Old raids no longer soloable



“When it’s done, you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to Corruption’s removal (8.3 content tuned around Corruption will be rebalanced, but the rest of the game wasn’t built with that in mind) but otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120

I have proven in earlier post and others did that we could kill some bosses WITHOUT any corruption before prepatch, and by Ion’s logic, we should be totally able to kill the same bosses on same modes after prepatch just fine right? Wrong, And thats why this topic spawned. “wait for shadowlands” after being previously told “you will solo fine stuff you couldn’t solo before” is not an accetable excuse.


Item level scaling is still wonky right now, and needs some tuning imo. You know it’s frigged up when after the squish at level 50 you can’t one shot Legion invasion bosses :joy:

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Well, I wasn’t able to kill Gul’dan mythic on 120. And I’m not able now.


I was able to clear Mythic Hellfire or any Draenor raid, and I haven’t been able to do so since the pre-patch hit.


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This, if they had said “you can do at 60 what you can do now” it’d be a different story, but that’s not what we were told.


I made a post about this and basically got shot on by most of the comments, called a liar, and saying it is me, im the issue etc. There is a huge issue here and they aren’t addressing it. They stated when they would do the level squish everything would scale down in powers strength and that we could solo old raids/dungeons like before.

I get eaten alive trying to solo bfa dungeons now and before I was able to. the trash mobs are much stronger than before and the bosses are about the same as before. as for rares and wq’s in uldum and vale, etc, I can barely stand toe to toe with them now, before I had almost no issues.

I went to do an island tonight on mythic to try to farm dubloons, it took us literally 40 minutes to finish the entire island. I could barely stand toe to toe with the mobs in there. thats even with all my healing spells from my spirit beast pet and myself. it is insane.

Hell now it takes me 5 times as long to finish one bfa dungeon solo because i am having to pull small mobs at a time. Some dungeons I can’t even solo anymore.


What if the plan is Blizz doesn’t want us to solo old content anymore?

It would be a crapstorm the likes of realid and no flight combined.

They couldn’t afford the fallout.


they would lose a lot of customers. there are so many and i mean over 1000’s of players who enjoy doing old dungeons/raids for bpets and mounts and tmogs, if it got to the point you needed a full group or just 5 extra players to run those old raids/dungeons for the bpets and mounts or tmogs, then no one would do them because they would most likely not get what they were going for and it would cause shot storm beyond belief and so many people would out right rage quit over it. I know at least 30 people on my bnet who would insta delete their toons and account over that because all they do is run old raids/dungeons and farm them almost on stop and theres many more players out there just like that.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They would have to be insane to an immeasurable degree to :poop: on old content farmers.


Island expeditions are painful now


Good point.

You are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I bet the same people, non-MVP and MVP alike, never bothered apologizing for being wrong and crapping all over you?

i see metrohaha’s gotten worse.

I was capable of doing that, plus mythic ursoc in EN. Now i can’t, and it has nothing to do with corruption as it was done without corruption equipped.

Also Ion SAID we would prob feel a bit weaker but otherwise should be able to solo what we could at 120…and it proved to be a massive lie. I’m nowhere close to what i was in 8.3 with no corrution equipped. I’m dealing like at least half the damage i was doing without corruption(relative to mob and bosses’ hp) and taking 2-3 times more damage. Hell, mythic goroth is hitting relatively harder than mythic N’zoth. How much sense it makes to see a level 110(now 45) boss hitting harder than freaking N’zoth?


This is pretty clearly a case of wait until SL. The way gear seems to work is that there is a very small difference in iitemlevel between everything pre Nyalotha. They basically treating 8.3 at the first real tier of content with the squish which means if you do not have gear from that (or gear that was around 470 item level) stuff is going to feel hard.

However, when SL comes out and there will be multiple jumps in gear level very quickly, then things will get back to feeling easy again.

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I’m not going to wait for SL to have to do content from 5-10 years ago. You shouldn’t have to be max level to do old raids. Don’t try to defend this, the scaling is atrocious.


I got alot of my Raids achievement points solo’ing once that Xpac was over haven’t been able to that now the last couple of Xpac cause of scaling. Not worth it anymore

I can solo everything but Legion raids easily on DPS toons. Sorry but if you are having trouble, my response is get better gear in SL and deal with it. The kill times are clearly longer but it is not enough for me to actually care.

Edit: I should clarify the kill times are longer on toons that had well itemized corruptions as it doesnt seem like they factored in being corruption stacked well which I guess is a tricky thing to surmise from pure item level.

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