Old raids no longer soloable

So, running old dungeons/raids for transmogs will no longer be a thing?

You can kind of post links by putting two ` marks around them, like so:


At some point if you spend enough time on the forum you can also build up Trust Levels and post actual links eventually.

Going by past experience, things will be fixed…eventually.

Nothing to do with missing corruptions. I had no corruptions on some characters and notice the scaling imbalance even in WotLK dungeons with lvl 100 characters. Still doable but significantly harder


Omg someone with a brain.

Kudos Rollo.

My point is: Don’t release it if its not ready and its a trainwreck. I mean, come on. Look at fallout 76, No man’s Sky and even Warcraft 3:reforged. Are you gonna tell me that people who voted reforged 0,5/10 on metacritic and kept blasting the game in forums for being terrible, buggy and unfinished are throwing a tantrum as well? What a bad joke, really.

And yes, im aware patches have issues, but im also aware that this could be averted if they’d just delay something another week to fix the problems. And they didn’t, so thats 100% on them. I got even a friend who logs like 3-4 days a week only and had her entire day wasted yesterday because game constantly dc’d her in a loop after she tried to enter barbershop. Now you are gonna tell me thats acceptable as well?

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Outrage tantrum post #739829994 invoming

Yes, and these issues are fixed by people bringing them to the light. Frequently on the forums.

I’ve played as long as you if not longer. Don’t be that guy.


This is why the do prepatches with major content changes you fool.

There is always always going to be issues.

They released prepatches and fix them so they don’t have these launches with the release of the expansion content.

Like seriously. Nothing you people whinge about on the forums is going to change anything. Step away from the game for a few days. I bet stuff is fixed when you get back

Thats a statement wrong on so many different levels. The same thing happened on 8.0, then BFA released and we had M+ caches the second the M+ season started. pvp titles and ranked rewards given before the season even started as well. Glitchy dungeons with scaling and affixes, raid bugs and issues. So that statement just fails to hold any water given what happened on BFA.

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Lots of BS changes here - you can’t skip nearly as much trash anymore, even on really old raids, everything easily aggros you now. Since all mobs from all raids can hit you now, even if they don’t do much damage they apply the raid debuffs which can kill you. For example if you go into firelands, several bosses do a debuff that takes away 30 % of your hp right off the bat even though you take no damage. Spine of deathwing can easily kill you now because of the HP debuff stacking fast.

And lots of other simple stuff is broken, you can’t even zone from hellfire to blasted lands anymore which was the only work around for horde quickly getting to that area since the blasted lands teleport is broken - yet another long standing bug Blizz is too lazy to fix.

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Dude they are fixed by people saying “hey I know this is an issue and that is an issue”

Not by people going”omg I can’t believe you released this train wreck, I can’t believe I’m paying for this! WAAAAAAH!!!

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I don’t think this is entirely correct. I am a holy priest, my corruptions (the little I had) weren’t doing anything for my dps, it is taking way longer to kill BFA mobs then it did prior to the patch.


As the other person said, you’re dense. If the mob has more relative health, what else did they not scale down? It’s attack power and spell power? Armor?

The things that actually matter when making world mobs difficult.

I mean… I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, but I just downed Mother Matron in Drustvar myself five minutes ago. It did take a bit longer, for sure, but… it wasn’t a challenge. Since the servers came back up yesterday, I’ve downed a several other WQ and Mechagon rares, just to check my rotation and all that.

I’ve heard complaints about MC, so I’m diving in there right now just to see what it’s like for me.

So far, trash is aggro’ing on me that I could RP walk by last week, but it’s still going down with one shot.

…more to come…

Downed Lucifron with one shot. I’m not gonna live-Tweet the whole run, but aside of an increase in trash mob aggro, I don’t see any differences.

They will be soloable again when you’re 60.

I’d like to point this out:


You can’t even say i didnt do that, i did. I tested PTR and reported bugs/issues to help, i did what i could(Hell, i posted multiple times in that topic to explain and point what was wrong when i tested older raids and stuff). And this trainwreck release was less excusable as a result, because this issues were reported and pointed out. And they just ignored them, or they released knowing the patch was unfinished. Its hard to be any nicer when you have been doing your best to help, test and improve in favor of a polished experience, and we got this instead.

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