Old raids no longer soloable

Ya I am not a fan of that but I am not really sure of a solution as our levels are technically closer and that does cause some abilities to actually hit for once.

Why are you?

It’s not the boss. It’s the adds in proximity.

Just to add some perspective to this, when I showed back up during COVID it was already 8.3. Playing around at 110 before deciding whether or not to buy BFA. Soloing H-Animus at 110 in 8.3 was not a cakewalk. I couldn’t just do Fury and heal through. Had to switch to Prot, single target the adds (I forget the ability but there’s some reason you can’t just AoE them down, even before AoE caps) and then still Rallying Cry / Last Stand / Shield Wall my way through until only Animus was left up. I get you guys that were 120 didn’t have that problem but it’s a mechanics thing. You still can’t skip the eggs on Razorgore, and this is one you can’t just go in “ready, fire, aim” either.

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A lot of these posts come off as “Blizzard has always did a terrible job at scaling in the past so this is nothing new and should be expected, get over it”. But that’s like saying your kid has been in diapers for the past 15 years and shouldn’t try to improve.

Maybe instead of us expecting Blizzard to consistently crap their diapers and being OK with it, we should instead expect them to learn to use the toilet.


I could solo that prior also, I still can, I’ve had literally zero issues with BFA mobs in pre-patch, don’t even think twice about whether it is still possible. Funny thing about corruption is that it makes players look good since they can stack so much borrowed power they don’t even have to think about what they are doing.

No this time I think some of you are taking it the wrong way because now yes people are struggling to do some things they were doing prior, but in what world is it OK to solo a 15M health elite rare without ever dropping below 90% health? Or solo running a heroic dungeon and pulling everything from boss to boss? Just because a small percentage of players could do something the vast majority could not at all, or in most cases, could never do prior to corruption, does it mean Ion is wrong in saying you can still solo content you could prior?

No, it means you are taking it the wrong way, why because there were reports on early beta of players not being able to solo things like Firelands easily, and reports of players not getting legacy loot, I remember these as someone who runs old raids and thought the squish was going to kill all old content, but it didn’t, they fixed that, like they said they were going to, like they tweeted.

We all know Blizzard are terrible at communicating, I very highly doubt that tweet was in reference to the small percentage of players who could do something most others cannot.

It’s like saying “Oh hey Rextroy you can kill max level characters on a new low level alt, how about we sort the squish to allow to to keep doing that?”. Because sure, he could do that solo prior to the squish, the tweet said we can keep doing solo content like we have been after the squish, so why shouldn’t we still be able to kill a max level character on a new alt?

Just because it was possible under certain circumstances, does not mean it should have been possible. And just because you struggle, does not mean they broke the game with the squish. I am still running heroic dungeons and pulling 5, 6, 7 packs like I was prior, I am still running all outdoor BFA content with no issues, slower sure, but not the “I am dying please send help” problems.

Some of you were very lucky you could do things like solo Legion mythic raids without corruption, because everyone else I ever ran into said they could not, even with corruption. For others maybe you took the corruption for granted and need to learn how to play instead of just spamming a couple of buttons.

What class are you soloing Beastbot with? Is it a fury warrior?

How about we go apples v. apples here instead of comparing a healing class vs non-healing class and saying something to the effect of “well I can still solo it while playing a class with heals, it was your corruption!”? You might have missed it, but fury warriors aren’t exactly great at healing, unlike druids. If I could heal myself all day like a druid I’m sure I could still solo a lot of things, but until Blizz decides to give warriors mana, that’s not going to happen.

Not like this should matter, it goes back to “if you could solo it at 120, you can solo it after squish” being entirely untrue. He didn’t say “if you could solo it at 120 and can heal yourself…”

P.S. If we’re going to continue to be hellbent on “corruptions are why you could solo things!”…

Earlier this week I wiped on Throne of Four Winds 25H as a 50 rogue because I was getting hit like a truck. This was a non-issue before the patch and that rogue (or any of my alts) had no cloak, no corruption, etc.

