Old raids no longer soloable

Anyone who uses old raids as their gold farming source are wasting their time. There are brainless tmog farms the reap tons more gold that are basically AFKable.

It’s about achievements and mounts.

I could solo some bosses in Mythic TOS and the first in Antorus, impossible now. I dont understand why you are even defending this, Ion himself said we will be able to clear everything we did before the squish.

You also seem to be such a troll every time I see you post, how did you even get MVP?


okay… how the hell did you managed to beat mythic guldan as a warrior all alone?
As a dk who raided mythic nyalotha i feel so angry right now for being surpassed by a warrior

Black Temple is still soloable.

Even got my Warglaive from it. Now I can rest and never do this raid ever again. Well once more during timewalking to get the tmog.

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I watched my husband on his pally solo it pretty easily so it was definitely doable.

idk, I just killed him? I really didn’t do anything special.

I don’t mean BT. If you see I mentioned Mythic Nighthold. Your WoD and below raids are fine.

If you got mass flagged, maaaaybe there is a reason for that. Every time someone throws criticism at blizzard for incompetency or being dishonest with what was promised, you jump straight to call it “whine”.

Please, stop. You are just embarassing yourself with this low-rent trolling.

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To add on this:


“When it’s done, you’ll likely feel a bit weaker due to Corruption’s removal (8.3 content tuned around Corruption will be rebalanced, but the rest of the game wasn’t built with that in mind) but otherwise you should be able to solo what you could at 120

imgur(.)com/a/AESvedn (Forums is not allowing me to use imgur links, so i did a workaround by placing a () on the dot. just take those off and its good to check)

And i got several other imgur proofs if you want.

Top image: soloing mythic goroth with zero corruption on live. 8.3

Bottom image: on 9.0, can’t even do mythic NYTHENDRA which was one of the easiest solos to do at ilvl 470-480 compared to goroth.

imgur(.)com/a/ZIXcd0x(same as above, but comparisons with exact same boss, 8.3 no corruption VS 9.0 prepatch).
Top image: no corruption on 8.3 and could still kill him while not dropping under 50% hp.
bottom image: Getting obliterated by same boss with same gear.

So the “you don’t have corruption so its ok you can’t solo” is not even a valid excuse at this point. My toon got weaker and it piss me off i can’t solo some older raids for mogs or a mount because of this.


Just popping in to report that before pre-patch, the tougher group elites in invasion zones (not the giant ones that everyone ignores because they actually took a group to kill, I mean the ones that were a step up from normal elites) were perfectly killable on this lock here with no struggle at all.

Yesterday, I flat out died fighting one due to my blueberry getting flattened and not having enough self healing for one measly dot. Kill speed was also just over half of what it used to me on the same rare.

That is not the result of losing corruption. Scaling obviously missed the mark.

I’m an avid legacy content farmer and could solo all of mythic Tomb of Sargeras on my hunter. But based on how much weaker I feel out in the world, what I’m seeing here, and from others in game, I’m hesitant to even try.


Check the post i made, just above yours. On 2nd imgur link, i could solo goroth with zero corruption on my dk on 8.3. Now on 9.0 i get obliterated by him, hell even my DH is struggling to solo some stuff he could do just fine. The tuning complete and absolutely missed its mark, so i wouldn’t bother to try on your hunter at all. Its not worth it

I mean, it’s Metro. He’s been doing this for years. I don’t know who his friends at Blizzard are, but he’s one of the most dense, antagonistic, grating, trollish posters around.

By a longshot.


This is my first run in with him. I’m honestly very surprised he (or she) has MVP. Like you said either they have a hook up at blizz, or blizz never vetted this person. Oh well its 2020 so just add more syrup to this sh1t and call it a pancake!


guldan itself is easy, but illidan summon those worms during the fight that stun you and keep doing a lot of dmg, even holding everything just for this phase i cant kill illidan in time.
Warrior dont have any immunities, how did you stomped over the worm mechanic?

I’ve been doing it for a long time.
Go back on YT or something and look at an Asmongold video where he solos it.
I don’t do anything different from that

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Earlier today I ran Black Temple on a decently geared mage and just after the first boss - as you go through the doorway - I gathered about half of the mobs I used to do and: stun… frozen…stun… stun… Couldn’t do anything, couldn’t tab on any mob couldn’t even bring up shield or mirror image. Granted didn’t take any damage, but still frustrating.

Ended up Alt-F4 and after that I was actually able to get a cast in. Thereafter it was okay.

Blizz did the same thing when they introduced scaling. That was a mess too. They had to fix it…twice before it worked as advertised.

Very disappointing.


Just out of curiosity, what could you do before that you can’t do now?

I can understand the OP because Mythic Gul’dan (the Illidan phase, really) was already on the edge of what could and could not be solo’d, and corruptions where what put it in the realm of possibility. Anything below was easily soloable before corruptions, and still is. Hell, I solo’d half of Mythic Nighthold on both my baddie horde/alliance mages this week because I’m chasing the last piece of the set.

I haven’t been to Antorus this week, but I’ve been through Nighthold and ToS with several different classes and I haven’t found myself to be unable to get a kill that I once could.

That said, I did notice that you now DO take more damage in these raids, though mostly not enough to be of issue, where as before you’d hardly ever take any. This I suppose due to the squishing of the levels, and Legion and BFA being “closer” relative to one another than they were before.

Uh, because Molten Core isn’t a Wrath era dungeon? It drops level 27 gear… There is a significant difference between the mobs being 27, like they should be, and the level 32 that they are.

A Wrath character should be able to clear Classic content that they have always been able to clear, is that concept to complicated for you to grasp? If it is, I’m sorry.


Well it is now. Welcome to attempting to squish 120 levels of content into 50.

Everything classic/tbc/wotlk scales to level 30.

Not anymore. Sorry.

Nothing really, but I’m not trying the bleeding edge either. If you’re so close to the edge of what’s possible that any change would make a difference, then any change would make a difference. In that scenario, yeah, I suppose corruption would make a difference.

Maybe to me this is just part of the risk of doing things so edgy. Sometimes you get cut. :slight_smile: Blizzard is changing and ‘balancing’ things all the time. It shouldn’t be surprising that they change something and you have to figure out how to do something that’s very close to not possible all over again. That it’s corruption this time isn’t very relevant. They’re going to keep doing this sort of thing because this is the sort of thing they do.

You’re 10 levels below the level cap. What do you expect?