Old Graphics > New Graphics

I swear, its nostalgic. People said this about vanilla wow when it came out. It was “Kiddy and cartoony looking” compared to the other MMOs of the day like DAoC and the like.


And I’m trolling? You keep calling me liar, yet I’m the one trolling. The arrogance. Then again, you’re clearly enjoying BfA, so you’re probably here for trolling yourself. Is that a projection?

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This is facts


No, You can see baseline fantasy elements.

You obviously don’t play now. Aside from being cleaned up to not appear like minecraft models on 4k monitors its the same.

No you were judging, and if you’re as old as you say you are, you should know better than to generalise anything.


DaOC was realsed 3 years before WoW and wasn’t realistically looking either. Everquest was equally or more cartoony than WoW. AO had too simplistic models to clearly categorize them. Only with SWG can be any sort of debate about realistic look.

Your measly i5-2550k doesn’t maintain 55-60 FPS everywhere in BfA like you claim it does, sorry.


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Listen here, I never said anything about anything working properly or not at all. All I said was a feature existed already that let you switch between new and old character models. Idk what argument or claim you are assuming i made here but sorry I guess?

Also if the old armor doesn’t fit new models then I guess the entire transmog community is just wrong.

click my profile and let me know how the old armor don’t work with the new models lol.


You do realize that they’re talking about WQHD (1440p), and even multi-screen setup in one of the threads, you’ve linked, right? You know the difference between 1080p and 1440p, correct?

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looks fine to me lol. We’ll call it a vintage look :rofl: :+1:


It “works” now because they’ve removed the old skeletons and re-fit old armor for the new ones. Old models are completely broken now due to forced new animations.

In WoD they had old models with old skeletons but then there was the issue when old models didn’t work well with the new armor and new models didn’t work with the old one. Later Blizzard simply removed the old skeletons and animations.


And you know the difference between an i5-2550k and a 5 GHZ overclocked i7-7700k, right?

Different resolutions results in different hardware demands, you realize that, right? Especially when we’re talking about drastic differences like 1080p and 1440p.

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You stated that an FX-6300 should have no issues running Modern WoW. You don’t have enough knowledge to continue this conversation, sorry.

Overclocked i7-8700k’s will drop into the 40 FPS range during world bosses, as evidenced in many videos on youtube. Modern WoW is a CPU dependent game.

I guess you need to re-read my reply to the previous time you’ve made a similar statement.

I personally like both and I don’t see what is the problem of having both.

Is a personal choice not a game-changer patch.

Pleases, Activlizzard, let us have the option to “toggle on or off” new graphics.


You don’t know what a CPU Draw Call is.

And you keep changing the topic. If I know or not what it is, is irrelevant to the fact that WoW is not a demanding game when you compare it with other MMORPGs at the same resolution. Not like you trying to do which is basically: “You lie that it doesn’t lag at 1080p! Why? Because it’s slower at 1440p!”


You’re the one that came into here and brought up our previous argument from another thread. I’m done with you. You don’t know what you’re talking about, your i5-2550k doesn’t maintain 55-60 FPS in Boralus at 1080p with nearly max settings and players around.

Show me a screenshot. Not you staring at a wall, you out in the open with the water in view and a bunch of players. Graphics max, or close. Water at Ultra, shadows too; show me that 60 FPS.

Nerds- nerds please, calm down. Can we all just stop for a moment with this ‘whos gpu is bigger’ stuff and all agree that BFA is a bad game?