Saying that second one looks like something out of forntite is a gross exaggeration. This is what I mean when I say a criticism feels disingenuous. I have bones to pick with certain aspects of WoW art (like how they use overkill with their new 3D armor assets feature), yet saying that new WoW is closer to Fortnite than old WoW in style just doesn’t hold water to me. That art style has been consistent since the game started, and since Warcraft 3, it’s just now got a higher res skin to it. Any reason that Fortnite looks like WoW is because Fortnite likely based some of that off of what WoW already did, and the current devs are continuing that same style with new tech.
I mean if we want to look at the origins of WoW’s art style, why not take a look at this big guy:
If you up-ressed him directly, he’d probably look like a fortnite character himself. WoW actually dialed that style back, and I don’t see any significant change in that over the years.
They did some changes of the models, such as the hair on my Draenei.
They’ve also been adding a lot of animations to the new models, which is a big part of it. The new Lava Burst animation on my Draenei Shaman for example, I really don’t care for.
I looks pretty fortnite-y to me tbh
The hair style changes is something I nitpicked too ya. There is a different style there for sure, though I don’t see that as a significant departure from what the original WoW team was going for. Although some of the new/updated ones do just look like straight up dooky.
Animation styles are going through a face-lift to, and that one I will say is seeing a significant style transformation. For good or bad is one a case-by-case basis for me. I love the new whirlwind animation and sound effects. I don’t care for some of the base warrior animations right now.
How is the second more “Fortnite-y” to you than the first one though? What makes it different to you? More color shading and a higher res version of the same skin?
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It just does, it looks more cartoony and less 8bitish and more shiney like a fortnite cartoon. It looks super childish imo.
“It just does.” Oh ok. Less 8-bitish? When was being 8-bit less cartoony?
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Yeah dude it just does is that ok with you? JFC.
As a kid when you were watching cartoons do you remember any that were in 8 bit? If so how many?
The animations on my Warrior feel very over the top, even for Warcraft. I get that for Fury they were aiming for “wildly swinging around like a berserker”, but it just looks silly to me.
The Ret Paladin ones don’t look too bad, probably in part because Paladins have always been flashy about their animations.
I’ll be annoyed if they ever do more of a revamp on my Disc Priest though, since the Human female model has always had really good casting animations.
Though I will say that my Priest’s casting animations, even though they are just the Human female animations, have a fair bit more movement to them than the pre-revamp model did.
It feels like even the baseline revamp of models in WoD wanted to make everything look much more animated, which can also look silly at times.
Can we agree that the new Paladin animations that involve casting from a Libram are amazing?
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I like dwarves making snowballs better tbh
Those are great.
Now if only Blessing of Kings and Wisdom weren’t Ret only =P
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Thanks for the link. Not sure how I missed this video previously.
I’m about halfway through so far, but I’m loving the passion being shown by what I’ve seen from the dev team.
Alright bud, not trying to be harsh. Just in this conversation with several people who keep inferring “Well if you can’t see it you’re dumb” (not saying you are doing that, I don’t recall seeing it), is getting me in a snarky mood. Still, I think pushing something this hard without being able to point to a specific attribute that identifies something as being “more cartoony” is getting old.
I mean that would have just been impractical when I was a kid lol. What I do remember from back then was a bunch of hand-drawn figures. Sort of like the hand-drawn faces and textures of original WoW…
And although I was in college when this came out…
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Holy Light has the Libram animation, with the addition of your character flipping through the pages. Now we need hunters drawing their arrows from quivers. I think Warhammer online had some pretty dang good arrow drawing/firing animations, I wish WoW did too.
You completely missed my point, can’t say I’m surprised =S
It’s not hard when you’re so obtuse 
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Yeah that’s the reason… I would wager there is another issue at hand here.
What? 99 percent of the game is spent zoomed out as far as possible.
My bad. I meant the view distance. Its increased now. You can now see the whole zone with settings maxed out. They don’t have those shadow effects on objects in the distances anymore, if your computer can handle it.
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