Old raids no longer soloable

This is a lot worse than people are making it seem.

I died. At max level. To Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder.

It wasn’t even a little bit of a chance. I killed a few small robots like I normally do to activate him, then BOOM, dead in 2 seconds from the rest of the adds killing me.

I wasn’t able to AoE Them down before they killed me due to the new AoE caps either.

I had to pop Earth Elemental and hoped to god they didn’t kill the Elemental before I killed them. It took me 5 attempts before I won.

On an 8 year old raid.


My response to you is quit defending this crap and just saying “deal with it”. Ion specifically said that if you could solo it before this patch, you should be able to solo something after which is clearly not the case as can be attested to many people saying they can no longer solo a lot of legion stuff.

And no, it’s not cause of corruption being gone. The scaling is poorly tuned and people have the right to complain. If you don’t like it, leave this thread, there is a reason it has so many responses.


Devilspartne says to deal with it and wait for SL gear.

Considering how hard they hit me to the point I was dead in 2 seconds, I doubt SL gear will affect anything.

I did throne of Thunder this week, farming a set, on two max level toons: one has gear and one REALLY doesnt. Everything died pretty instantly. I have been building my sets this week in raids and barely notice. I noticed in HFC that my auto attacks were doing 1/8 of a bosses health instead of 1/3 but I was not annoyed by that because it made it easier for me to do what I needed to.

I can solo easily anything up to Legion raids. I just did a two man of the first 4 of Argus to help someone get an item and it was not difficult (though I am not sure I would call Portal Keeper boss 4).

For context, in BC you could not solo MC and generally needed 4-5 even if you had FULL Sunwell gear (I did) and if you did naxx you needed around 10-15 depending on how good they were (and experienced).

For Wrath you were not soloing Soloing BT so the only thing you should EXPECT is to be able to solo raids 2 expansions ago ie: HFC which I already did this week on 1 character and need to do on a second because I screwed something up.

If you do not like hearing a dissenting opinion then how about YOU leave the thread because this is a DISCUSSION forum not an echo chamber forum meaning that dissenting opinions are okay.

The only difference in my ability to solo is corruptions. That is it. It is very clear when I compare my geared DK with good corruptions to my undergeared DK without it. To that end I can solo literally everything I should expect to be able to solo. Anything past HFC and Legion dungeons is a luxury (but a fan fact you can very easily 2 man the last raid on mythic which is sort of crazy compared to previous expansions rate of soloing).

“I can do it” is not a valid reply. This person is talking about not being able to solo a MOP boss, not a legion boss.

Also quit comparing standards of 10-15 years ago of how you couldn’t solo the previous xpac. This isn’t then, this is now and geared players have been able to solo a ton of the previous xpac, outside of the hardest mythic bosses, for years.

Stop making excuses and defending this. Saying “Wait till SL” will do nothing because we don’t even know when it’ll come out and people can do old content to pass the time.

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Except he’s not the one dismissing valid complaints. You are. You’re essentially sticking your fingers in your ears going “IT DIDN’T GO THAT WAY FOR ME, SO YOU’RE OBVIOUSLY JUST WRONG”

No. I DIED. FIVE. TIMES. ON. 25H. DARK. ANIMUS. I don’t care if you soloed it without issue. The fact of the matter is, I did not, and I haven’t died to Dark Animus since WoD. And I died even FASTER than back then now.

Don’t even get me started on the fact Megaera did over 50% of my health in damage over the fight. And that’s something you should easily be able to replicate.


No actually I’ll stay here and continue to criticize this and you because you are preaching to everyone else from a soapbox. Ion specifically said the game wasn’t build and the scaling wasn’t made with the corruptions in mind and if you could solo it before the patch, you could solo it after. People were soloing M Guldan WITHOUT corruptions and they no longer can do it. The power squish is off and the scaling is terrible all around including in BFA content.

Stop defending this now because we shouldn’t have to wait for SL gear to do what we used to be able to do.

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He just doesn’t get it. He’ll call it an echo chamber while he doesn’t understand what the problem is and why there are multiple threads about this problem.

Simply put I do not believe him. Anyone can say anything. I can SAY I could solo mythic Jaina before this patch but cannot now but that does not make it true. The fight he is talking about, the first phase took under 5 seconds and second phase was also under 3 seconds on a toon that was previously 411 item level with no real corruption to speak of and no cloak (and only 1 essence). I do not believe that it is possible to truly struggle at that fight. Period.

I could have kept going with the soloing example btw I choose not to because it would have been redundant to keep going for all the expansions up until Legion. The only expansion where you realistically could was Legion but those weapons were insane and they made them stronger in the prepatch but in general you should not expect to be able solo last expansions raid content. Period. There is a reason the pets do not come until it is 2 expansions old.

I get what you think the problem is kiddo, but I simply do not believe it is realistically possible to fail at soloing anything before Legion.

This thread has me curious to see for myself if people are exaggerating, so I’m headed to throne of thunder right now to check. It’s really hard for me to imagine the squish having that big of an impact on a raid that old.

Not saying anyone is lying, but I have to see this for myself.

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“Kiddo”. Here comes the condescending part. I’m probably older than you are son, maybe you should go ahead and act your age.

Like I said, once I successfully managed to AoE down the little robots thanks to my Earth Elemental, I was able to kill it.

Try not killing any of his robots after the first set and see how fast you die. (I was on my shaman, so Chain Lightning has a long cast time).

You’ll also see you’ll take quite a bit of damage from Megaera due to its berserk mechanic.

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If it’s 25H and all the adds go up at the same time I’m not sure what would happen. They did truck people back in the day so maybe they forget to tune that part?

Based on YOUR OWN version of his quite what that says is the scaling is built either assuming 0 corruption or assuming bad corruptions. What that means is something like 40% of my damage is gone and does not count in the scaling system on a geared toon. I look at the damage I do and realize that if I had corruptions it would be EXACTLY the same. This sort of implies they hit their mark and they did not miss it (I use the badly geared DK as an example because he essentially had no real corruptions to speak of and he can do literally everything he could before).

If your argument is “they should have factored in corruptions” or “I should be able to solo last expansions mythic raid content despite that not being a thing that is supposed to happen” then okay fine, because they clearly did as they said and did not factor in corruptions at all, but these Throne of Thunder example just strain credibility.

Well the guy has more achievement points than you do so I’d say he’s credible. Also, no one ever claimed to solo mythic jaina so nice strawman there. People have solo’d mythic legion content including me so you are once again wrong and defending poorly designed content.

But it would make Blizz look at what exploit strat you were using to do it :slight_smile:

I’ll head there too! Since I like to make gifs if I get rolled I’ll record it

To find a middle ground I could SEE if you let the adds stack up that being a problem (fun story I specc’d purgatory back then and actually managed to be the highest damage taken DK in the world because I would take 8M dmg in the 3 seconds of purgatory from all of the adds being stacked up).

Believe me I know that fight, that is actually the fight I had the rank 1 global parse at the end of ToT with my guildmate being num 2, so I get how it could happen if you just went afk for a few seconds and let them pile up, but they all die in one hit so just use one attack and destroy them.

If anything this is a great example of why the AoE cap is stupid and terrible and why I hate it.