I have a soft spot for the way a prepatch shakes up the experience of legacy content a little (even when I’m just distracted by a slight tweak in the fluidity of my character’s movements and don’t notice that I missed a mob in Yogg’s dream leading me to stand too long scratching my head over why I can’t enter the brain chamber until he gets off a long cast … first time in years that he got me)

Not to be brash, but I have a soft-spot for devs living up to their word.

Same thing happened previous squish. Give it time, the old raids aren’t going anywhere.

You are comparing different things PVP=/= PVE

Its NOT “fixed” if im unable to solo EN Mythic. And you cannot say its just a “small %” when a lot of people could do it since nythendra was doable as early as 450 ilvl with pots+drums before prepatch.

You gotta be kidding me. The POINT of soloing is to be able to farm what you want at your leisure. Your point doesn’t make sense when stuff was previously soloable and now its not. And we are not speaking about “small %”. A LOT of people are noticing they could solo WQ stuff or 8.3 rares and now they cannot even hope to do that anymore. Thats NOT a “small %”.

Except they did. People noticed overtuned stuff all over the place, not just soloing old raids. Claiming the game is not broken with squish is a logic fallacy at best.

You are completely missing the point. Just because you can run something post-patch but need much more than before with same gear doesn’t means its working as it should be. Going from “can solo” to “need at least 3 people” means the content got broken on prepatch and the squish was done very poorly,period. Also, as others pointed out, Dark Animus is killing level 50 players if the toon is not geared enough. Tell me exactly how is that supposed to make sense when even my 330 alts in early BFA could solo ToT 25H just fine? Whats the point of gear and progression in a RPG if they just make you weaker?

Point still stands. My toon got turned into a wimp because of a extremely poorly done squish, and you are telling me basically that its ok for that to happen? in WHICH SITUATION it makes sense to see my toon getting turned into a wimp? What’s even the POINT of gearing and growing stronger if next prepatch i’ll end up equally unable to do stuff or take x3 the time i originally did? The game is supposed to move forward, your toon is supposed to get stronger. If your toon is much weaker because they nerfed you and made mobs stronger, its completely messed up. Completely against the logic of an RPG.

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Amen :pray: :sun_with_face:


If only they could have predicted this…

That would require them to pay attention to feedback.

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You’re STILL posting here defending Blizzard?

Yes I am on a discussion forum discussing things… how blasphemous.

There are plenty of things I will attack Blizzard for, but the old content is the one part of this that they did not screw up.

Except they did. Has been said before, And I wont repeat myself.

If you are telling me that getting decimated by the very same bosses i was soloing just fine on 8.3 with no corruption, or the fact level 50(equivalent of 120) toons with little gear are getting decimated by dark animus 25H in ToT(level 90 raid, now 30-35), is alright, then you are deluding yourself.


I called all this b4 it happened the first time and i hit it on the head again,it is BS,and shoulda been fixed yesterday. It happened the first time so to not be prepared the 2nd is on blizz a lill harder this time…EEEEEHEM.

Look, although whiteknighting may eventually lead you to “MVP” status, you really don’t want to be lumped into that category.

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Based on 15 years of precedent should I be able to solo the mythic difficulty of the previous expansion? No. Can I solo EVERYTHING else before that easily? Yes. Therefore not screwed up. It is very simple. (Also if I pick the right class I can solo Legion stuff so exactly like the last 15 years of the game).

The one thing they got right was the old raid balance. I go into HFC and its easy. I go to do Guldan and it is tough but I can force it which is still stronger than any previous expansion so ya they completely nailed it.

No I just disagree. I am far too hostile to Blizzard on far too many categories to ever be considered for MVP. I just dared to not believe a delusional echo chamber on this one.

They screwed up the current level content but the past stuff is just right.