Oh boy, we have someone who took a freshman psych course!
HERE IS A graph to look at
OLD model-----|-----New model
NEmaleDance | NEmaleDance (old made in classic, but new model has same path)
NEmaleattack | NEmaleattack (old made in classic, but new model has same path)
------------ | NEmagespecial (never made with old model in mind)
This can’t work from old to NEW but it works from NEW TO OLD
this is because they have the same path names, just need to change target.
And I am just telling you that your bias is very obvious here because they happen to be bashing something you like. You do the exact same thing you are criticizing people for so I am basically calling you a hypocrite.
I did about 10 years ago or so but this isn’t really that hard to understand even if you were a 15 year old. You aren’t hiding anything.
Again. As it was already discussed times and times again. Besides animations, new modes are not compatible with old non-adjusted armor, old models aren’t compatible with the new and old adjusted armor. Same with mounts by the way.
If at some point blizzard decided to make 2 completely separate graphical representations for old\new models that involve 2 different variations of animations\armor and weapons placement\interactions\mounts placement\etc. then more power to them. But I’d not hold my hopes high.
You should code my dude, this is beautiful…lol. They did try this and it was awful and failed which is why they removed it.
Indeed, I am not hiding anything, lol.
Most of the water in Vanilla was translucent. I see you’re still propagating this lie that all of the water in Vanilla was opaque, even after I’ve shown you indisputable evidence. Mogar the “No-change changer” at it again!
YOUR STUPID and obviously don’t know any coding or have filepaths work. they did the exact opposite, they tried making the old use the NEW setup and it would of doubled there work, ARMOR placement is based on the model, IT FAILED TO YOU because the old models used the new rig BUT OLD MODELS WOULD USE OLD RIG AND NEW WOULD USE NEW RIG and it works because they have the same pathnames, and because we will never use the special class animations that the old rig lacks, there is no issue. (granted if i got what i wanted i put those in to, but i want the new models and i know this works with the old models and their old rig)
All they would have to do is have two separate files with all the same paths, just one has new models/new rig and the other old/oldrig, and a option in the user interface simply changes what is targeted and DISPLAYED on your computer
/thread this guy is way too smart for me.
EDIT: He edited his post and removed the god but still left his mistake up. This guy is 400 iq I can’t handle it hahaah. He is exactly what I imagine a changer to be like.
Also, it’s not vanilla but still the old world (mostly) and pre-cata engine (not models but landscapes)
Also, you can see that water surface is semi-translucent, not as much as the new jello water but still.
They’d literally have to do “separate files” for everything with what player characters can interact. Same with NPCs, though I suspect it’s simpler with NPCs. I don’t rule out the possibility that they’ll do it in the future but it’s not as simple as you seem to believe.
He doesn’t actually understand how these things work, he is just posting random gibberish acting like he knows what he is talking about when he couldn’t be further off the mark.
how about you actually read what i say? it’s very basic…
BECAUSE WE ARE IN CLASSIC WOW with classic casting/attack animations filepaths in the model, so even though the new one has all this extra animations like paladin special that the old LACKS, it will never be used unless blizzard comes up with something creative.
OLD model-----|-----New model
NEmaleDance | NEmaleDance (old made in classic, but new model has same path)
NEmaleattack | NEmaleattack (old made in classic, but new model has same path)
------------ | NEmagespecial (never made with old model in mind)
THE REASON it failed first time to you purist was because the old model had the NEW rig because of the new animations/filepaths added
the new model has all the animations the old one has, so the new can go backwords, but the old can’t go forward without new ones made to it. Spell effects can be changed the same way as this because they have the same path you just change a different target file OLD vs NEW. the only issue comes into play is if they played different animations which was why they didn’t upgrade the old rig because it was twice the work.
You’re wrong here. At the start of WoD, old models still had their original skeletons (or rigs as you call them). That changed later when Blizz couldn’t make interactions and armor placements to be consistent across the old and the new models. What you’re talking about is the current state of the old models in BfA.
the placement of armor is based on the model/rig they had issues of the old model one USING THE NEW RIG so they could use the new class animations not the old model/oldrig as that was what displayed in classic
THIS was why it was scrapped because it was twice the animation work as they would have to animate the same stop on the new rig using the old methods on the old rig
No. They had issues with new armor placement on the old models and old armor placement on the new models. I played WoD with the old model, I’ve seen how crooked it was at times with shoulders floating randomly, stretched breastplates and strange weapon handling.
Not to mention clipping half way through the mount. That was “fun”.
wow has always had clipping ever seen a gnome with a big 2hander?
I’m talking about a character placed incorrectly on the mount.
also why you worried about armor form expansions you will never seen in classic? both models display classic gear fine, both models work on old mounts, hell old mounts could be enhanced with a filepath change like everything else i said as part of the HD vs Classic look.
as i said eaily BFA has added TONS of classic models being upgraded like (nightsaber/quilboar/shredder/mechharvestor/and more)
it’s not hard to have a display file for old and new when ALL PATHS ARE EQUAL, just the target file displays something different.
and considering how many classic models got upgrades in BFA i would be very surprised if they were not thinking about it. As basically every classic model that i can think of has a newer model version now
Do you even read what I write.
Let me re-iterate it:
Old modes are not compatible with adjusted for the new models old armor;
New models are not compatible with non-adjusted old armor;