Old raids no longer soloable

You should go to the Olympics. With a leap like that you’d easily win gold.

You will if they turn on the old content buff as they should in Legion. It should kick in at level 51, but they hardly ever turn it on on Beta, not the first time they haven’t (Legion and BfA beta didn’t have their respective Mists/WoD old content buff turned on either).

So now you move the goal posts again.

First it was needing ten levels. Then you needed gear from the 2nd/third raid tier of a new expansion.

Now it is about legacy buff for expansions that are 2-3 expansions old from current?

Hmm…I will let the readers at home decide.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


From where to where ?

When did I make those claims ?

Yes, but we’re not talking about the old content buff being active now are we? We’re talking about being able to solo the legion content we could before while we wait however long it takes for blizzard to get their act together and release SL.

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Yeppers they will fix it eventually because it is currently broken.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Dude, I told people to not believe Ion and test it on the PTR themselves. We are definitely weaker. But you should still be able to solo everything pre-Legion, I tested as much in Beta and on PTR.

The only issue is Legion since there’s no old content buff. And it took a while into BfA before Legion stuff was even soloable, so reverting to a weaker state is going to reintroduce those challenges.

“Dude don’t believe the lead game developer.”

This discussion isn’t about about pre legion soloing. This is about soloing the stuff you could solo before like the lead game developer said would happen which isn’t the case. You being a poster on a forum with apparently a home and lots of hobbies fervently defending him doesn’t change the fact that what he claimed, which we should expect and demand to be true from the lead game developer, in fact isn’t true.


They seemingly got it wrong.

I remember 30 minutes ago when this discussion was all about ToT. But sure :man_shrugging:

I get it’s frustrating, but how can this not be expected? Literally almost every major game release this year was pushed back, many into next year. They probly figure if they release the prepatch now, they can work out the bugs before the 2nd prepatch with the event. I know it’s easy to assume that Blizzard don’t care and that they’re straight up evil, but lets look at track records of all the other major developers out there. Blizzard seems to shine in comparison.

Picking and choosing 1 example from ToT and extrapolating it to the entirety of the thread is dishonest and fraudulent. In fact, the ToT was just an example of how horrible the scaling of old raids has gotten.

But hey, keep deflecting. You are here defending the game while the lead game developer says that we should have been able to do what we could before the patch came out which clearly isn’t the case. After that you act like it’s weird that we’re expecting to hold the lead game designer to his word.

Of course, you defending all this must be one of your many hobbies after all.


I didn’t pick it or choose it. People were discussing it, you butted in. This thread has 460+ posts, the conversation shifted around a lot.

No, I just don’t feel this needs changing really. I tried it on PTR and it was fine to me. Like I said : I was happy before the old content buff, I don’t mind grouping up to farm mog.

Not that Legion won’t get the old content buff, I’m sure it will, when SL launches and we hit 51. They never enable that on Beta, because that’s not really what Beta is for.

Midnight is still easy to farm.

Your argument falls flat on its face entirely because i solo’d legion raids on mythic(minus antorus, but everything pre-antorus that wasn’t called Kil’jaeden was soloable just fine for my toon) and even did it with zero corruption as the above forum post shows(And i don’t feel like re-posting something i already posted elsewhere, so i just copied over for you to see it). Now im getting demolished by the very same bosses on same mode i could solo before, and you can’t argue its because its a fair prepatch thing to happen. No, Ion SAID WE WOULD BE ABLE TO SOLO STUFF THAT DIDNT INVOLVE CORRUPTION MUCH:

His EXACT quote was :

“When it’s done, you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to Corruption’s removal (8.3 content tuned around Corruption will be rebalanced, but the rest of the game wasn’t built with that in mind) but otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120”.

Obviously he massively lied, as stuff i could solo with no corruption equipped at all is now much harder or just impossible in some cases( For extra kick in the nuts, i used a toon who similary had zero corruption and could melt nythendra on Emerald Nightmare Mythic in 30 seconds and after prepatch he cannot even hope to kill her anymore). Comparing boss hp and the toon’s damage before and after prepatch shows im dealing only 1/3 of the damage i was originally doing.

Hell, the very fact that BFA rares and elites that i could solo before(8.3 included) are overpowering my DK shows they massively dropped the ball here. Ion’s words are a lie and you are defending a liar. Wake the hell up dude and stop defending this.


This is the Legion Gul’Dan, I could not solo it even with corruption, always had to bring someone with me. I even had a better geared druid, had more corruption, they were pulling 30-40K DPS more than me and even they could not solo it.

Count yourself lucky that you could solo mythic Legion raids, you must have had some really strong corruption. Going to have to wait until you hit level 60, they damn broke the game so hard with corruption that they even pushed out legacy loot drops early because normally it would not be until max level in the next expansion before you could do that.

Except thats not true at all. I didnt had ANY corruption AT ALL:

Ion said we would be able to solo something fine after prepatch when not counting corruption:

I had zero corruption and im struggling to solo what i could before. Please stop defending a liar. I’m sick of reading people who does that since the devs said something that was 100% false on release. Hell, even current content mobs are making me struggle when i could solo those rares/elites just fine without needing any corruption on 8.3

Mythic Gul’dan I was never able to solo, despite having >100% base haste with Corruptions. The fights that really got me were the ones in Antorus, can’t solo mythic Dogs anymore because once you get slapped with the shadow ring that was meant to be split, it’s over because the damage is enough to eat through my tiny 21k HP pool after about three ticks when it used to only tickle my 500k health pool from prior.

Like I said, count yourself lucky. I had many people say they struggled to solo mythic legion content on the harder bosses even with corruption. There is a reason they make them full legacy and change the mechanics so people can go and solo them. I was even hitting upwards of 90K+ DPS on my hunter and struggled on some of the bosses in that place, and that is with a pet who can tank for me, on BM. I’ve had people who have max corruption resistance, stacked secondary stats hitting well over 100K and still say they cannot solo some of the legion raid bosses.

You were very lucky that you could do that without corruption, it certainly won’t happen now until we hit max level and get some gear.