Old raids no longer soloable

Dunno, there was something satisfying about having to work for it. That’s why I enjoyed trying the Legion raids after gear upgrades this expac. Because some of those bosses you had to work for.

Same pre-old content buff. We used to 3 man ICC back in Mists. And then a little later, I managed to solo it. Satisfying.

Then WoD killed it all with the first squish and the old content buff. Then it was just “run through and get your stuff”. May as well just drop gear box on a vendor.

The only way to die on that boss is to be afk at the start. I am pretty sure Ion’s statement does not extend to “anything my pet can solo…” because the boss was there and the boss died easily.

Yes it was weird taking damage, albeit miniscule, from the bosses but the bosses all died easily. The fact that it is possible to die if you afk does not irk me. I died when I was 2 manning Portal Keeper and just swapped strats and did the flame and poison dude and then just won easily.

It was fun soloing back in the day after I figured it out. But back then I was doing it for gold and DE mats, now I do it for xmog so on a good week I’m clearing it 20+ times, a guy I know does 30+ clears a week. No farmer wants a challenge for this stuff :man_shrugging:

How do you not have all the gear by that time ? That makes no sense. I have had all the plate gear from ToT for ages, didn’t do 20+ clears a week. I did around 3 for like 6 weeks and everything was done.

Wait why would they need to adjust it. People in this thread are insisting it’s fine and you should wait for SL loot.

They don’t need to adjust it, but because you guys are crying and its old content and they don’t care, they’ll nerf it just so you guys stop doing the bacon dance on the floor.

I’ll never, ever, understand why anyone would believe that this is a desirable condition.

Oh dude let me tell you :rofl:

First, I’m a completionist so I want 100% of the gear for every class. And then ToT wants to have zone drops that are 1) BoP 2) Can Thunderforge and have different source IDs between the two. If you ever decide to “100%” ToT you will be there forever.

ALL THE PLATE GEAR? Even zone drops?

And the people who didn’t buy SL and will be 50 for … however long?

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Why would I need the zone drops ? I just need to unlock the sets. I do have the Sword of Frozen hells on the only color I need.

And I’m in no hurry, if I ever discover I missed a piece, I’ll go back. No need to run it 30 times in a week.

Who cares about them ?

They can still solo it.

Plate drops on the hunter, cloth drops on the pally, leather drops on the mage, and mail drops on the druid… warrior gets trinkets… so many trinkets.

Good thing tier tokens are multi-class then!

Even still, 30 runs should net you almost everything in top 3 weeks. That’s 90 total runs for cripe’s sake, I didn’t do that many total until I was done.

Not everything has tokens.

Some people are Unique Collectors Do I have the appearance? Ok, I’m done. and some of us are completionistsDo I have every appearance from every quest, raid, profession, world drop, lockbox, rare mobs? No? Then I’m not done.

If you would like to forsake your life and sanity and join the completionists you should grab https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/all-the-things :smiley: and if you haven’t you should add your BNet to https://www.dataforazeroth.com/leaderboards/account-appearances so you can see your collector ranking :smiley:

I’d imagine Blizzard cares about their customers, which is why I’m not worried about this situation lasting lol.

I mean I have no interest in doing it for every class. MOST classes I play where plate though so having most of the good plate transmogs does have value though (though this toon when I transmog will always pick BT gear with bulwark because that was the one set I did not vendor from BC through Cata).

I will probably add that, but I have to finish clearing out toys and then pets and then mounts (plus achievements of course) before I move onto transmog items.

Edit: basically nothing I hate more than the fact that they did not add this feature WHEN I RAIDING THOSE TIERS because then I would be largely done for plate and cloth.

You collect too Devilspartne!

You’ll need your addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/all-the-things and I’ll see you in the Discord :smiley:

Don’t forget to join DFA https://www.dataforazeroth.com/leaderboards/completion-score Everything is more fun when you’re competing for ranks :+1:

Sounds like people who need an actual hobby.

How to make something uninteresting : make it an E-sport.

Wow is a hobby :slight_smile: Funny thing about that word hobby

It’s like everything can be considered a hobby lol

I’m not a big fan of esports but maybe that’s because I don’t really care about M+ or raiding anymore. Collecting however, now there’s a mans sport :rofl: