Old Elite mogs and old gladiator mounts

A lot of people participate in rated to obtain limited time rewards, just like MoP remix, plunderstorm, and challenge mode dungeons. So yes, I do think time limited stuff is encouraging because its been proven to time and time again.

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For how long? I got 1.8k in 1 day that could have been my participation for the entire 6 months of the season.

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Be still my beating heart. What lively times we once had.

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I really think they should bring it back! It was a problem in slands at the time, because raids gave 2/5ths the loot they give now and m+ gear was capped at normal track, but pvp gave END BOSS MYTHIC loot.

With the crest system that’s no longer an issue, because you’re still gated by crest cap. It’s literally just an alternate gear path.


How long did it take you to get the glad mount? Players new to PvP aren’t likely going to get 1800 in a day.

Im kinda new to wow in general. It was my first season where I pvp. I wasnt even interested in the mount since it doesent look really good imo.

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In 8 years when you’re representing your WW season 1 tier set it’ll click.

right back at ya

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Dont really think so, maybe I would feel like this with the CE but people are getting boosted through 8/8m so it doesent matter to me either.

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Hard doubt. The Priest set was so bad that I didn’t even farm it. Blizzard could do so much better.


:point_up: put this in the evidence cabinet. Good seasonal rewards incentivize more player participation.

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They missed with the gladiator mount as well imo. And thats why old stuff could have saved the tier. They cant make every mog and mount S+ tier giga bis looking, they will miss. But new players could get something what they might like while playing pvp. There are competetiv games where the rewards are bad but you play the game for the competition part of it. WoW pvp is not like this sadly you need better rewards.

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Yeah see no one cares about this on the pve side. It is only PvP players that feel this way about their little cosmetics.

All of you have a mount in your journal that you went and farmed some old heroic or mythic raid for that you didn’t put any effort in to getting.

Yet no mythic raider is crying and screaming about it removing the “prestige”.

Same goes for the mogs. You guys don’t even practice the thing you preach. All of you go and farm mogs you didn’t earn during the pve season. Yet that’s fine. All those mogs? That’s ok. Go in and 1 shot a boss, that’s all good!

But 2200+ 50 wins for a single elite set is going to cave all of you emotionally.

Get over it.


Idk man sounds like I have my way and you need to get over it.

Nah I bet Blizzard allows it, and they should. Or they should remove every single mount and mog from every PvP player that wasn’t earned during the period where it was “content”.

Or just give it the pve treatment. You guys get a 1% chance to get the mount drop each reset. Let PvP players have a 1% chance to get a previous glad mount at any rating they q at.

Bout as much effort as walking in and 1 shotting a boss and looting the mount.

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I don’t care about any of what you just said. Psychotic take.

To be fair his take is your take from the other side.

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I ride slime cat. Everyone knows this.

Are you implying that mythic+ does not have limited time rewards :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Also people don’t participate in PvP for gear unlike raiding.

Tbf thats stupid too. I think those should be available, and noone would care if they were. And you get them for 2k wich is a joke. I think you should be able to get thos as well even tho they are pretty whatever and you get them without any effort.