Old raids no longer soloable

You miss the point entirely. A MoP boss shouldn’t be able to kill you by brute force.

Of course they should. Your level differential to them is much lower, as is your power gap. They were able to kill you in WoD too.

That’s not what you were promised by Blizzard.

Yes it should if you’re just standing there AFK when it has a multiplicative power boost.

There shouldn’t be a difference based on what we were told about the level squish.

Yep, that’s when I was soloing it, they’d destroy you in WoD but I wasn’t 120 in WoD :slight_smile:

I don’t think dying is “feeling a little weaker”

Didn’t happen at 120 shouldn’t happen now.

In MoP if you stood there you took 8m damage in 3 seconds. That is beyond the health of you at pretty much any point in this game. So if you just stand there you can die.

I would have jumped in sooner but it took time for me to do the intro on ANOTHER toon (I only had 2 that could get to ToT easily and they cleared it this week).

Some quick notes: It was VERY hilarious for the game to give me BOTH my best trinkets back then heroic TF like hahaha game very funny.

Early bosses died pretty quick but I noticed I was spending a GCD longer than before but whatever. I also noticed the closer aggro range but again that was expected.

Onto Animus. I intended to do him in 3 attempts but it died in 2 (will explain in a sec). First attempt I pulled sat there like a crazy person and got killed. Fair enough. Second attempt I did the exact same thing except when they reached me I popped CDs. This is when I realized leach is completely broken for old content. They all died anyway and I won.

Nothing else in the run was noteworthy though on a good note I now only need 1 item to have every plate transmog from heroic of that tier (unfortunately it is the helm off of lei shen).

Basically do not go afk against animus and you can easily farm it. The fact that there was literally in even WoD that did as much damage as those guys in Pandaria did should show you how pointless it is try and tank all of them at once. Like I said about 30 posts above, the fact that I speccd purgatory (and used a creative strat to get my rank 1 on that fight) is why I vaulted up the damage taken rankings.

The squish didn’t change the old math. We’re using pre-squish power values for ilvl of the gear and toons and mobs. The raid got squished down to level 35, but you’re level 50 with ilvl 130 gear (around level 100-105 rewards in the old paradigm). That’s pretty weak and the power differential is much lower than before, hence why your old content buff isn’t as strong either (it got stronger the higher level differential you were).

This is also why people are feeling an agrro range change.

Dude, you’re stretching. No where in that post did Ion promise you anything other than “you’ll still be able do it”. Are you still able to do it ? Yes ? There you go.

You got lawyered son.

Not at 120 it wasn’t

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You’re still pulling this? After you called a guy a liar and then you got disproven? People aren’t sitting there afk dude.

Apparently it did since I could stand there at 120

Dying when I didn’t die before is a stretch?

You’re not 120 anymore.

You weren’t promised you wouldn’t die. You were promised that you would still be about to solo it.

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The difference here is not damage you deal: is is partially the AoE cap, but mostly your level. You are no longer 40 levels above them so now they can actually hit you and since they can hit you they can hit for a LOT.

He called a guy a liar, was disproven so now he’s changing the narrative and trying to move the goalposts.

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Take a deep breathe, you’re just in between borrowed powers. You’ll be soloing old raids in no time. Keep your head up, I believe in you.

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That completely goes against what Ion said would happen which is the entire point of the dozen threads about this.

Just stop while you’re behind.

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That I’m not!

What about “feel a little weaker”? Not dying before and dying now isn’t a little weaker

What we say here, doesn’t matter, we’re basically just chatting, I’d bet my left hand Blizz “adjusts” it :slight_smile:

He is a liar. I had to literally afk in order to die. The mere act of using ANY abilities and it died effortlessly. I didnt even do it right or close to right. If I had done it at all right I would have attacked in the first 3 seconds.

Basically either he is lying or stood still and died to prove a point but if you just attack you easily win.

So they’ll adjust it, I’m not worried about that 1 iota

Except it is dead and it died easily. All it took was not being afk for 5 seconds so Ion’s statement still holds up. I could solo it before and I did just now so um maybe stop while you are behind until you have an actual argument.

LMAO you are pathetic. He said he died 5 times, plus the point is a MOP raid boss should not be able to kill a BFA player. You keep changing your toon dude.

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He said : “You’ll still be able to solo it”.

You still are.

Promises made, promises kept.

I mean, they could kill you at 120 too. Just took them a bit longer.

Maybe, usually what happens when you guys cry loudly enough. That’s why we can’t have anything good in this game.

I preferred soloing raid content prior to the old content buff, but that’s just me.

They couldn’t even break my resounding protection lol


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