i’m defintely going to put on the old settings
I have wonderful news, OP. I was in the demo and I can tell you they’ve done an excellent job so far (for the most part). They used the original models, animations, spell effects. Everything uses the original textures: weapons, armor, structures, terrain, etc. It really looks like Vanilla.
So what’s different? They changed the shadows a bit. No more dot under your character; you get an actual shadow. Honestly, you don’t even notice it. Also, they increased the ground vegetation. More grass and bushes. Again, it’s not even noticeable. They didn’t change the texture of the grass at all…there’s simply more of it.
The only real noticeable change (and it sticks out like a sore thumb) is the water effects. They had a couple options. The ‘old’ setting reverted to effects that tried to mirror what existed in Vanilla. That means rippling waves. It also had an opaque surface, meaning you can’t see what’s below. The other modern settings for water were translucent, so you could see things underneath the surface. That was incredibly helpful in questing, and also has obvious pvp elements. It also clashed with the other style of the graphics. It just created a weird, awkward mishmash of styles that didn’t look good at all. My hope is that that was just a holdover from using the 7.3.5 client, and they’ll only have the original water effects in Classic.
I agree about the water. New jello-like water doesn’t look all that well in older zones. The problem with water is the way surface works. On a PvP real, the transparent surface of the jello water is a clear advantage. Even if I prefer to use the classic settings for the water I probably won’t do it for this exact reason. I’d be much happier if the jello water was removed from Classic but I somehow doubt they’ll do it.
I kept enemy name plates on so the water never gave enemies an advantage.
Not to mention my computer would lag when horde were near by back in the day lol
<------ Warning, prepare for your eyes to bleed.
How could anyone actually like the new models especially the new forsaken models?
The hair is absolute trash, the face is absolute trash, and look at how he is holding daggers. This is pathetic.
The vanilla art, models and animations are a billion times more appealing and that’s how I feel about all the art work for every race, animation, building, and zone. The newer stuff looks like a high cost cartoon. What they did to Brill, even before BFA destroyed it, looked absolutely terrible. The old Brill I always sat in when I was just chatting in game because I loved the look. There is no way I could ever play retail again and the models are partly to blame.
Hey! I was just about to post,
“Girls, girls, don’t fight! You’re both pretty!”
Feel free to feel that way, but potato faced humans aren’t ideal in my mind. The art style has stayed fairly consistent throughout wow, just more polygons and better resolutions have been introduced over time. Nothing has ever changed the core feel or look as far as I’m concerned and the modern graphics are a massive improvement.
They’ve literally changed everything. It’s not just the amount of polygons, it’s skeletons, animation. It’s like someone saw Pandaren and thought “I really like it, let’s make every playable race like Pandaren” because everyone is now animated as a pandaren.
It’s the most colossal waste of resourced ever. Even in comparison to the original world revamp. Don’t fix what’s not broken.
Everyone wanted the old races to be updated and pretty like the Pandaren were, with multiple facial expressions and the like. Pretty much every post on the forums had hundreds or even thousands of upvotes based upon the opinion. Only a select few didn’t want it back then when they happened.
It has to be a joke. Pandarens were and still are the most ridiculous design ever for WoW. I don’t get what audience that was supposed to appeal to. I mean the wobbly, strangely (even by the WoWs standards) running and jumping animation, silly (in a bad way) emotes and combat animations.
But yea, if everyone wanted their characters to be wobbly and jumpy, congrats, you’ve gotten what you wanted. Still can’t stand the new undead animations, I race changed my undead warlock because of it when they stopped supporting the old models. Or maybe that’s what Blizzard wanted, for me to pay for race change.
The old models arent even there.
They did away with the old rigging and put the old skins on the new rigging in an attempt to fix the clipping issues that occured in WoD onky to make things worse.
What Pserver you using??
Old Feralas vs new Feralis i am willing to say to bright.
Thats just one area that I can point out.
You do realize it’s easy to have NEW MODEL OPTION, the code already exist, and it;s easy to have the new models match the old animations, but it didn’t work from old to NEW because the old ones were missing animations(mostly class based)
which was why they rigged the new animations on the old models in retail.
Anyone who is against this as a option seen client side is obviously just a tool who screams NO CHANGES like a little 5 year old.
also the Druid forms alone would be a god send, also Noticed how BFA a lot of classic npc models are being updated that haven’t already been?(quilbore/hyena/ancients/etc…) I would be surprised if we don’t get this, because if we don;t there sure will be players making their own patch like they do with private servers.
HERE IS A graph to look at
OLD model-----|-----New model
NEmaleDance | NEmaleDance (old made in classic, but new model has same path)
NEmaleattack | NEmaleattack (old made in classic, but new model has same path)
------------ | NEmagespecial (never made with old model in mind)
This can’t work from old to NEW but it works from NEW TO OLD
Personally, i want them to just go back to the rerigged old models so i can have the new class animations in classic, but i know purist will throw a tantrum like they do on everything that isn’t PURE.
I’m not sure who “we” is here, because I would love the same exact gameplay of the vanilla era with new graphical options. Giving players the choice of new or old would be perfect.
Then explain to everyone why the whiz kids at Blizzard who know the coding better than anyone posting on these forums are incapable of make a toggle work reliably and smoothly without graphic and animation issues
don’t bother trying, the purist are very emotional anything but pure drives them insane, many want Enhanced Classic (aka plays like classic - No LFD, Class items, more push of finding and grouping, while some also talk of some specs retuned slightly to be viable options but play same way exact way(aka like buffing oomkins MANA to closer to that of mages and warlocks, giving paladins a taunt), but modern graphics and transmog (which was one of the most demanded features in vanilla wow before it was even called transmog). and best part is to show off your epic gear you still need to earn it as it is separated from retail.
basically i want the WARCRAFT 3 REFORGED for Classic wow…and i have friends who want this and also don;t
It worked fine, but the issues was the old models were missing certain animations as they were creating new ones and they didn;t want to double their work tyring to make 2 sets of new animations for a old and new model, thatw as the whole point of rigging the new animations on old model, because it would of doubled their work on the new class animations.
Let’s just humor you for a second a lets say it is possible and extremely easy. You know whats the easier option and better one? To not waste your time on it and just leave it as old graphics. You know why? Because vanilla didn’t have toggle-able models for new and old and it defeats the purpose of bringing back the old models if people just choose to switch to the new ones.
Idk why people waste their time debating over these new systems trying to justify them when they know in the back of their minds it is never going to happen.
why am i not surprised your whole argument is it wasn’t in vanilla so it shouldn’t be there
hate to break it to you we already getting a enhanced classic (battle.net intergration, loot trading, etc)