and the only person who tried to prove it showed that the only way to die is to be afk and then you die after letting them hit for about 5 seconds (hint they die instantly if you just attack them instantly).

I went in and did effortlessly testing it and meant to do it 3 times but killed it the second when I was doing an experiment for myself. To reiterate because that was like 100 posts ago. The first pull I sit there and did nothing and they were able to kill me. The second pull I let them come to me but popped lichborne and spread dots (I wanted to see how much I would heal for). They all died while I was more than full healing constantly (aka far more healing than I did expect but not more than I should have expected).

Basically I was still somewhat afk (after all I did not really attack them for the time it took for them to reach me) and if I had at least 75% of them are dead and the fight is still trivial. I do not know how else to say it, if you wipe on Dark Animus you had to have been afk because it is just not possible.

Didn’t we get this nonsense out of our systems last time they did a stat squish? The sky was falling when things were more difficult for like a month. Then they tweaked the legacy raid buff, and we gained more levels and it was back to facerolling old content the same as before.

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Every day is doomsday in Forumville.

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So you think it’s fine that raids that were easily soloable at max in BfA should now require max at Shadowlands to be the same level of difficulty? What about players who have no interest in Shadowlands? They can’t solo the things they used to be able to.

Look, making one further expansion easier to legacy raid requiring the next expansion is fine. But making raids that were already soloable much harder or…just a lot more tedious and time consuming is dumb. It’s just breaking the system.

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Its a simple fact that you could not solo the previous expansions raids for any other expansion. It is also a fact that you can still solo Gul’Dan (next week I will see if I can make a video if I bother to do it again as I have no real reason to do so). Is it harder? Yes, but I am soloing content that 15 years of gameplay says I should NOT be able to solo yet so my response is so what. I can still two man the first bit of Antorus (probably the rest but I did not care to try) so again soloing old content is EASIER than it has been in any previous expansion.

Wanting it to be even easier than it has been in ANY previous expansion comes across to me as whining rather than a legit complaint. Wake me in SL if you cannot solo Antorus, but in the meantime this is the one thing I think they got right with the patch.

Please write the script and send it to Netflix.

This is money.

I’m not looking to make it easier than before, im looking to make it the same difficult or close as it was on 8.3 so i can still farm mythic for my mogs. You are just trolling at this point dude, you can’t be telling me this with a straight face, and needing shadowlands’ level 60 to do what i used to do at 120 is nothing short of a farce. Facepalm-worthy statement at best, and absolutely infuriating at worst. You are also defending whats basically a Lie and provide no compelling argument whatsoever. So please go away and stop with your nonsense.

Absolutely false, because bosses takes longer to die or are flat out unkillable in some cases. If it was EASIER than any previous expac, why can’t i kill something i’ve been killing on BFA just fine?

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Even if it was an intentional choice on their part to make that sort of change (lol, it wasn’t…obviously) yes, I would be perfectly fine with that. Especially if it means that the legacy content buff which previously only applied to content 2 expansion old is now applied to the previous expansion’s content.

My premise is 8.3 was FAR easier than it had ever been before. Right now is easier than any time but 8.3. I am not stressing that you cannot easily do something that was pretty much impossible in any other expansion (but that you still can do for parts of it). You want me to have some outrage and I just do not. I am like “okay it is easier than 15 years of WoW would say it should be; I do not care to make it easier than that”

I simply disagree with you. You are going to have a very tough life if you think everyone who disagrees with you is trolling you and if you want every discussion you engage in to be an echo chamber. I get it though that playing the victim is easier than accepting there is more than one viable viewpoint to an issue.

Edit: Do you not know what the word PREVIOUS means? You cannot cite BFA, aka the CURRENT expansion, when I say it is easier than it has been in any PREVIOUS expansion. Cite Legion or WoD or Pandaria or Cata or Wrath or BC, as previous expansions but BFA is the CURRENT expansion.

Edit Edit: Find me a raid before Legion that you cannot easily solo because someone tried to say ToT and that was just a bad joke with how easy to solo it was.

Thats just…wow. Didn’t think i could read something as idiotic as that. Its not a “more than a viewpoint issue”, its “game is broken and you are trying to say its not”. Hell, its painfully obvious how rushed this thing is, im getting laggy in drustvar as we speak and some WQs are impossible to complete due to being broken.

You disagree but still doesn’t makes it less broken in terms of botched scaling to older content and many more issues. Its okay to have an opinion, its another thing to say game is working fine when its cleary not. I can respect other opinions on issues, but you are the one who is trying to talk down to others to accept this broken mess because “you can still solo more than 15 years of WoW would say it should be”. This is not acceptable if you have any standard, honestly.

Your viewpoint is your own and you are entitled to your opinion, it still doesnt undo the broken mess this thing is and the fix it needs. If im getting so weak i struggle against both old AND current content i could solo before, i have zero reason to get more gear or play/level, because whats the point? next prepatch could land, make me unable to properly do what i could and you’d be here saying “IT WORKS FINE, ITS A YOU ISSUE, YOU ARE WHINY FOR ASKING THEM TO LET YOU STILL PLAY WHAT YOU COULD PLAY BEFORE”. And yes, i call you trolling because you are basically dismissing what others say without any meaningful or logic argument to do so. Wake the hell up, dude.


Thats irrelevant because legion is still older content, and it was soloable before but now it isn’t. Your point fails to resonate or make sense due to that fact alone. Or are you telling me that if you can walk with 2 feet and suddenly you get 1 feet crippled, i can tell you “you can still walk with one feet, stop complaining”? C’mon, you are not even trying anymore.

I’m not saying that a expac should automatically be soloable once its over, im saying that crippling character power on a RPG is absolutely wrong, and telling people to “deal with it” if they suddenly can’t solo rares they could before or are getting decimated by older content is not an acceptable excuse. Also you are still defending a Lie, so that alone undercuts your entire point.


With this pre-patch you’re almost literally paying Blizzard to be a beta tester.

Issues like this are a direct result of a badly understaffed internal QC dept combined with implementing massive system changes.


Remove the word ‘almost’ from that statement.


I am saying that if I walked with 2 feet for 15 years and you let me use a jetpack for 3 months, I am not going to suddenly cry unfair when I lose the jetpack and have to go back to walking with 2 feet.

They did not cripple my power. I cannot solo Tomb of Sargeras anymore (still easily 2 manable). I am sorry, but I struggle to see the complaint when the complaint boils down to “For 15 years it was difficulty x and then for 8.3 it was far easier and now it is somewhere in the middle and for that I am upset”. I am sorry I just do not see realistic complaint to it.

Find me a raid before Legion that you cannot solo and I will grant this point but as of set such a raid does not exist.

If you think my posts are bad, try reading yours, it feels like I am trying to talk to a toddler.

“broken” because soloing Tomb of Sargeras is not possible (well for some classes). Really?!?!? Do you know what hyperbole is?

They botched the current content, basically everything in BFA, but the stuff in the past is fine. I can SEE how the way they choose to do it, the scaling, would be a problem for people who did not have 8.3 gear. I do get that, but I also get why they did it that way as to lower power as much as possible. I kind of do wish they had held off on the prepatch for another month just so that it would be irrelevant, but again its just pointless to want to want it to be easier than any point in WoWs history, save for the outlier of the past 4 months, and have me view that as the problem.

Solving the current content is a problem. Making Legion easier and weaker for people is not even on the top 20 things they should look at though.

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