Old raids no longer soloable

Cry to him, not me.

That wasn’t the point behind your post though.

If they fix it at 50, great, but I’d much rather they focus on making Shadowlands good. Soloing Legion content can wait.

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Everyone knew going into 9.0 that Legion raids without the old content buff would be quite different than they were in 8.3.

Why are people surprised about this ?

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Tomb is doable, you just need a few people. Note the mobs are 47, and we’re 50, so we resist a lot less now. Have to actually do mechanics. Fallen Avatar was fun, did it with 4.

Mythic KJ though… woah.

happens every squish “hate that this is now a thing” it will take 2 expac’s to get back to it,an den a squish will come again and this cycle of copy paste will proseed.

You’re not max level anymore. Try again when you hit 60.

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because you aren’t level 60 yet?

You are literally going from topic to topic zealously defending everything about this prepatch. No wonder you got your green text.


Except you know, people could just solo it and get the loot for themselves before. There is a reason people want to solo this stuff you know.

Love how all the people replying “you aren’t 60 yet” in regards to not being able to solo legion raids before


Why are people ignoring this is what Ion said and it is obviously not what is currently reflected in the game?


Mythic KJ is… Really something else. Fun, but yeah. Woah accurately describes that fight.

Yup. “If you can solo it at 120, you can still solo it in Shadowlands”. Guess that isnt the case.

Kinda like the new leveling experience. 50-70% faster then now. yeah, its more like 3 to 5 times faster. 300-500%…


Because it makes their white-knighting look even worse than it already does.


This thread really slipped out of my hands.

Except you know, people could just solo it and get the loot for themselves before. There is a reason people want to solo this stuff you know.

I always had a bit of a hard time with tomb solo. All i’m pointing out is that it’s not impossible, just harder - and why that might be the case. It’s no longer a 10 level difference, it’s 3-4 depending on the mob.

I don’t think they quite thought it through, because what you used to shrug off you sometimes don’t anymore.

This is exactly what I was afraid prior to prepatch. I was farming old content, specifically Legion raids for transmog and mounts like a madman and people kept telling me it would be fine. That the level squish wouldn’t affect players ability to solo old content. Yet here we are. Not only can I not log in due to “character not found” issues, now I’m seeing people post about how they’re getting worked trying to solo old content. This isn’t even specific to Legion content, people are getting nowhere trying to farm content as far back as vanilla. I would understand this more if there had been reasons for it, if Blizzard hadn’t continually assured players not only would they be able to continue to do old content without change, they are encouraged to do so before SL launch. I’d love to say this is ridiculous or say that contacting admins would help but I literally had issues with trying to solo dungeons achievements in Cata prior to the prepatch and was told by an admin that “the content is designed to be done by more than one player” even tho I pointed to multiple posts on Blizz and WoWhead forums of players completing the achievement solo and detailing the strategy do so. There’s a disconnect between us and the admins that until the last couple of days I never had to deal with or acknowledge. It’s unfortunate that now that I not only have to acknowledge it but there is little that can be done about it.


He works full time at Walmart, give the guy a break already.

This should not be true. Pandaria and Legion both max out at 35 or 40. At level 50 you should be significantly strong than whatever is there. Only in Chromie Time should you be significantly weaker than whatever is there.

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There’s more than 260 comments and I couldn’t read them all but for what I did read seems like nobody is wondered this: What about a buff when doing old content? Like when you entered lich king that everyone would get a debuff. A buff like 50% more health, 50% more damage, or whatever, just something that fixes that (at least in the meantime) because clearly the problem isn’t just there but on the escalation overall. But considering how many bugs the patch 9 has that’d be a fast solution meantime.