Old raids no longer soloable

Not really no. Not at the transmog level farming.


Why not? I do it in my leisure time for pleasure, it’s a hobby :man_shrugging:

Well, since you’re here complaining about how it’s tedious, I don’t think you understand what a hobby is.

What you have is more of an addiction than a hobby.

Complaining the way a married man complains :rofl:

I love ya, but one day, ONE DAY


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Did you just advocate conjugal violence ?

Get a hobby for real dude.

I have one, have you ever heard of this game?

If not you should give it a try :smiley:

If you decide to play let me know, I can recruit you and we can level together :]

You’re not well if you’re advocating conjugal violence. You definitely need to go out and get a real hobby.

I don’t think I could advocate violence against a video game :thinking: I mean, I could punch my hard drive but I don’t think that’ll hurt the game

I got one! Let me tell you about this game that I play

  • Thinking about gaming all or a lot of the time
  • Feeling bad when you can’t play
  • Needing to spend more and more time playing to feel good
  • Not being able to quit or even play less
  • Not wanting to do other things that you used to like
  • Having problems at work, school, or home because of your gaming
  • Playing despite these problems
  • Lying to people close to you about how much time you spend playing
  • Using gaming to ease bad moods and feelings

None of these apply, seems like I’m in the clear!


If you manage to run raids 30 times in a week, I’m betting the “work/school/home” one applies, as does the “feeling bad when you can’t play” you’ve exhibited in this thread over not having as easy a time soloing things.

Might want to get checked out.

Well, that was someone else, I was around 20 :slight_smile:

Nope it doesn’t! I don’t work, go to school and there’s nothing at my home but me … and my cats … and my dogs :smiley:

Also doesn’t, if it did I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you :heart_eyes_cat:

That’ll be fixed soon hopefully!

I just did :slight_smile: :rofl:

So you really have a problem. Like dude, this ain’t healthy.

I like to think that I live the dream life :heart_eyes_cat: Game all day, do what I want. It’s a nice deal

Says the guy with almost 4600 posts on a video game forum.

Keep it up though kettle.

“I’m not like everyone else who plays the game”


And ? Takes 2 seconds to type a post.

I have a job, a home and multiple hobbies.

Dude, careful, he’ll see your post count :rofl:

Yes, looking at your posts here and the way you’re getting so bent out of a shape on a WoW forum it’s easy to see you definitely reflect leading a stable life.

I laugh at people like you who always tries to make fun of people playing a video game or posting on a forum while they are so narcissistic they can’t even realize they are one of those people they are making fun of


I’ll stop you right there, the guy you’re attempting to defend has more posts.

Might want to drop that angle. It doesn’t support what you’re trying to do here.

So? He’s not the one trying to claim the he has a bunch of hobbies and the epitome of human life like you are?

Edit: Oh and there he is typing the response! Good for him to take his “2 seconds” and put his multiple hobbies aside to respond!!!