Old raids no longer soloable

Oh no, you’re going to have to form a group and do content in an MMORPG. The horror!

He admitted to having no job, no school, and no home life.

Sorry your empathy is failing you, but I truly feel for people like him.

It’s 8 a.m. dude. Day is still long. Too cold still to go out, wanted to get one last ride in today.

Now wait a minute my cats would like to have a meow with you about that lol

Don’t. Dude I love my life, I would hate to have to live any other way :man_shrugging: I’m old(ish :rofl:) I know what I like and don’t like so if I’m playing wow all the time it’s because I want to. If there were something I wanted to do more I would.

Not for me, bedtime in a few :]

“Everyone here is a loser but me!”


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Well, people, yes. Not entirely sure if they are the most competent at coding, they certainly don’t look ahead.

Right now a fresh 60 on beta has a harder time soloing old raids than current geared 50s.

All the defenders of this bad game design can quickly scurry back under the couch since I just turned on the lights.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Nah just scroll up a bit, you’ll see them

We have this discussion every expansion.

A fresh 60 is a pre-raid toon with fresh leveling gear.

A geared 50 has 3 tiers of raid gear on them. Your crit/haste/vers/mastery will always be much higher after 3 raid tiers than before you step into your first dungeon.

This only applies to Legion raids too because on Beta, Legion raids don’t have the old content buff yet. A fresh 60 will have a much stronger old content buff than a level 50 and as such will kill things much faster in old raids.

They will not address the fact that on beta 60s can’t solo as good as 50s with old raids.

But it also obliterates their narrative that leveling 10 levels will help.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

So now you are moving the goal posts.

Guess what?

In beta we have access to all covenants, legendaries, soul binds and first raid tier gear and it isn’t making a lick of a difference going back and doing older content.

So you are telling me people have to wait 2-3 raid tiers to solo raids that are 2-3 expansions old?

Not a really convincing argument. Might want to try that again!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


As I’ve always said.

You moved the goal posts and you don’t want to admit it. Tough.

Either you own what you posted or can apologize.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Except before this patch came out, plenty of people could solo mythic legion content without corruption or the legacy buff. Plus maybe you missed this post:

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Legion content doesn’t have the legacy raid nerf yet. But it needs it.

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Plus don’t forget when we moved into WoD we had no problem soloing old raids like Cata.

But I guess that blows away the narrative that you needed gear from a new expansion to do raids from two expansions ago.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

From where to where ? Point it out.

Nope, I didn’t miss it.

But when he posted that, many of us had tested on Beta and could tell you you were regressing pre-Tomb as far as soloing went.

Because WoD introduced the old content buff up to Cata :roll_eyes:

In fact, Mists -> WoD made everything pre-Mists much easier because prior to WoD, there was no such thing as the old content buff. Pesky little facts.

If we had went to 130 we would have had it :sob:

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Some people are just in denial at this point.

Let the public know the truth.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Regressing pre-tomb? If the lead game designer says “you should be able to solo what you can before after the patch comes out” then people should expect to solo what they could before after the patch comes out. You are seriously reaching here.


I’m just waiting for Blizz to fix it, so someone can make a “thanks Blizz!” thread and then someone else can come in like “something something whiners” and then we can have a few hundred posts worth of back and forth then move on as we always do :slight_smile:

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