Old Graphics > New Graphics

I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


The hell are you comparing? Not even the same spot or point of view or time of the day.

Same here, you’re comparing 2 different things.

Low brightness, not how the game looks like with the default settings.

First of all. Nobody complained about the BfA art department for landscapes but where is the model and animation comparison? Specifically new models wearing old armor. Or old models with forced new animations because Blizz couldn’t make both work.


Low brightness? What are you on about. That’s what the game looks like if you log in and go there.

About low brightness. These are not default settings, alternatively these are processed screenshots.

Because it is too bright. All the time. This is not landscape models judgment but light scheme they’re forcing where everything is either too bright even at night because even ground acts as a light source somehow, or if you turn down settings, everything is perpetually as twilight, like you did apparently.


You’re missing the point, we don’t want the modern graphics, new systems or anything that’s not originally Classic WoW.

If we wanted that stuff we would be playing BFA or legion / WoD on a private server because they’re now available.


Why do you have to lie again? I’ve not touched my brightness settings. Not that it would do anything if I did. If I turned my monitor off when taking the screenshots, would it be black? Lol.

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That’s great, I was responding to the OP. If you don’t like the thread, you can leave.

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Your graphic hardware settings impact what you see and what your screen shots look like.

Additionally in game settings can augment the appearance too.

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Playing dumb pretending there are no graphical options within the game and NVIdia control panel, as we already determined you’re using an NVidia GPU?

Have you figured out why your game is so slow and exhibit FPS issues, by the way?

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I’m using an AMD GPU…

Yikes dude, just stop.

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Oh. So it was all hypothetical and you were just talking nonsense then. Ok. Should remember for the next time that you have no idea what you’re talking about in general.

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That’s interesting because I actually agree with the OP; the new models and style are ugly.

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These forums just have to make you laugh.


See the videos I edited into my post above, if you want to look like a fool.

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This was never a debate about changes and no changes.

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I’ve already told you everything about it in the last thread. So, yea. Posting random videos of people running on god knows what kind of systems, one of which does nothing to support your case ( 4K, RTX 2080 one), makes no sense. I’ve already told you that but you’ve chosen to ignore it and just left the thread.

As I told you earlier. 1080p, GTX970 and i5-2550 result in at minimum 55 FPS in BFA for me, yet you keep blabbering about how demanding the game is while in reality it’s one of the less demanding MMORPGs on the market.


And you’re lying, plain and simple. I didn’t say the game was demanding all the time. It’s demanding when there’s a spike in Draw Calls. Anytime there’s soft lighting, lots of players and spell animations going off, etc etc.

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I don’t get. Is it some sort of self-affirmation? Are you trying to convince yourself that everyone has FPS issues in WoW and not just you?

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You’re a funny guy, trolling me to this point is admirable.

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