Old raids no longer soloable

Forgot to add: Undocumented changes as well. On a era where devs have done a poor job at communicating with players properly and even promised to do better, they slip this ones. Whats the point of patchnotes if they are slipping changes past the table as if they were to expect people don’t find them. Like older raid items being nerfed in vendor value by 50-60%, needing level 50 to use premades, just to name a few.

You are missing the point. We were told by the devs that if we could solo it before, we could solo it after. That is clearly not what we got. so please, save the excuses for why we can’t solo things any more as it is irrelevant because were told that if we could solo it before then we will be able to solo it after.


Irrelevant - we were told that if we could solo it before, then we could solo it after. Devs screwed up big time here with yet another broken promise. And it’s not like they haven’t made this same mistake before. I guess they like disgruntling their players.


They should stop doing these squishes IMO for the duration of this game’s future

Not that I’m doubting you, but can you source that? I’m interested to hear that.

The old raids are now essentially at your current level. You’re level 50. They’re level 50. On the plus side, if you can get into those raids, the gear might be good to use instead of just being a mog.

It isn’t worth it. He/she is obviously trolling at this point.

After you reach max level. Duh.

Sure, straight from Ion’s fingers in August:


Huh, interesting. Thanks for sourcing that for me, I hadn’t seen that before.

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I was going to farm some spare parts to craft some vaultbot keys but my 470 mage is getting wrecked whenever I pulled more than 2 of those gold mobs.

I give up, not going to do any bfa stuff now.

Edit: It’s not even about corruption because all my corruptions was stacking mastery which has nothing to do with my survivability.

They do seem to create at least as many problems as they’re intended to fix.

They chose to re-balance with lower numbers for levels creating a logistical nightmare instead of just making the progress bar on the bottom reflect 5 levels instead of 1.

It’s like shooting yourself in the foot and then demanding simpathy for doing so.

Sorry Blizzard, don’t shot yourself next time… I expect your game to WORK! (cracks the whip)

I got killed by a target dummy :frowning:


How are raids pre-legion? Still easy? Deathwings spine isn’t gonna mess me up now is it?

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what do you think you are level 120 or something hahaha no j/k really though you should have seen this coming

I tested this on the PTR.

I warned you months ago.

Don’t call me chicken little anymore.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

You were max level in 8.3.

You are no longer max level.

Wait for Shadowlands.

Sheesh. It is that bad huh… And I only few weeks ago started closing old content and get me sweet tmogs.

And your response is in line with Ion’s own words…how?