Old raids no longer soloable

Soloing mythic Legion is a luxury (based on 7 expansions of content)and should not be the expectations especially since corruptions were the only reason it was a thing and per your post they were not factoring those in.

Also per achievements I have almost all of them pre WoD (and almost all in WoD) but I did fall behind in Legion when I retired from high level raiding for awhile and am fixing the score issue now even if I really REALLY REALLY do not want to pet battle.

…why are the forums pinging me every time you guys quote that? You aren’t directly replying to me.

Alright boys I’m on my way to gather my truth!



Maizou was it normal or heroic?

25 Heroic. I’d probably be bugging the devs on twitter if I died in Normal, lol.

Once I figured out I couldn’t just focus down Dark Animus like I have been doing for the past 4 years, I beat it. You actually have to kill the adds now or they WILL kill you in 2-3 seconds.

Bosses took my shaman probably 10-15 seconds to kill, which is a far cry from one shotting them before. It’d take Flame Shock, Echo, Lava Burst x3, then a few Lightning Bolts to kill a boss.

She’s only ilvl75 or so, (which is equivalent to 390 pre-pre-patch), so she isn’t as geared as she could be, but was fully capable of soloing the raid, one shotting the bosses, etc. before 9.0.

EDIT: Thankfully, Lei Shen dropped the shield for her, so I never have to go back in. I gave up on the mail belt from Ra-Den after like 30+ runs on 4 toons. >_>


The shield matches my new paladin’s mog so well. <3

The Hunter was not at all kidding. I let them build up and sit on me, and sure enough my health bar started to drop fast. Had to vanish to avoid death.

I’m not sure if scaling issue, or if they always hit this yard. I was getting pegged for around 220-280 per hit, and with about 20-30 of them beating on me, there was just no way. I realize that I can just kill them and not get hit that hard, but i’m just surprised that these mobs deal this kind of dmg so quickly. I let an earlier boss beat on me for a minute and my health didn’t even move.

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Yep, that’s the issue. With the AoE cap in place, it takes multiple GCDS to kill them, and by then, they’ll have chunked you hard.

And on my shaman, where my only AoE has a cast time to hit 5 targets, it became impossible to solo without my Earth Elemental.

Especially since most people will just try to burn down Dark Animus, like we have been for years, and get overwhelmed and killed without realizing it.

yeah, I had to kite to avoid taking all that dmg. this aoe cap really needs to be removed for old content.

also, i’m in the next area with the stone lions. pulled the entire room while i’m typing this message. my health is not moving with everything beating on me. i’m starting to think it’s just those mobs from the previous boss fight, because it’s been about 2 minutes and i’m still at 100% with everything beating on me.

It’ll be soloable again at 60.

Nope lol, a gif for the non-believers


I used to solo ToT during WoD and Dark Animus would wreck you just like he’s doing now. It used to be a whole ordeal to solo him but it stopped being a thing in Legion I believe :thinking: You of course wouldn’t just stand there and go afk normally but them being able to kill you also shouldn’t be a thing.


We were told, what we can do at 120 we can do at 50, this doesn’t look like that.


agreed. and that gif is pretty much my experience. I thought everything was gonna be fine, and then my bar just vanished.

Where’s Devilspartne? He was calling people liars and insisting everything was fine


Now you know how I felt while I was going through with my shaman. I was like “Megaera did some damage to me. I wonder how Dark Animus will go.”

drops like a rock

and I personally don’t mind. More challenge = more immersive game play imo

Do it naked, do it with rez sickness, do it with just white damage and no spells :man_shrugging:

lol not the same

It’s almost scary how quickly they melted you.


You guys do understand how that fight works right ?

Those little guys, the more of them close to each other, the harder they hit, it’s multiplicative.

Kill the little adds fast.

They shouldn’t be able to kill you. They didn’t at 120 they shouldn’t be able to now. Yeah I did it at 120 and tested it because I saw the red lines one day and it triggered my PTSD of when I had to solo it when it was difficult.