Old raids no longer soloable

A luxury being that being able to solo last expansions highest level raid content has never been something you could do (unless you were a blood dk) for basically the past 15 years therefore expecting to do it is a luxury ESPECIALLY expecting to do it when they outright stated that they would not be factoring in corruptions so that seemed like a thing I would not be able to do.

If you cannot solo it easily in SL then I would be concerned but right now I would just not even expect to come close to being able to. It would make zero sense to expect that unless you expect to be relatively stronger now than at any point in 15 years which considering everyone lost the equivalent of their set bonus seems unlikely.

There is a valid complaint to be had right now but it is not in the old raid content.

“I couldn’t solo Legion raids so you shouldn’t be able to either” is a completely invalid argument unless you’re ignoring the state of BFA content. Care to explain how once easily-soloable BFA rares are completely wiping the floor now?

There’s numerous threads regarding that, but my own example is beastbot. I can’t get him down below 67% before dying, but before prepatch he was easily soloable and never got my health down below the mid 90s. 479 ilvl before pre-patch.


I defended it at first because I hadn’t played my alts, but it’s clear to me now that they missed the mark with the scaling, as they have always done.

It’s not just old raids. Even elite world quests that my uncorrupted alts could breeze through now actually require me to find at least one more person, and I mentioned they were uncorrupted to make the point clear that it wasn’t because of the loss of corruption.

Regarding the old raids, I think they didn’t leave themselves enough room for expansions to “breath” and outlevel each other. 50 was too low.

At this point we might get a hotfix in, but considering the state of Shadowlands beta and overall class design, I wouldn’t count on it. We’re likely just gonna have to suck it up for now and do all raids in bigger groups.

You are defending a liar who promised we’d not struggle against stuff we could solo without corruption before. How sad is that, man.

Also its not just older content, even freaking WQs takes longer or my toons takes way more damage than before. 8.3 content i could solo before now is impossible to do so because of the extremely botched scaling.

Dare I say that I have no issues with current content? And I really don’t, I only had a couple of corrupted items on my druid before pre-patch, sure things are a little slower now, but I can still solo most of the standard things I was doing before.

Now my hunter may be a different story, they had more corrupted items and were able to even solo world bosses. The game hasn’t broken because of the squish, the game broke because we were doing dumb stuff like soloing a world boss with all the corruption we had that once it was all removed we went back to where we were in 8.2 where it was just impossible to solo some content.

Mythic Spellblade Aluriel hits so much harder on live then a week ago on the fire elemental phase. Uff Can’t even get to Elisande to finish that weekly quest and make space for my quest log on my alts : /

I gave up even trying to solo Legion raids yesterday when I queue’d into LFR Xavius and it was taking like 5 seconds to kill the trash mobs I used to oneshot.

Some people only play to do solo stuff like this though and collect transmog and mounts in between content patches… and we are waiting for the expansion there isn’t much other stuff to do then farm stuff that sticks with you forever. And not stuff like borrowed powers (gear/azerite etc)

You sure as hell are selective when reading huh? i’ve linked proof above you completely ignored, MY TOON COULD SOLO RAID BOSSES AND WQS HE CANNOT NOW, AND HE DIDNT HAD ANY CORRUPTION AT ALL WHEN SOLOING THE ABOVE IN 8.3!!!

Simple, they missed squish mark, lied and you are defending that. Stop, its embarassing at this point.


Let’s try that again…As a 479 Fury Warrior, I could solo beastbot with ease prior to pre-patch, and would never fall below the mid 90s health-wise. Now, I can’t even come close to that.

Please stop saying it’s the corruptions. None of my corruptions healed me, and the only corruption that could do any decent damage that I was using was stars and that proc was extremely inconsistent and amounted to about a 10-20% dps boost if I was lucky.

Also note that when mobs go from having 3x the health to 15x or more…you can’t defend this with a serious face.

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As opposed to the borrowed power of set bonsues and trinkets…

Not the right thread though. Either way if for 15 years you could not expect to solo the previous expansions content is it really that killer that there are now only 6 expansions of content for you to solo? There are no shortage of mounts especially for those that did not kill the mythic bosses when they were content.

Any attemp to say corruption is the reason we can’t solo stuff now falls flat on its face when my toon with none could solo stuff he can’t now. Devs did an amazing job at saying a lie on twitter then proceeding to turn my alt into a wimp.

Just for future reference, posting a link is best done by adding ` to both sides of the link.


Turns into


Man I am farming transmog on my alts and trying to make spare gold on the side, they heavily nerfed the other raids, legion stuff is basically the only raids worth your time right now reliably giving decent raw gold. And you are using an old precedent to justify this? Why? We live in the now and if we weren’t able to solo Legion stuff I would probably have had a worse experience this expansion since there was really no point in getting gear besides farming current stuff.

And if you group up with someone to do the raids you only get a chance at loot, grouping solo gives access to legacy loot mode so that makes you want to do old content by yourself.

Just for reference, forum forbids me from posting links that are not wowhead or so because of “Trust level” apparently. It says "sorry, you can’t include links in your post when i try ’ '.

The ` method isn’t an actual hyperlink, so it won’t forbid you. But it makes it easier for others to copy the URL into their browsers than having to remove spaces or add letters.

It’s not an apostrophe, its the tilde key, the key left of number 1 on the keyboard.


I know, adding the ` on each side lets lower trust level people post links. Thats how I did it before I had trust level 3.

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I am using a 15 year old precedent that was only broken for the first time in the past 6 months yes. I think it is safe to say that the past 6 months was not the goal and the past 15 years was. The very fact that they did not nerf the gold from Legion raids gold sort of exemplifies that soloing Legion content right now was not the goal (though they also missed several good pieces).

I will say this though, if you are trying to make gold farming old raids that is a VERY VERY inefficient way to make gold to the point where I am not sure I have even heard of a less efficient way to farm gold (maybe mining copper).

Going through to Flame Leviathan now in Ulduar is sooooooo annoying. You get hamstrung the entire time, because our levels are so much closer now and their chance to hit is greatly increased. Booooooooooooooo

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