It would be good to get some more stuff like that.
Though when it comes to old vs new I think part of the problem is that as I noted above, the new work is a lot more animated with a lot more movement to it.
Which is probably why some people say the new style feels very “anime”. It can look very over the top at times, even for Warcraft. In the old style, there were only a small handful of animations that could get up there.
I’m sorry, but it is hard to find your point when your points are “It just is,” and it is “Cartoony.” Which is only slightly more specific, yet you struggle to describe how the old graphics are less cartoony than the current ones.
You say that it looking less 8-bitish and more shiny, and that it makes it look more childish. Which doesn’t track very well, considering 8-bit games were almost exclusively marketed towards kids, and is often more kid friendly due to the less graphic depiction of violence. Indeed many modern rating systems would consider it “cartoon violence.” (Mario hitting walking mushrooms with a hammer and flattening them, anyone?). And I don’t see how either style screams 8-bit to you over the other. Is it because the old stuff is just lower res, so you can see the pixels in it more clearly?
You say shiny… but I don’t know if we’re looking at the same game world. I don’t see much that’s particularly as shiny as Fortnite in modern WoW. Everything practically glows in that game. The glowiest stuff in WoW is weapon enchantments, and they actually scaled back how much those glowed from Vanilla/TBC days. I mean let’s even compare my armor, arguably kinda shiny, to the BIG YELLOW BANANA COLORS OF PALADIN ARMOR in Vanilla! Truly gritty stuff there XD
also wow’s new models were out before fortnight, it should be fortnight looks like wow…granted the art style imo is very different, but has a similar theme.
Ya I’d argue that the resemblance has more to do with Fortnite borrowing its style from games like WoW, including Classic WoW, then putting brighter and more vibrant colors and glow effects on everything.
There’s a difference between seeing a resemblance and style, and arguing that it came straight out of another game. A lot of games have cel-shaded graphics, but I wouldn’t argue that Borderlands assets look like they came straight out of Windwaker Also weird that you chose to chop out the part of my quote saying “including Classic WoW.”
Should have said fan boys sorry for the confusion.
Oh I see so saying something resembles a game and saying something looks like it came out of the game are so different that it means it is a gross exaggeration claiming that it could come out of the game.
Yep, that’s exactly my argument. One infers influence, the other infers a practical rip-off. There’s quite a bit of difference there. Thanks for repeating it?
I’ve been arguing that Classic WoW is not more or less Fortnite-y than retail. It’s all over my posts. Constantly asking “how is it more [insert fortnite adjectives] than Classic?”
Which is why it’s telling that you tried to ‘get me’ by omitting the part where I said Classic also looks like Fortnite.
I could be wrong, but my understanding of this whole endeavor is so that Blizzard can offer a proper and official place for fans of the old game style of WOW to play on.
This is about Blizzard course correcting on things like automated group matching, phasing, casual content, prioritizing accessibility over challenging & rewarding game play.
Considering how far BfA is from pre-expansion WOW, do you people really care so much about what degree of opacity the water is if it means you get to have the peace of mind from playing on a bonafide classic server?
I get the “camels nose under the tent” argument when it comes to game play changes…and yes, I understand the nostalgia associated with getting to play with the original textures and models…but jeez. You guys are splitting hairs over something that does not affect the mechanics of the game.
If anything, the new models could be a helpful bridge for the new WOW players that might actually enjoy the old style game play, but are most familiar with how the current game works…and Classic WOW will need all the fresh blood it can get.