Old raids no longer soloable

Yeah I was farming old content before at 120 just fine and could have my felguard take out the room with his health staying full. I went today to the same instance and just a couple guys in the room completely wiped him out before I even realized what happened.


The old raids also drop less gold now at least WOD raids do from doing them the night before the patch and the day after so the gold drop from bosses was also nerfed.


This is absolutely :100: horrible. Blizzard please let us solo old raids from legion and back. I understand this is an issue you will address. Ion stated recently so please be transparent also upset if gold is related since ilvl is scaled down with level. Please reinstate gold levels. In past you have addressed solo content. Thank you.

Blizzard North closed ages ago.

Back in 2018/2019, they let go of 800 QA, which as we all know, definitely left its mark on the game, and has had more people leaving Blizzard since.

CEO got a huge salary whereas the employees complained about working conditions and pay.

Blizzard France is closing.
Blizzard’s staff are striking because of this.

Perhaps defend them less and pay more attention to gaming news.


Well, Legion raids didn’t get to “legacy difficulty” yet, despite the fact that Blizzard manually turned on legacy loot.

The only reason you were able to solo Gul’dan was because of the mistake that was corruptions.

This doesn’t change the fact that you can’t do what you once could, I’m just saying that people being able to solo Gul’dan had nothing to do with good balance.

What are you babbling about? The people laid off were not part of Team A or B and I was definitely not defending Blizzard. Quite the opposite. Reading comprehension not your strong suit?

Team A or B haven’t been around in years.

Obviously this has fallen on deaf ears. My error.

Fixing the tuning on old raids after a level squish might be low down on the priority list but with much of the pre-patch content not yet available it is pretty obvious it’s what a lot of people will do.

I assumed that it might not be designed to work properly at lvl 50 anymore - ie given the new level cap is 60 after launch we are effectively not max level characters any more (or only for the next few months). I am also guessing that after this expansion is over we will go back to level 50 again.


The second to last boss in Hellfire Citadel is very difficult to solo now. You used to be able to kill her before her debuffs had time to really take effect on you, now I die every attempt with her around 20% health. Ridiculous imo.

MMO doesn’t mean “must group up for every little thing”.


The bit about corruption isn’t true. I did old raids without the corruption gear. Before corruption was even a thing. It’s just Blizzard’s usual focus on new stuff instead of old stuff. I wouldn’t hold your breath on doing a lot of legacy content before you get to 60.


No basically about it. He literally did.

Nope. Not one.

A WHOLE BUNCH OF EM! Holds up a mirror for the foums See? Whole bunch of testers!

And here I go again on my own
Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known
Like a pugger, I was born to quest alone

I remember the first time I saw a tanking dummy. I was on a regular dummy and a cleave caught it… I died. I spent the next few days giving it a very wide berth in case a spread effect hit it.

Many of us said it was coming when the squish was first talked about. They have issues just squishing ilvl… squishing the whole game is 100% guaranteed to be a CF.


Right now a 60 has a harder time soloing old raids than a 50.

Gaining ten levels isn’t going to fix the problems with old raid scaling.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I don’t know how you got MVP but it needs to be taken away.

Discrediting peoples actual in game experiences is really beneath someone who has green text.


A pretty fresh 9.0 level 60, tho, right? This might be by design with the intention of requiring players to complete x.1 or x.2 gearing to farm old raids.

I think it’s an anti-botting implementation. You can’t bot raids as easily with freshly leveled toons. People demanded they do something about botting, so this is what they did nerfing AOE and legacy raid ability. This is why I never ask them to “fix” things that aren’t really broken.

Level 60 doesn’t have essences or azerite.
Level 50s are destroying level 60s.

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I know.

Ride the wave.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

It’s messed, even on beta at 60 with decent gear cannot solo legion way too over tuned. Before corruptions were even a thing I could solo most legion raids on most difficulties. it’s not just because we are missing corruption it is not even close to what we should be able to do. I hope it’s fixed but I am starting to have my doubts.


There is a stunlock? Before pre-patch I just melt him and ignored a lot of mechanics.

Just wait till everyone realizes that old raid gold generation has been cut 40-50% due to squishing gear and repricing it. With less soloable it is only worse…